The sarcoma old man took a moment to wake up.

“Yes! This god golden light is vast, the mana is so powerful, it must be the god of the city! I heard that this god can be outstanding, and the princes who funded can defeat the white dragons who have supported the support of Baiyun… and forced Baiyun to bow down… ”

The old man is Azure Wood Sect Master, and the secrets of the classics are all proficient, naturally knowing how easy it is to do both.

Qianlong is the bell of Wuzhou Longqi, Tianyun is in the body, and there is Baiyunguan in the back. This city god can actually go against the sky with one’s own strength. This strength is really terrible and awesome! Needless to say, killing the Baiyun Temple and oppressing the real person bows down – although this is a matter of Baiyunguan’s efforts to conceal it, but after a long time, how can you get through Wuzhou’s local tyrant?

At this time, I felt the fluctuation of the golden hill. The old man in the sarcoma had remorse in my heart. I wanted to speak. I saw Fang Ming sipping in the mouth: “Hey!”

Golden Hill Guanghua skyrocketed, slammed down!

This pressure, there are a few unt Mount Tai and the North Sea! Destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, the clearness of the distance is seen, the face is tight, the scalp is numb.

Pa!! !

Seeing the Aoki squad under the gold seal, although trying to extract the gas and maintain the brilliance, it was not supported. The azure light retreated and the gas burst, showing the Qingmu sect building behind.

Inheritance A hundred years, several times to fight the green wood savage Aoki squad, today was finally broken for the first time!

At the moment when Aoki’s big bang was broken, the sarcoma old man and several other Elders behind him were all white on the face, and “wow” had to vomit a big mouthful of blood.

“true body said that this big array is so flexible, it can also be connected with the host’s spiritual knowledge, such as the arm. But unfortunately, this way. Once the big array is broken, the main line will be seriously injured!”

of course. If even the Aoki squad is broken, it is not important that the main squad is seriously injured.

“Cough cough … … is the god of the city? Please also spare me the Qingmu Zongdao system. From now on, I am the leader of the Qingmu Zongwei Shenmao!” The sarcoma old man coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, barely said.

Fang Ming directed the crowd, Yin Soldier, and surrounded the Aoki sect, and said with a negative hand: “If you want to let the true body let you go, you can’t do it. Just promise true body.”

“Please also respect God! There is nothing wrong with Aoki Zong!” Although it is inevitable that the conditions proposed by this god are inevitable, but under the life, the old man does not care for this much.

“It’s simple, true body just needs to read your way!” Fang Ming said.

When the words are exported, they will see a large scorpion of the Aoki sect, and the old man with the sarcoma is also complexion greatly changed.

The sarcoma old man’s face gloomy and uncertain for a moment, only smiled and said: “Although the condition of knowing God is bound to be difficult, but I don’t want to ask for it! I send classics. It is the Taoist system, absolutely not to be seen by outsiders, but also respect God raised his hands and changed the conditions!”

Fang Ming squinted at the old man. “Compared with the whole faction, I have to know how to choose, if not. True body only has to destroy you first, then look for classics. It is the same!”

“So, please respect God and let us discuss it for a while!” said the sarcoma old man.

“Yes!” See Fang Ming nodded. Old man was a long-sounding tone, gathered several Elders and called several young people up.

“Senior Brother! How can you give it to outsiders!” Elder asked loudly.

The sarcoma old man smiled bitterly, seeing several younger generations also came to the front, looking around in a circle, said: “You wait for peace of mind, I am a member of the Qingmu Zong, it is a death! Can not smash the Tao!”

“Not good! He is going to…” Qing Xuan frowns, at this time heard this sentence, could not help but blurt out.

“haha! It’s late!” The sarcoma old man laughed and put two Dao Talisman on the young man: “Changsong, Cangyun, remember to hide the name, and send me to inheritance!”

“Yes! Master!” The pines and the clouds burst into tears, and the silhouette gradually blurred in Guanghua.

“Hugh off!” Qing Xuan burst, drink a hand, you must go to the pines and clouds.

“haha! Aoki destroys the pie, how can there be no martyrdom?” The sarcoma old man laughed, the whole body of blood came out, the mana surging, showing a sword, blocking the Qingxu.

“Blood-smelting secret method!” Qing dynasty pupils shrank, this is a desperate method, burning its own blood essence, in exchange for a moment of mana, and then it is saved, it is also a waste! Old man is doing this, it is to save the heart of the martyrdom, and want to die!

“Senior Brother is just a matter of restlessness, and the Junior Brother will arrive!” Elders saw this and shouted loudly, and the blood was so full that they had a heart! Want to escape time for the pines and the clouds.

