
Because of the encouragement of the Tucheng command, Song Yu’s men’s soldiers, red eyes, screaming, rushing to death. *

Every move, with a crazy color, as if the usual resentment qi with the body savings, have played out, have lost humanity, such as wild beast!

“Song Jun is crazy!” This is the common feeling of defending the city.

In particular, I saw a lot of Wu Junshi soldiers, even if the weapons were knocked down, still dead, even with the teeth biting, holding the enemy together from the city wall, this feeling is even more obvious!

At this time, in the Song Yu camp, in addition to the Chinese army, all other departments seem to be burning with flames, full of energy!

The movements of the soldiers were three points faster than usual.

“The trebuchet! Send!!!” Ye Hongyan screamed.

“peng!” “peng!” “peng!” “peng!”

Huge stones were thrown at the city wall, making a huge noise.

“The arrow tower is pushed! Don’t stop the trebuchet! The siege car is ready!” Ye Hongyan ordered.

The order was quickly passed on, and the huge arrow tower was driven by the soldiers and killed toward the city wall.

The soldiers braved the arrows and the fire, regardless of life and death, marched on the body of the companion!

This kind of fanatical atmosphere, seeing the side of the counselor Ye Jianfeng, are somewhat guilty!

“Uncle! Let the soldiers rest…” Ye Jianfeng looked at his uncle, and his face was crazy, and he quickly asked.

“Resting? What are you resting? It’s hard to get the city wall down now. It’s the time of the soldiers. How can it be abandoned halfway?”

Ye Hongyan roared, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he saw Ye Jianfeng’s heart screaming. If you know how to persuade, it will not only help, but also a big disaster!

“Insane! It’s crazy!” Ye Jianfeng muttered.

Looked towards the Chinese army big account, see the military camp is neat, the soldiers are well organized, and it is still relaxed: “As long as Wu Houzhong army is not chaotic, there is no trouble in the moment! Is this the effect that Wu Hou wants? But it is not long! Strong military. If you get a big setback, I am afraid it will collapse…”

Ye Jianfeng knew that the Song Yu army at this time was like a dry firewood that met a fire. Burned out the most vigorous physical strength!

Although it is extremely prosperous, when the firewood is burned out, it is a great disaster!

Wu Hou is so confident that he can be burned before the blood of the soldiers. Laying down Danyang City?

Ye Jianfeng thought about it. I also remembered the scene when I saw Wu Hou, the man, the scorpion was dark, unfathomable!

“peng!” When Ye Jianfeng meditated, several huge towers hit the city wall.

I don’t know what kind of mechanism was launched. From the top of the arrow tower, huge wooden boards were extended. Connect to the city wall to form an aerial pontoon!

“Fast! Fast! Fast! Cut the wooden bridge!” The officers of the defending city saw this scene. Hurry and drink.

After the roaring, he led his own soldiers and took out a long knife. He had to cut off the wooden bridge.

when! ! The long knife was cut on the wooden bridge and the sound of metal collisions was made. The wooden bridges were also covered with iron sheets to increase the defense.

“Not good! Get on the fire! Burn this bridge!” The officer issued an order.

Unfortunately, it is still a slow step!

“Kill!” From the tower, the Song Family, who was red-eyed, screamed and screamed to the city.

This scene is very bloody, many soldiers and the enemy perish together, jointly beaten down the city wall.

“One battalion has gone up! The second battalion is going on! Don’t react to the enemy!” Under the arrow tower, the dynasty wave sipped.

I pressed my own camp to the next camp.

Such scenes happen on the entire front.

In the middle of the military camp, Song Yu sat on the high platform and closed his eyes to raise his spirit. It seems that the tragic scene not far away has nothing to do with him.

Below, the six thousand Chinese army waited quietly.

“Report! There are already 13 siege machines damaged, can not be used!”

“Use all the stocks, don’t worry!” Song Yu eyes are not stunned, faintly said.

“Report! General Ye has already grabbed a section of the tower! It was shot by the arrow! Dongshan Prefecture suffered heavy losses!”

“Tune the reserve army!”

“Nuo!” The soldiers quickly went down to order.

After a short period of time, the commander came up again: “Report! Ye Jianfeng took the initiative to fight, has led the soldiers, won the castle!”

“The fruit is the door!” Song Yu opened his eyes and praised the sentence.

“Take the mountain and the government again! Tell the generals, the whole army will be on, don’t have to keep your hands!”


With the command of Song Yu, the battle on the city tower has fallen into a hot situation.

“hu!” Ye Jianfeng erased the blood on his face and slashed his sword. He forced a Danyang soldier to open it. He had been using his physical strength for a long time. Now he is almost unstable.

“Brothers! Hold on! As long as you support it for a while, the reinforcements will arrive!”

Ye Jianfeng is in the city of Danyang City, and because of this, the enemy’s counterattack is also the most fierce.

There were still 500 people on the rush, and now there are only two hundred left.

Originally, he was a counselor. He didn’t have to visit the front line. Ye Hongyan was killed at the end. It was completely red-eyed and sent his own soldiers. I even want to personally lead the siege!

Ye Jianfeng tried hard to persevere, and finally he could only volunteer to fight, instead of Ye Hongyan leading the soldiers to attack the city.

