Song Yu saw a little golden azure into his own air transport, could not help but win. ~

“This time the government test, the income of Shifeng! The state test is also fast! This time the personally hosted, always find talent, make good use of it!”

In fact, the imperial examinations are still not perfect. In Song Yu’s heart, there is another layer in the state test, which is called the temple test. It is to bring together the people from the whole country, and Song Yu’s own test, and then he can select talents.

This is the entrance to the scholar, just coincided with the Song Yu predecessor.

“Now the conditions are limited, and the people can also make use of it. In the future, the Jinshi can enter the official position. This is not busy in advance, and can be handed over to the staff to set a complete rules and regulations…”

Although the thoughts in my heart have turned back thousands of times, Song Yu’s surface is only silent for a while, and it is: “Send the list back to the public halls and give you a new show!”

“No!” He Dongming held the list with both hands and quit.


Here, Yang Yun was asked to go to the study room: “Yun, my uncle recently asked about the imperial examination. I heard that Wu Guogong is very concerned. Bright Gown Guard is densely covered, and even a few old relationships are afraid to reveal words. But if you count the days, the results are in these days, can you be sure?”

Yang Yun smiled bitterly, this kind of thing, three points rely on destiny, seven points rely on hard work, he did not dare to guarantee, now see the uncle and the old things re-introduction, or said: “The children read poetry in recent years, and next to I am involved in miscellaneous studies. I am not sure that I am not a good player, but I also have confidence!”

Seeing the eyes of the nephew, Cheng Xun could not help but sigh: “that’s all !that’s all ! are with you!”

I am thinking about how to arrange if this pediatrician is not in the middle. Just listen to the sound of a bang from outside.

Cheng Xun was found, the voice of the swearing was not yet exported, and the door of the study was pushed open. The old steward gasping for breath came in, but his face was full of joy: “Medium! In the middle! Cloud Young Master high school show, the official people have come to report, now waiting outside!”

This voice is not small, Cheng Xun just wants to swear words, he swallowed, laughing and said: “haha! This is my way of transport!”

Old steward again to Yang Yunhe joyfully said: “Congratulations to Cloud Young Master. He Xiyun Young Master, today’s high school show talent, will be able to come in the coming year!”

“Your words are good!” Yang Yun is excited in his heart. But I can still make it myself, but there is some flushing on the face, showing the unrest in my heart.

“Yun! I’ve been to the Tuen Mun messenger since I’ve been there, and I’m going to have to pay for it!”

Cheng Xiao laughed. Holding a hand of Yang Yun. “After your state has tried, you will have to pick up your mother in the coming year and share your family…”

When Yang Yun came to the main hall, he saw several servants wearing public costumes waiting. At this time, he saw Cheng Xun and Yang Yun, eyes shined, and went forward to the ceremony: “See the process of adults!”

He also congratulated Yang Yun: “Congratulations to Yang Xiucai High School!”

The small cockroach at the back immediately put on the tray, with red silk as the base. It was very auspicious to look at, with several documents on it. There are also tokens and the like.

Seeing Yang Yun is somewhat puzzled, the headed servant explained: “Yanghusband high school show talent, there will be priesthood in the future, this is a token, which can be exempted from servitude! In addition, according to the system, the show can go to the door every month. There are five acres of land leases, and there are five acres of land leases. It is located outside the city and is also a congratulatory gift from the government to the hospital!”

“haha! Yuner still does not accept! Steward, offer Xie Yin! Please ask the two tolerances to go back to the feast!”

Looking at Yang Yun is a bit dull, or Cheng Xun took the lead to react and said.

When you arrive, Steward will bring the tolerance to the back room, and the process will look at the token instrument. After a long time, it is a sigh: “Wu Guogong has a heart!”

Yang Yun just read more books, and I don’t understand them too much. I asked: “What happened to my uncle?”

“While your home is thin, but it is still full of food and clothing, naturally do not know these things, how much incentive for ordinary farmers!”

Cheng Xun touched the paperwork token on his hand and explained to Yang Yun: “The moon is five buckets of white rice, enough for one person to eat and even have a balance. Five acres of land is not a small fortune. With these, the farmer’s cold doormen immediately Can get rid of hunger, these are not what, the most important thing is this token!”

“The priesthood status, the status is different at the same time, at least the village is just like the village, it will not dare to humiliate, but also exempt from the servitude, it is into the county, it is also a small identity … hehe! This is only a show, treatment It’s so thick, I can be sure that when the news comes out, the whole world’s cold and talented people will come to the imperial examination!”

Cheng Xun spent a long time in the officialdom, and immediately saw the meaning of Song Yu.

Yang Yun startedled, and immediately sighed and said: “Wu Guogong is the hero also!”


Although there are many joys in Jianye City, there are still a few places, but they are immersed in the fear of blood.

A team of soldiers and horses came, and the headed military commander looked at the plaque on the door of a large courtyard and said to himself: “This is this!”

The officers and men of the armor are bright, and with the murderous aura, the passers-by are rushing to avoid, deeply afraid of what is causing the disaster.

Others can go, but the door of this house can not go, pale face, body tremble, go forward, ask: “Every… everyone… military, what is this?”

