Song Yu murders Divine Ability, not to look at his own. ~

The eyes turned to the east again, and I saw two large pieces of red and white gas, one of which was extremely red, and almost the white gas was not seen.

“This is Danyang direction, it seems that the strength is not weak!” Song Yu secretly said.

In the Danyang side of the air transport, not only the gas is almost pure red, the military is also very prosperous, extremely out of the ordinary, will be compared with the air.

However, the gas transport of several houses, although the number of gas is huge, but does not blend, but has the intention of mutual attack.

Song Yu saw it, it was sneer: “The enemy is not united now, but still wants to stand on its own feet and take the dead!”

However, I also know that the contradictions of the various governments are heavy and difficult to return. It is not easy to think about the alliance and not to delay each other.

As a result, it is cheaper Song Yu. Although the individual air transport is extremely prosperous, under the general trend, it is also an ant!

Song Yu looked up and saw his own dragons appearing, screaming under the siege of the military, and forced to go to the eastern provinces.

Affected by this, the entire eastern provinces and counties of the gas transport, it seems to have been hit hard, collapsed!

This is a good omen, indicating that Song Yu’s air transport is far more than the other side.

At the same time, in one place in Houfu, some people found this scene.

In the quiet room, Qingxu opened his eyes and awoke from the static repair. He muttered: “The dragon is boiling and whistling! Song Gong is going to move the army!”

On May 15th, Wu Hou and Song Yu successively took up the military after the Dingshan and Songfeng two houses. In addition to leaving 10,000. The guards have already gotten outside the territory, and the original army has been dispatched, and a large number of new pawns and descendants have been brought. The army claimed to be 50,000, and it was violently killed in Danyang.

The 50,000-strong army, in Wuzhou and even the world, is an incompetent force that can influence the world.

Song Yu took this military power and suddenly let the eastern governments panic.

Under the unprecedented pressure and the messengers from the state pastors, there are still gaps in the eastern provinces. But still formed a joint army, facing Song Yu in Danyang.

Moreover, the state animal husbandry is also joining the Wubei Aristocratic Family. Accumulate strength, ready to give Song Yuxi a knife in the back!

On May 20th, Song Yu army like a hot knife through butter, along the road county, see Song Yu potential. There is also a good king. All look down on the wind, Song Yu retains the official grade, all sent to Wu Nan appointment, put down the political team brought by Shen Wenbin, and set up a new rule with the local big forces.

After passing through the political hall and the recommendation system, Song Yu has also accumulated a group of talents with rich theoretical knowledge. It is only a little lack of experience, and now it is not so much. After all, compared to those who originally lowered the official, these people are more reassured to use. Even if there are some mistakes, the Aristocratic Family, which has its own local trust, can’t make any trouble.

The two parties are mutually restrained, and the probability of problems in the latter way is greatly reduced.

In the case of a stable retreat, on the 21st, Song Yu finally arrived at Danyang Fucheng!

At this time, in the city of Danyang, the military flag was continuous, and the strength of the eastern provinces was also gathered, with a total of about 20,000.

After the Song Yu army squatted down the battalion, they built a high platform for Song Yu and other senior generals to watch the situation.

“I thought that in the city of Danyang, the various associations could not do their best. They must be a mess. They don’t want to be really capable. They will match each other. Now it seems that there is a bit of weather!”

Song Yu Deng was on the high platform, and he saw the head of Danyang City. The staff was neat and organized, and he could not help but smile at the later generals such as Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin.

“Yes! Suddenly Danyang defensive Liu, the civil and military doubles, can be outstanding, now it seems that not just in name only, but also in reality.” Ye Hongyan looked at Danyang Fucheng, said.

“Now it should be the Sanfu defense to make adults!” Luo Bin added, adding.

“This is a personal talent!” Song Yu faint comment.

Danyang defender Liu is not only the defensive for Danyang defense, but also the official position, but also the lower level of the prefect.

However, Liu did not have the air transport. When he was defensive for three years and the foundation was solid, he died of the illness of the Danyang prefecture, and the world became increasingly chaotic. The state is in chaos, and the new prefecture has delayed the recent years.

This gave Liu the time, turned Danyang into a private, and took root. When the new prefecture came to take office, Liu had already completely controlled Danyang and was irreparable.

At that time, there was Wu Qizhi in the state, followed by Li Rubi and Song Yu. The sound was bigger than one. The state animal husbandry Zhao Pan was also powerless to Liu’s small movements.

Liu has already crowded out a few prefects, used private gifts, recruited soldiers, recruited talents, and gradually got a few full-fledged images. If you give some time, it is not a small prince!

Now facing the Song Yu army, several government units, and state herdsmen, as a middleman, I do not know how many exchanges of interest, was even elected as an alliance lord, but also obtained the state animal husbandry appointment.

This defense makes it a temporary position, but it is slightly higher than the prefect, and has a commanding name!

Throughout this person’s actions, it can be said that there is courage and enthusiasm, wise and decisive, but unfortunately, it is a bad day, now that it is the limit, it is not a big thing!

