In the winter, the courtyard is covered with a layer of snow. ++++

In the middle, but the family was swept out of an open space, revealing the ground floor of the bluestone slabs, the years are mottled, and many traces have been trampled, which are somewhat old and more ancient.

Yang Yun is wearing a strong sword and holding a long sword. The clothes are very thin in the winter, but they don’t care. The head is even white.

Standing for a long time, Yang Yun left his hand with a sword, and stepped on it, but it was a set of Sword Art. This is a daily morning exercise, and the thunder does not move.

In the courtyard, the silver light flies, and the phoenix rises and the weather is strong.

“hu!” After a few laps, Yang Yun opened his mouth and spit out, and the white gas pen shot straight out, showing the out of the ordinary internal cultivation base.

Seeing Yang Yun’s sword and standing, the little servant who was serving at the side hurried forward, handing over the towel and other things, and kept complimenting in his mouth. “Yang Young Master’s Sword Art is more refined, and the small station is so far away. I can see that my heart is fluttering!”

“Your mouth is sweet!” Yang Yun smiled and said, he did not care to hand the long sword to Xiaoyan, and took a towel to wipe.

“How dare you dare to tell lies? At the beginning, Yang Young Master was less than three months old and learned out of the ordinary sword technique. Even the lord was very surprised!” Xiao Xiao is not laughing, Yang Yun just came. Many servants look at this watch, Young Master’s text is weak and weak, and they are somewhat contemptuous. They don’t want to spend a few months, Yang Yun learns to be superior in martial arts, strong and strong, no longer comparable.

The lord here refers to Cheng Xun.

Hearing here, Yang Yun’s eyes also showed a few different colors: “Xiwu can strengthen and strengthen the body, I also lost it before I know how to cherish…”

Little eyes wide open. I don’t know what the Young Master is saying.

Yang Yun sees this, not much to say, and verbally said: “Prepare hot water. I want to bathe, then I have to worship and ask my mother…”

This has rules, naturally prepared, and Xiaoyan no longer thinks about it. He said: “The soup is ready, waiting for Young Master!”

After bathing and changing clothes, Yang Yun looked solemn. Came to a small cubicle in the yard.

As soon as the door is opened, there is a scent of sandalwood, accompanied by some smoke. I saw a table in the middle, with ornaments and incense sticks on it, and the sacrifice was a god. Juvenile appearance. The manner is majestic.

I don’t know if everyone’s craftsmanship was originally carved, or the gods were worshipped day and night, and they were self-satisfied. Every time Yang Yun went to the sacrifice, they felt that this statue seemed to live, especially the eyes of the gods, revealing the agility, pan Rays of light.

“I don’t know if it was the last time in the city. Looking at it…”

Yang Yun couldn’t help but think about it, and then quickly took it. “When you sacrifice, be sure to be sincere. What am I thinking about?”

Just dressing the crown, igniting three long incense, respectful worship, and then inserting the long incense in the small copper stove for the table.

The silk was smoky, with a touch of sandalwood, and the thoughts of Yang Yun were brought back to the past.

I remember a few years ago, I was still a Confucian scholar with no hands and no strength.

Unexpectedly, on the way to Jianye, it was a coincidence that the city was so eager to value and temporarily borrowed the body. Afterwards, it gave a lot of compensation, not only to fill the body’s loss, but also brought many unspeakable benefits.

Not only is reading unforgettable, it is martial arts, but also has a high innate talent.

The original Yang Yun had no interest in the martial arts. He even had some contempt in his heart. He believed that Wu Fu did not know how to learn, but he was a rough person.

However, after a lifetime of life and death, especially the body energy filled with the power of the gods is full of energy, comfortable and incomparable, in stark contrast with the previous body, in order to maintain, Yang Yun also had to be thick and thick, and I would not see before asking for these. “Rough learning.”

Cheng Xun had a younger sister letter before, and he was distressed that this scorpion was weak and weak. Seeing his desire to learn martial arts and keeping fit, he was not very happy.

As a patrol, he did not mention the collection of martial arts collected in the government. It was a local gang. He also had to sell a few thin faces. He gave a few sets of high-level martial arts. Cheng Xun came from the military and took the essence. , cut it down and passed it to Yang Yun.

Yang Yun innate talent has passed away, and it has worked hard. In less than half a year, there will be a trend of blue and blue than blue.

“Many thanks the gods of the city gods!” Think of this, Yang Yun solemnly salute.

After reading Wu Hou, the current Wu Guogong entered the city, it seems that he also intends to promote the city’s beliefs in the construction industry. For this reason, even the Zhao Family ancestral temple in the center of the city was demolished and transformed into a city temple, and it is not necessary to sacrifice the city. So sneaky, like a ghost, can not help but even more happy, thinking of the completion of the city temple, they have to go to the two pillars of incense, give some incense, ah! Not only that, but I have to bring my aunt to pray for them…

Wait until the gods come out, Yang Yun look at the sky, the sun shines, shines on the white snow, the glittering piece is very dazzling.

“I don’t want to have arrived at this time, I still have to hurry and ask to ask!”