When you talk, your teeth tremble and make a rattle.

The officer seemed to ask at random: “Is this a historian?”

“Yes! This is the historian!” When the door came back, the subconscious mind was quite a bit. Obviously, this historian was not too small, but the door was also honored.

“That can’t be wrong!” The officer smirked, and with a long knife, he broke into the chest directly!

Blood in the mouth of the door, falling to the ground and dying.

The officer took a deep breath and immediately screamed: “The historians defy Tianwei, conspiring to rebel, Wu Guogong has orders, and his family is annihilated, don’t let go!”

The sergeant behind “Nuo!” replied loudly, then rushed to various places and strictly controlled to prevent the historian clansman from escaping.

Such a big movement naturally inspired the inside of the house, and there was a person who looked like a steward. When he saw the body of the door, his face was pale, but he still supported it: “Do you know where this is? This is the house of the county history. My home Patriarch, I used to be a dynasty… ah…”

After the steward had not finished, he was shot by a chaotic arrow and made a scream.

“Who cares for you!” smiled at the first officer: “When I go in, the dog does not stay!”

With the behind-the-scenes, he went to the house of his own house. Not long after, the screams of shouts came from him. Occasionally, there were still a few sergeants who were waiting outside the wall to capture and kill.

After half an hour, the historian has been blood flowing into a river.

The same scene, in the city of Jianye, is constantly being staged, and the Aristocratic Family is eliminated with lightning speed.

In the Wuguo Gongfu, on the heart of the lake, Song Yuzheng and Bao Tingbo played Go.

“Today is the day when the imperial examinations are released, and the state celebrates. The election of Yin Xian at this time, the thunder and killing, is really a good plan!”

Bao Tingbo fell a word and said in his mouth.

“Since they had resisted the private soldiers, they had to be enlightened by the death of the dead!” Song Yu should have a hand and smiled.

At the beginning of the danger of Danyang, Song Yu did not forget.

After Baojia offered the city, because his status was not stable, Song Yu only killed a few leading Aristocratic Family, and he went silent.

In the dark, but the forces are solid, waiting for the opportunity, and monitoring the Aristocratic Family control, finally selected to attack at this moment!

The rest of the rebellious Aristocratic Family, homes, sacrifices, and acres of land are here, easy to get away from it, and self-sustaining law does not blame the public, actually was killed by Song Yuyi!

In addition to the early death of the strong man, the Aristocratic Family and a few dark veins of the exiles before the Song Yu encircle the construction industry, the rest of the Aristocratic Family of the private soldiers were annihilated.

Bao Tingbo looked at Song Yu and his eyes were sighing.

These Aristocratic Family are almost the majority of Jianye Aristocratic Family. They only know that they have deep roots and are fearless, but they don’t know that they are in troubled times, and they don’t have private soldiers, but they hold the manor house in their hands, and they are like urchins holding money. How dangerous it is.

After this battle, Jianye Aristocratic Family can be described as an elite. In addition to the strength of the Bao family, it can be used as a wall, plus a few small and medium-sized Aristocratic Family, the construction industry is one of the forces.

“These Aristocratic Family will be followed by a stipulation of the sentence, the property will be confiscated, and its Tianmu store, Baojia and Song Family will be half!”

Song Yu went down again, but he did not raise his head.

The hand of Bao Tingbo is slightly stopped.

In the troubled times, the weak are prey to the strong, the reason why he sits here, the default Song Yu behavior, is also the reason.

Although some of the rabbit dies, the fox grieves, but the Aristocratic Family rotation, chaos with the True Dragon, is also common sense, in addition to the door valve, which Aristocratic Family can be exempted?

Just… Bao Tingbo looked up and looked at the young man who was smiling.

Between the laughter and the laughter, the strong enemy is flying away from the smoke. At this time, Song Yu has already turned his hand to the cloud and covered his hand for the rain!

“Perhaps the chosen Qianlong, there is really a world of hope!” In the heart of Bao Tingbo, suddenly there was a feeling.

“Husband !father adults!”

At this time, the sound of the jingle ringing sounded, but Bao Xinxin came in. At this time, the young woman dressed up, the eyebrows opened long, adding a touch of moving style.

“It’s made into a pastry, and Husband and father are invited to taste it!”

Bao Yuxin gave a ritual and sat down, and the maid behind her hurried forward and put on a few small dishes.

“hehe! Yin Xian just came to taste my daughter’s craft!” Bao Tingbo smiled.

“It’s just hungry!” Song Yu threw the pieces into the chess box. After the net hand, he picked up a piece of cake and put it in his mouth.

“Well! Sweet but not greasy, endless aftertaste, good! Good!”

Listening to Husband’s compliment, Bao Xinxin’s face is obviously bright: “If Husband likes it, he will do it every day!”

“How can you make you so tired?” Song Yu shook his head and refused.

When the two look at each other, they will have a tender feeling.

Bao Tingbo sees this, but it is laughed heartily, daughter and the Qianlong couple are harmonious, but what else to say?


At the 27th year of the first year of Hongzhi, the Wuzhou government ended, and the eight talents were in the middle of the show. At the same time, Song Yulian destroyed twenty-seven big families, Aristocratic Family blood flowing into a river.

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