h2>This golden scorpion, with supreme majesty, seems to be succumbing to Huo Li!

“No! I am Huo Li, it is a demon fairy! Determined to be detached from life and death! Seeking eternal characters! District God! How can I make acknowledgment allegiance?”

Huo Li knew the sea, suddenly a voice roared, let him all wake up!

Then he saw the sharp blade! ! ! !

The blade light crossed, the head flew up, and the blood rushed a few feet!

“hu hu hu ……” Luo Bin fell to the ground, panting loudly, his hands and feet trembled, almost impossible to control.

“I actually killed him!”

Until now, watching Huo Li’s bloody head roll over the ground, Luo Bin still muttered to himself in disbelief, general Huo Li, this monster like a demon, so dead in my hand?

Luo Bin’s eyes are disappointing, and some are avoced a catastrophe ecstasy and fortunate.

The night wind blew and brought a chill. Luo Bin looked around this little battlefield. Just a moment ago, there was still a thrilling battle here. Now, only the bloody body on the ground is still quietly telling. With.

This kind of scene almost made him fall into tears.

At this point, I was completely awake, and there was some heating in my hands and feet. When I stood up, I had to clean up the first level of Huo Li.

This is the first level of the enemy’s main lord. He has a great reputation and the highest value.

As for the other corpses, they only have to go back to life and send people to clean up.

Thinking of more than ten rides to kill a person, but being killed by the enemy like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables, and finally only one of them! Luo Bin’s mouth is a smile.

But at this time, the wind is flat and the chill is biting.

Luo Bin couldn’t bear it. He even stepped back and barely blinked. He saw the body of Huo Li, and he constantly appeared Silk Black Qi.

This black gas is visible to the naked eye, and it is getting thicker and thicker. It gathers into a cloud and floats in the air. The square has a size of fifty to sixty feet.

“This Huo Li, really is not a mortal!” I do not know why, seeing this scene, Luo Bin not only did not have half fear, but instead felt that it should be.

The black clouds rolled, turned into a wolf-like shape, landed on all fours, and stared at Luo Bin with both eyes, releasing fierce light.

From the wolf kiss, spit out the voice of human words: “Dare to ruin my body, bad cultivation! I want to take your body flesh and blood to make up…”

The black wolf roared and was about to rush.

Luo Bin holds the sword and looks calm. It is quite a bit that Mount Tai collapses in front and does not change color.

After this, he has already changed. If he can survive, the future achievements are limitless!

“evil creature! Hugh impudent!”

Luo Bin is putting his life and death outside, and when he is ready to fight, he will hear a serious voice, and he will ring from the sky.

With the sound coming, it is a golden hand, licking the French seal and pressing the black wolf!

“ao wu! !!”

The black wolf screams the moon, brings up the black wave, swept the big hand, and the golden hand did not care, from the palm, burning the golden flame.

Once the black gas encounters the flame, it is quickly evaporated, and there is no evil.

The big hand is covered with thorns, and when you come to the top of the black wolf, you will fall!

Just the wind that is brought up, the black wolf body will be slightly lowered, and the giant hand can be seen!

In this moment of life and death, the black wolf opened his mouth and spit out the inner core from the belly. The inner core is crystal clear, and there are also the black wolf’s centuries-old merits. When a wolf kisses, it rises in the wind and instantly becomes like a disc. Size, to the giant palm to stop, crossed the Void, rippling ripples.

“The light of the firefly, do you want to compete with the sun and the moon?”

The voice said again: “Set!”

It is the Divine Ability that comes with the words! This “fixed” word is exported, and in Void, there is a sound of solidification.

Void is like water, and when it is ordered, it freezes like ice.

The inner core of the wolf in the air, as if encountering great resistance, the impact of the impact, is getting smaller and smaller, and finally, even stagnated in the air.

The giant palm stretched out and pointed, and the inner core whimpered back, and Guanghua looked bleak and seemed to suffer a lot of damage.

Inner core Back to the black wolf’s belly, the black wolf is a scream, black air is scattered, the body shape is smaller than 20%!

However, it is known that this time comes a mighty power, can not be matched, the black wolf with a tail, the imperial wind, it is necessary to flee.

“Hey! If you escape, don’t you look true body, too incompetent?”

The sound is ringing again, but at this time, it brings a bit of joke. Hearing the voice and said: “Hey!”

The giant palm of the golden light is released, and the black wind is blown, and the giant wolf is pressed on the ground.

The golden light is turned into an iron chain, and there is rune on it. It flashes the brilliance and binds the black wolf’s limbs. The black wolf is not willing to roar. Unfortunately, the gold chain is getting tighter and tighter, finally unable to move a single step.

When the golden palm fell, the black wolf was picked up and flew into the air. After a while, it turned into a light spot and disappeared.

Luo Bin half-opened his mouth and still couldn’t believe it.

What I have just seen is too illusory. It is even more than ten times different than the anecdotes told by folk storytellers!

Only the huge palm print on the grass is still showing what was just happening, not vain.

Luo Bin stayed for a moment, but it was against the sky, solemnly saluting, saying in his mouth: “Luo Bin many thanks to the grace of the public, but also hope to leave a name, and later repay!”