Seeing some mistakes, Yang Yun no longer appreciates the snow scene and speeds up the pace.

“Is it a cloud? Come in!”

Yang Yun just came to the front of the door and was about to knock on the door. He heard the sound of screaming inside.

Do not hesitate, just push the door in, see Cheng Xun sitting, the serving maid with a copper basin towel and other things to retreat.

“I have seen you!” Yang Yun respectfully bowed.

“Well! I heard that you smell chicken and dance every day, and you are constantly refining, and you are very happy. This is better than my unfilial son. I don’t think about it when I am young, but I’ve got gang of scoundrels everywhere. ……”

Cheng Xun saw Yang Yun, his face was gentle, with joy, referring to his own children, but it showed anger.

In this case, Yang Yun did not dare to pick it up, stood up and listened quietly to Cheng Xun’s complaint.

After the venting, Cheng Xun lost his smile: “The people are old! Some people like to complain, the cloud is strange…”

Yang Yun lowered his head: “The spring and autumn are prosperous, and several big brothers are just a little confused for a while, and they will wake up in the future!”

At this time, Cheng Xun, although there are some old-fashioned attitudes, but Yang Yun can not forget, just recently, who is with the confidant, in one fell swoop to break the state pastor, even forced Zhao Pan to do it!

“You just have to comfort the old man. I can still see this thing.” Cheng Xiangshou smiled and paused, and the tone turned to solemn. “You come here today, you must consider it clearly.” Let me talk!”

“Hey, I still want to take a test!” Yang Yun looked at Cheng Xun and said, there are different rays of light in his eyes.

Song Yukai’s imperial examination, widely recruited the talents of the world, has been spread throughout Wuzhou, passers-by know, and there is a trend to spread throughout the world.

As a state governor, Jianye’s news spreads more quickly.

“You…Aiya !that’s all !that’s all ! Since you are willing to give up, you are not forced to go to the exam, look at the number of lives!”

Cheng Xun said with a smile: “Yu is also counted as a military official in the military for many years. This is a system that is really unheard of. It is not limited to anybody. Anyone can take the test… If you are not happy, you will not cancel the recommendation. Yuner You let go and try it!”

Yang Yun smiled, and Cheng Xun was only a patrol before inspection. His official position was not high. However, after he entered the state pastor, he made a promotion. He also had the recommendation to become a official of the nine products.

This son, naturally stared at by many people, especially the sons of Cheng Xun and the wife behind them.

As for looking for himself, it is a slap in the face.

As long as you are recommended by the way, you will have the official body from the nine products. For Yang Yun, who is still white, you can count as to the skies with a single leap, but you can’t think so.

“It’s hard to pay for it! I’m borrowing a house, I have to cultivate it. It’s already very difficult. How can I seize the opportunity of my cousins?”

After the past journey revealed his mind, Yang Yun immediately felt the sorrowful and resentful gaze of the niece and the table brother. The aunt was waiting for him to be as good as ever, but it made Yang Yun even more uneasy.

The decision in my heart is that the imperial examination is not in the middle, and it is absolutely impossible to let the use of the referral opportunity!

“It’s a big deal! I went to the government office to register. I heard that I also had the identity of a sergeant after I learned it! If I have done something right, I have merits and merits, and I can’t be promoted into an official body!”

Yang Yun’s eyes flashed, but he made up his mind!


Song Yuli’s imperial examination, the news of selecting talents without any restrictions, was the same as Wu’s, and headed for the whole world.

The official of this world is basically relying on the recommendation, the cold door and the children of the farmer, even if they are only eight, and learn to be rich in five cars, do not rely on the Aristocratic Family, they have no recommendation.

It is to sell and trust, and Aristocratic Family is also taking care of their own clansman, how can they give a good seat?

When it comes to the officialdom, the foundation of the family is not thick, no one will look at it, and the family will not be able to stop at the top of the five products!

This is the general situation of this cold talent!

And when the door to the entrance is firmly held by the Aristocratic Family, how difficult is it to raise your own family?

The family is not good, and the talents have no way out. This creates a vicious circle. When the sky and the earth turning upside down, when the Qiankun changes hands, it will not be easy.

When the True Dragon is in the upper position, the attached family forms a new force gate valve, and the latter is blocked, so it is a cycle of three hundred years.

Before the Song Yu’s political office, it was only a self-cultivation of talents. The scale was small first, and most of them were only employees, and they were not promoted.

However, the imperial examinations are different, and the scholarship treatment is equivalent to the priesthood. The treatment of the person is equivalent to the history of the ceremony. If the person is out of the office, the official body of the nine products can be obtained!

The first imperial examination is not limited to identity. As long as you know some words, you can go to the official residence to take the test. How much temptation is this for the world’s cold scholars?

Although the examination time is scheduled for December, there are already many scholars who will leave for Fucheng or Jianye.

Among the students who rushed to the exam, there were both the young people of the Hanmen and the Aristocratic Family. They also had the appearance of a farmer, carrying bamboo poles and ragged clothes, but they decided to go to the examiner for a moment.

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