Song and the work speed is very fast, not only immediately sent personnel, sent a message, still nearby, looking for a big house, clean up, please Song Yu rest. —{2}{3}{w}{x}

Can be in the vicinity of Song Yufu, since the official Aristocratic Family is first-class, see Wu Houzheng use his house, how dare to resist?

This Patriarch immediately moved out with his family and made room for Song Yu.

After the Song Yu washes and changes the new clothes, the sky is already shimmering, approaching the morning light.

Dismissed the service of the palace eunuch, Song Yu’s face, is Mu Ran sinking!

“Give it alone!”

From the darkness of the room, I turned out two silhouettes, one middle-aged, one old.

Old age, a robe, a fairy wind bone, is a true virtual person. In middle age, it is naturally Chen Yun.

When I saw the two people in the dark, Song Yu’s anger finally suppressed, and sneered and said: “Would you not be bragging to prevent nothing? Now what? It’s been forcibly to enter the center, if it’s not the city’s gods, I have to be dreamed…”

When I get here, I can’t say it anymore. People are arrogant and arrogant, and they should be more careful and avoid bad luck.

Even so, Qingxu and Chen Yun are also cold-blooded foreheads, and the gimmicks are like garlic: “It’s damn! It’s damn!”

The forehead touched the ground and made a dull sound. It was even deeper in the house.

In less than a moment, there was a beach of dark red on the ground. The foreheads of these two men were flesh and blood, and even white was visible.

The Bright Gown Guard led by Chen Yun is responsible for spying on the news. Single horse, actually did not see a little bit of clues, even Bright Gown Guard. Did not receive the news.

As for the emptiness, it is the same as the other scattered repairs, responsible for resisting the attack on the outside road, this dream immortal attack, actually did not see any effect, Rao is Song Yu, can not help but anger!

These two people. There are crimes of dereliction of duty, now see Song Yu flies into a rage, are fears in the heart. Hate can’t be killed here, to be loyal.

“Hmph! Is it dead here? What is the use?” Song Yu said, but his face eased.

“The order has been issued. The people of Bright Gown Guard. All out, be sure to leave the dream thief road in Wuzhou!”

Chen Yun looked worried and said.

“This matter, my outsiders will also be dispatched.” Qing Xu is also guaranteed to say.

Although it seems to be a half-step cultivation base from today, as long as one day does not open the door. It is still limited by the world!

When I came to Wuzhou, I was even a powerful dragon cannot repress a local snake. The combination of Baiyunguan and Bright Gown Guard is enough to pose a threat to the dream.

“Good! I will write a hand letter when I am alone, and I will cooperate with officials at all levels…” Song Yu is not confident in the assurance of these two subordinates.

After the previous fight, he understood the cultivation base that was too popular.

I know that the other side is unfathomable. If you dare to come here this time, you will have a perfect way to get away.

Besides, it is just because of the Divine Ability technique that is imposing, and where is the world, where can’t it be?

These two people, even if they are all out, can drive Mengxian out of Wuzhou, it is fortunate!

But they can’t help but be killed. They are killed on their own land and almost finished the Dragon Slayer. If they don’t retaliate back, Song Yu’s face is still not needed?

“Nuo!” Chen Yun and Qing Xu are all promised.

“But you wait for the crime of oversight, you can’t be punished!” Song Yu’s eyes were slightly stunned, his tone turned cold, and the temperature in the room was also dropped.

Chen Yun and Qing Xu are all looking at each other. They are all faceless and respectful.

“You wait for half a year, and Chen Yun, your Bright Gown Guard, the darkest in the army, all come out independently, set up a new institution, and be alone!”

After listening to this statement, Chen Yun’s face was gray and defeated. Song Yu, this is the plan to insert Bright Gown Guard into the military, completely abolished!

The painstaking efforts in the military before, but also all the water, and white for others to make a wedding dress.

But now, in the face of such a major event, this punishment can only be considered light, and it can be easily removed. It is not bad.

“As for the emptiness, your secret department has also been unloaded! As for the dark department, it is supervised by the Water Lotus.”

This dark part is also composed of a part of Song Yu’s external roads. It is responsible for internal stability and prevention of cursing voodoo and other dark things. Before the white clouds were viewed, Qing Xu was a real human cultivation base, which naturally took the lead.

This punishment is not too heavy, but it is still light for the crime of dereliction of duty.

The reason is that Song Yu knows that the dream fairy is well prepared, and the mana is strong and strong. These two subordinates have this performance and are also reasonable. Besides, under his men, there is no suitable person to take over the positions of these two people, so they are lifted up so high and gently put down.

“Thank you for your openness!” Qingxu and Chen Yun, all understand the truth, and quickly bowed to Shane.

“Well! You are all big talents, don’t let lonely disappointment!” Song Yu said, and then, there are some puzzles on the surface:

“Dream is a master of the world, how can you leave at will? The situation in the Northland seems to be somewhat outrageous…”

“Chen Yun! This is handed over to you, and Bright Gown Guard will also need to explore the Northern Army!”

“Nuo! Under the genus must wear sin!” Chen Yun squinted again, said in his mouth.