After a while, I heard a vain voice, as if it had been uploaded from the nine days: “I am a god in the city, invited by your lord, to come to sweep the ghosts… I protect the people, it is the duty, you are loyal, It is a reward!”

“Many thanks to save the gods, Luo Bin will have a big sacrifice on the day!”

This city is a god, Luo Bin naturally likes thunder piercing the ear, although it is not a good faith, but the gods who can increase the production of this field, there are many good feelings, do not want today, you will receive this god grace!

After worshiping again, I got up and looked for Huo Li’s first level.

After the black gas disappeared, the first level also lost water. It seemed to be a dry corpse. Luo Bin did not care, but also peeled off the black armor of Huo Li’s body, and used the black blade, iron claws and other objects to find the general seal, as evidence. Only then left.

At this time, the sky has seen the morning sun, but it is in the early morning, Luo Bin recalls last night, such as the world…

“Respect the gods and good means!” Qingzhen real person stood on one side, looked at Fang Ming, separated the air to make divine power, took a scene of the black wolf, could not help but say.

This black wolf demon has a hundred years of loyalty, and has been cultivated into a positive fruit. It can be reincarnation of the body possession, even if it is a real person, it is not afraid.

But in Fang Ming’s hand, it was like a child, and was easily taken down, so that the emptiness of the heart, added a bit of taboo!

“Fellow Daoist has won the prize!” Fang Ming smiled and put the black wolf in his sleeve.

This black wolf is also a few feet in size, but when it comes to the cuffs, it is constantly shrinking, being sucked in, seeing the emptiness, and the face is pumping!

“hehe…true body Suxi researches these aliens! See you! See you!”

Fang Ming seems to be embarrassed to say.

“I am afraid that this god is the biggest alien!” Qing dynasty, and also read his own mountain gate protection, I do not know what means to receive it, whether it leaked the secret of the door, but also a little more sorrow.

“Okay! According to the agreement, Wu Hou’s death of the military soul, the true body will be all received. As for the state soldiers, it is the leader of the road, is super-degree, or refining what the god of protection will be, listen to it! Dispose of!”

Fang Ming puts the soul of the black wolf, but it is the agreement with Qing.

“Yes!” Qing dynasty for a moment, a touch of nodded.

This kind of military soul, the impurities are gone, not only is Yin Soldier’s good material, but also a rare material for Daomen.

Fang Ming smiles.

Since he wants to borrow some of the power of Baiyunguan, he does not mind, let him get some benefits.

He said: “Huo Li is already in the body. The 30,000-state soldier he led is also dead, falling, not a climate! By this victory, the central government of Wuzhou is almost no war! As for Wu The northern provinces, as well as the state capital construction industry, must rely on the road to help!”

“This poor Daoist saves!” The big strategy is so, and the virtual is promised.

“There are also Wuzhou scattered repairs, and should be prepared, the Taoist has not cleaned up yet?” Fang Ming asked again.

“This … the secret forces are secret, but please respect God!” Wuzhou scattered forces, intricately rooted, roots spread, and even a few, behind the white clouds!

This relationship is intricate, and it is not a matter of day and night to think about it and one after another.

“The true body is just a reminder in advance. Anyway, it will take Wu Hou to the day of Wuzhou, and rely on the dragon to sweep! Any demons and ghosts are free to withstand a single blow !”

Fang Ming looked at Qing Xu, and let the old road shed cold sweat, and suddenly he said.

“Respect God is very good!” To deal with this God, you can only rely on the dragon! Qing Xumu looked at his face, but he thought about it.


Song Jun camp.

At this time, the sky is bright and the sun is shining, bringing a rare refreshing.

Song Yuzheng was drinking a bowl of broth. He died a lot of horses last night, and wolves. These are meats. Although the meat is rough, the soldiers are mostly poor people, and they will not care about them.

Song Yu ordered the logistics to put the dead horse and the wolf body away, made it into a broth, and warmed up the soldiers.

It rained last night. If you don’t pay attention, you will get into trouble if you have an epidemic.

This broth exudes aroma, hooked people, Song Yu drank, the taste is also very good, there are also a lot of ginger inside, used to drive the cold.

“This soup is good! Have you sent the soldiers down?” After drinking, put the bowl down, Song Yu asked.

“Everyone has a bowl, it is a captive, but also a dry food…” On the edge, Shen Wenbin screamed.

“This is good! Last night, the soldiers died. Passing the will. After the early food, the army will return to Fucheng…”

Although I changed my clothes and now I have sunshine, Song Yu still feels a little chilly, just say.

“This is the benevolence of the Lord’s lord. I must have the following soldiers, and I will cheer!” Shen Wenbin squatted half-heartedly and said.

“There are no outsiders here, so you don’t have to say these imaginary things… Are there any statistics on casualties?”

Song Yu faintly smiled, asked.

This is a business, Shen Wenbin did not dare to neglect, and quickly said: “It has been counted out! Last night our army killed 2,300, the wounded and wounded more than 3,000, in addition, because of the heavy rain, there are thousands of soldiers lost, this morning Also began to return to the team…”r1152


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