The physical strength of Danyang Bing is also consumed to the limit. Ye Jianfeng leads the army and is a forceful force. He actually gave him a castle!

“xiu!” The arrow hits and turns several soldiers near Ye Jianfeng into hedgehogs.

“Shield player!” Ye Jianfeng drank.

Two soldiers with shields came forward and guarded Ye Jianfeng.

“Sure enough, in the chaos of the army, the most sinister! You are a general of the three armed forces, can not hide the cold arrows, only dead end one …”

Very strange, life and death, Ye Jianfeng still has a heart to think about other things.

“Get me back to the tower! Otherwise you and I will be headed!”

At this time, I heard the opposite shouting loudly.

From the gap between the shields, Ye Jianfeng saw a man who looked like a general. Behind him is a soldier wearing a leather armor.

This will wave a hand, but also put on his own soldiers, leading the elite to kill the castle!

Song Jun and Danyang Bing. Around this tower, there was a fierce battle to turn it into a meatball.

“Hah!” Ye Jianfeng stabbed a knife and pierced an enemy. At this time, he had a leisurely look at his opponent. He saw that he was a half-year-old boy with a slight fluff in his mouth.

Eyes burst. It seems that some are still unbelievable.

Rao is Ye Jianfeng who has been in the army for a long time, and at this time he does not have a sense of guilt.

“Sorry! Battlefield battle, this is the case!” said in silence. Pull out the long knife.

The long knife stuck in the flesh and blood, and the leather armor blocked. Ye Jianfeng only had to step on the corpse to exhaust the long knife.

Pu!! ! The long knife is pulled up. Bring a puff of blood.

Ye Jianfeng gasped. Looking up around, the body has almost no consciousness, in order to look up, it takes a lot of effort.

At this time, the corner of the eye, I saw that the two uncles specially sent to themselves by the uncle were drowned by Danyang soldiers.

“Looks like it! It’s going to be lost today!” Ye Jianfeng’s heart suddenly had a clear comprehension.

At this time, looking around, the number of Wu Jun soldiers is getting less and less. The same is true of the occupied territory, and the circle is getting smaller and smaller. There is almost no place to stand, and it will be forced to the city wall.

At this time, two more Danyang soldiers were killed.

Ye Jianfeng shouted, the long knife came out, and they were killed together.

In the end, his physical strength was not good. After Ye Jianfeng killed a Danyang soldier, he had a knife in his right arm and a long knife.

Looking at the Danyang soldiers who sneered at the front, Ye Jianfeng finally thought, but it was the memory of the past. Numerous pictures flowed quickly. The last thing that stayed was the silhouette of Wu Hou Song Yu.

“I don’t want to be a great person! I really want to see if Wu Hou can sweep the world, and the people are a great man, but unfortunately! No chance…”

Ye Jianfeng closed his eyes to death, only heard the sound of the blade piercing into the human body, but there was no pain in his body. He knew his mind and opened his eyes.

I saw a sturdy man who seemed to be a savage man, but dressed in a uniform of the Song army, and stabbed the long knife into the body of Danyang.

“Mountains and soldiers?” Ye Jianfeng naturally knew about the different ethnic arms of Wu Hou.

“It seems that the reinforcements are coming in time, fortunately! Fortunately!” The heart could not help but feel lucky.

Looking at the city, I don’t know when, I have already set up a dozen ladders, each and everyone is a savage and screaming.

Shan Yueshi, there are many kinds of oil on the face, and there are all kinds of wild beast teeth on the neck, and they drink the native language that Ye Jianfeng can’t understand. If they are not wearing military uniforms, the weapons in their hands are also standard. Under the jade.

Ye Jianfeng saw the Shanyue soldiers, although they looked strange, but they were fierce and brave. They were not fake. When they first arrived at the city, they opened the situation and killed the defenders. It is useless to let the defenders furious.

“Warriors! Kill! The gods of the city are watching us, and for the dead of God, they will be able to get the supreme glory!”

Huhe boarded the city wall and used Shan Yue language to inspire the courage of the soldiers.

Seeing the officer in the armor opposite, he laughed: “Let me call and take your head, make a wine glass, and dedicate it to Wu Hou!”

This sentence is spoken in the official language of the Dagan, far and near.

“Hahhhh! The barbarians are killed!” Danyang generals were furious and killed with their own soldiers!

“haha! Are you afraid of you?”

He laughed and waved the weapon in his hand!

He was born with a strong arm. He was crowned by Fang Ming and became a temple. After he got the gods, he was like a tiger that has grown wings.

The weapon used now is a Wolf Tooth Club weighing two hundred pounds! ! !

This Wolf Tooth Club is purely cast iron, full of barbs, even if it is gently crossed, it will bring a lot of flesh and blood!

Huhe laughed, the Wolf Tooth Club, which weighed more than two hundred pounds, was as straight as nothing in the hand, and waved a few times, and the Danyang soldiers who rushed on it would be broken.

Like a humanoid beast, a few times before the generals, the Wolf Tooth Club flew the long sword in the hands of the enemy generals.

Then I will be on the chest, oh! ! The generals flew out, and even the armor of the chest, there was a huge depression, and it was not alive.

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