But between heaven and earth, there is always a chance to live, no matter who, there is Jackie Chan!

This time, as long as this Liu is no longer able to defeat Song Yu and win the dragon, it is natural to formally separate the surrounding capitals, and then establish a system to bring Wuzhou into jurisdiction, and it is not impossible to compete for the True Dragon!

But how difficult is it! The strength of each other, difference between Heaven and Earth, for Liu Wei, it is fortunate to be able to keep Danyang!

Not everyone, there are gods behind them to support! ! !

“Hmm?” Song Yu suddenly saw a scene, a corner of his eyes, some smile: “This Liu is not, really thought through! Hongyan! Prepare! The enemy has changed!”

Ye Hongyan quickly looked at the direction of Danyang, and saw the city gate open, from which a team of people came to see the scale, about a thousand people.

Liu has not read the military books, and naturally knows the truth that will be lost for a long time. This sends people to fight, one is to test the strength of Song Yu’s army, and the other is to motivate morale!

In particular, when Song Yu’s army arrived, he was still unsettled. Seeing Liu’s old-fashioned temperament, I thought that if I saw the flaws of Song Yu’s army, this person would dare to go out of town and fight for it! ! !

This bloody spirit makes Song Yu feel a little moving, but then, it is sneer, when the power gap is too large, any blood brave and even tricks are useless!

“Since the enemy has been invited to fight, it is impossible to be weak by loneliness! Can the pulse be taken for the first level?” Song Yu said with a smile. Although it is a question, it is actually a military order.

“The end will obey!” Dianlang out of the salute, this young man, now has been the six guerrilla deputy general, commanding both cities, the top of the yellow gas full.

After such a long time, Song Yu also promoted several generals.

In addition to Ye Hongyan, Luo Bin, and Huhe, the other three generals, Song He, Dian Lang, Pan He and the others, are also the masters of the six guerrillas, and their men are also expanding. All or three.

“Good! Take a trip, go to fight!” Song Yu looked at the top of the head of the wave, the sound of life, Shen Sheng said.

The original code wave, the head of the life is pure red, is the talent of a county, the highest can do the command of the seven products.

If you go up again, there will be some repression, and if you want to promote it, you will get into trouble.

However, after Song Yu’s confession, after gaining the fate of the destiny, his talents are constantly improving.

After several battles, Dianlang has also searched for military books. The current life has already produced a yellowish color, but it can be used as a six-person post.

This discovery also makes Song Yu relaxed. Otherwise, in the future, he will fight for the world, and the war will be frequent. His men will have independent tasks. From time to time, they will have to fight thousands or even tens of thousands of troops to go out to crusade.

If it is still the previous life, it will definitely not be a heavy responsibility.

However, it is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive to find talented generals, but also the speed of talent increase after the establishment of the system is also restricted by the rules. It is Song Yu. If you want to force changes, you will have to work hard and lose more.

Now my master knows how to make progress, and my life is also changed by myself. It is great! ! !

Perhaps, when you board the True Dragon, you will be full of people! Song Yu could not help but expect.

The dynasty waved the high platform, issued a military order, and pointed out the headquarters of all the people, and camped with Danyang soldiers.

Song Yu saw this, and some said with a little rest assured: “Luo Bin! You bring black feather ride, for the pulse of the wave!”

“Nuo!” Luo Bin went down, and soon thousands of cavalry rushed out of the big camp, after the dynasty of the dynasty.

The horse snorted and the hooves lifted up, causing bursts of smoke, and the Danyang soldiers on the opposite side suddenly felt unstable.

After all, if thousands of cavalrymen initiate an assault, with a thousand steps, there is only death.

At this time, I listened to the top of Danyang Fucheng, and heard the sound of the snare drum, and there was a flag soldier order, and the city gate was also closed.

The more than a thousand Danyang soldiers who came out, in the case of the retreat of the road, the Lord will shout loudly, but also converged the mood, ready to fight back! ! !

“Kill!!!” opposite the general loudly shouted, with Danyang soldiers slammed into the pulse wave army array launched a charge!

“hmph !long spear 兵兵! Archers are ready!” Dianlang rides a red horse, with a disdainful color on his face, and gives orders.

With the military order, all the people under the dynasty wave arranged the battle, the gunmen were at the forefront, and the sharp gunpoints took the blood trough, aiming at the Danyang soldiers who rushed up.

“Archer! Put!!!” The speed of the Danyang soldiers charged, some of the expectations of the pulse, a few in the blink of an eye, rushed to the front of the army, the archer of the archer is immediately ordered.

Chi! ! Chi! ! Chi! ! Chi! !

The bowstrings were tight, the arrows rubbed against the sound of the air, and the first few Danyang soldiers rushed down, and several arrows were inserted into the body.

But behind the Danyang soldiers without fear, stepping on the body of the companion rushed!

“This…” The face of the pulse is a bit ugly.

According to past experience, the archers take turns and fight against the infantry. At least two rounds can be shot. I don’t want these soldiers to be so fierce!

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