Song Yu’s face was faint, waved his hand, let Chen Yun retreat, and turned his head. He said to Qing Xu: “After the Daochang handed over the dark part, it was nothing to be light, can you be close to the waiter, and the orphan tea? ”

“Solid to wish!” In the eyes of clear eyes, the ceremony said.

Although it is a pity to lose the position of the dark part, but it is close to Wu Hou, close to the dragon, but also his heart.

“Good!” Song Yu smiled nodded.

In Baizhou, and even in the whole world, Baiyunguan is full of strength and deep roots.

At least, Song Yu knows that Baiyunguan has spies in the foreign governments, and is responsible for collecting intelligence information, summarizing them to the heads of the states, and then handing them over to the general.

Although this is not comparable to Wuzhou, it can be divided into counties, and it is also a feat.

At least, after the Baiyun view was attached, the news of the states in the world continued to appear on Song Yu’s desk.

In contrast, Chen Yun’s Bright Gown Guard is still new, with less foundation and time to precipitate, and there is no advantage.


Under the low-key handling of Song Yu, the dream of a thorn was still quickly subsided.

Facing the outside, it was said that Wu Houfu was in a fire and was burnt into white.

Although the big day gold wheel and the sky in the sky, the half city is visible, but the civilians naturally know the truth of the disaster, mostly three mouths.

As for the other Aristocratic Family, see Song Yu’s banquet for the night, and know that Wu Hou has nothing to do, no matter what his mind is, it is temporarily silent.

The major Aristocratic Family, fearing the majesty of Song Yu, did not dare to intervene in many things, and some reforms were quickly implemented.

The first thing to do is to count the fields and register the accounts.

In the past ten years of troubled times, the people have fled very much. The household registration documents of the counties, although somewhat referenced, cannot be fully convinced.

In addition, measuring the amount of land and demarcation, is also to prepare for the future opening of the city.

At the same time, Yuzhang prisoners of war and many criminals were escorted to Wunan and moved to the mountains to mine. These are all exquisite labor, and they are guilty of great crimes. They are not enough to die. Song Yu has already issued a secret purpose, so that Sun Hao can use it freely without pity.

These miners, under the whip of the army’s knives and guns and supervisors, are also constantly producing gold and silver and various precious minerals for Song Yu.

These are all wealth, along with a large amount of food, were transported by Song Yu to Azure Dragon, supporting the construction of Yuzhang and Hongze.

Song Yu himself has a wealth foundation, and there is less exploitation of the people. At the same time, he also gives compensation for the labor collected, which is the name of Renyi.

In addition to shouldering heavy taxes, the people of this world have to draw at least ten days a year to do things for the government without compensation. They are called “small servants”. Not only do they have no money, they are dry food, but they have to bring their own.

Now Song Yu has worked hard to build a house, not only to solve the problem of the displaced people, but also to send a lot of money and food, so that the people have more hopes of living.

Doing good things has to be spread.

Under the operation of Song Yu, the first batch of dark people had already gone to the northern part of Wuzhou.

Most of them are talking about selling books and singing first-class books. In addition to speaking in the usual time, they may talk about Song Yu’s famous deeds and bring souls to Song Yu.

There is also a class of priests in the voyages. In the streets and lanes, the fortune-telling solution will not be forbidden. In advance, someone in Wunan has a natural phenomenon, a golden flame, a watch of the day, and so on.

This is to seize the righteousness and win the legality of the destiny.

These propaganda, if there is no factual basis, is only a castle in the air, and its role is limited.

However, when Song Yu’s power is strong and there is a sweeping image of Wuzhou, it is justified and the trend is over!

Coupled with the promotion of Baiyunguan, even if the Aristocratic Family in the North is not willing to take the shot, it will not stop the reputation of Song Yu, and it will be in Wuzhou!

Since the last time, Qingxu Laodao has not been able to do things. After being punished in front of Song Yu, he has been bent on repairing the crack in the heart of the Lord.

Not only in the promotion of fame, but also vigorously, it is to launch a dark line, for Song Yu said Dingshan, Songfeng two houses return!

These two houses are located in the middle of Wuzhou, around Hongze. Although the troops have been transferred a lot, there are also two thousand soldiers. If you want to attack hard, you will also hurt a lot. Now, if you don’t fight, it’s the day. Great good.

Under the great joy of Song Yu, not only will the prefecture of the two prefects be retained, but also the gold and silver brocade will be given.

In the Chamber of Deputies, Shen Wenbin came in with enthusiasm.

“Wen Bin! The business of Dingshan and Songfeng Erfu, how busy?”

Song Yutou asked without asking.

“Hongfu, the population of Tianmu, has been clarified!” Shen Wenbin also left a beard and looked more mature.

“Well! There is also the belief in the city, how is the word of mouth?”

It is a long-term effort to stabilize the people, to scorn the thin, to stabilize the law and order, to be the quickest, and to be pretending to be a ghost.

“The towns of the counties are all built, and the response is very good…” After all, in addition to the Divine Ability, the city can increase the output of the mu, there are other gods, and the spirit of the people, the people receive the favor, the natural beliefs of piety.

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