These Elders are big and mage cultivation bases. The sarcoma old man is a half-step real person, and the magic method is used to stimulate the mana.

“I don’t want to be in the middle of noisy, there are also such loyal people!”

Just when the two young people were about to disappear, Fang Ming felt like a nail.

Right hand As the swaying, the light of the mysterious gold flew out and flew to several Elders.

The light of this mysterious gold was small, and Elder, who was bombed, was as badly hit, his chest was sunken, and he flew out.

“Leave the true body!”

With the words, Fang Ming pressed his left hand, and the sarcoma old man was like a heavy mountain. He was firmly pressed down to the ground, the whole body was bursting, his eyes were red, his eyes were cracked, and his mouth was screaming.

Only between raising his hand and lifting his foot, he cleaned up the sect master and Elder of the fight, and Fang Ming smiled at the blank and almost disappeared from the silhouette of the silhouette: “true body see these two little friends The heart is happy, please leave a narrative!”

I don’t know how to use it, the brilliance of the pines and the clouds are dissipated, and the pale faces and trembling silhouettes of two young people are revealed.

“thief … thief!” Seeing the last hope is shattered, the sarcoma old man actually shed blood, bite his teeth, spit out this sentence.

“Bold!” Fang Ming has not said that the sham is loudly shouted, and the Thunder Palm looks towards the sarcoma.

This family of Lei Fa, good to destroy the soul of the soul, clear this move, is actually to destroy the sarcoma old man!

Hey! The Thunder Palm was blocked by a thick golden light. It was not printed on the old man. It was clear when it was seen, but it was the first time. “This poor Daoist sees this thief actually utters madness, insults and respects God. Take the lesson, the more you are, the more you don’t blame!”

“The true body will not blame you!” Fang Ming said, and he was clear about the emptiness.

There is a part of the Taoist classics, which has always been passed down from mouth to mouth, not falling into words, and even banned by the power of the spell. Once the intention is leaked, it will backlash, so as to keep the secret.

Both the pines and the clouds, between the rushes, I am afraid that the essence of the 50% is not available, and the rest of Elder is also the most important inheritance, still in the sarcoma old man.

Before the Qing Dynasty, I wanted to catch two people, namely, Cangsong and Cangyun. Now I am anxious to destroy the Sect Master of Qingmu. It seems that I am very concerned about the Qingmu sect.

Fang Ming looked at Qing Xu, like a smile yet not a smile, and looked down at the old road and sweated.

This is also a human nature. Fang Ming remembered a heart, but did not attack. He was more interested in Qingmu Zongdao.

Right hand 虚 “ Give true body out!”

The sarcoma old man has lost his eyes, a transparent silhouette, but was forcibly captured from the celestial body and fell into the hands of Fang Ming.

A closer look, but it is a transparent villain, the face is vaguely old man.

“This is the capture of the soul of the soul! Bitter also! This Qingmu ancestral classics, but even my Master also attaches great importance to it, bluntly recorded the road to the mutual existence, profound mystery infinite, do not want to fall into the hands of this city! ”

The souls are all taken, and they can slowly torture the secrets of the classics. Seeing this in the clear, the heart is implicitly shouted, but there is no action.

A few times ago, some of them were too obvious. If you shoot again now, you are completely out of the way, and you can’t deny it!

If the city smashed his face, the emptiness and the white clouds behind him, they were not sure!

Seeing this in the Qing Dynasty can only be silent.

Fang Ming will collect the corpus of the sarcoma old man, still seemingly intent to say: “You wait for it!”

Right hand Even catching, will be a few Elder and the soul of the pines, clouds and clouds are also taken out of repression.

Qingmu Zong sect master and Elder both use Heavenly Demon Disintegration Divine Ability, which is also seen by Fang Ming. It is natural to know that these people’s bodies are completely necrotic, and it is also a white rescue. It is better to directly torture the soul. It is more effective!

“sect master !” “Elder !”

The remaining Aoki Sect people, seeing this scene, but it is chilly, and many still cry.

“The rest, please also Fellow Daoist!”

Naturally, the wicked can’t do it by himself. Fang Ming collects the spirits of important people, and rummages through the books and books of the ancient hall of Qingmuzong, leaving a sentence floating in the air.

“oh! You don’t have to blame the old! Only complain that you are waiting to teach against Tianwei, and against Wu Guogong, you have this robbery!”

Qing sighed, Thunder Palm sent out, and beat a Greenwood sect.

“You wait for it!”

The five sons of Baiyun got the decree, and they also made the implements. They began to slaughter the Qingmu sect.

In the case of the Elder sect master, the strength of the Aoki sect master was so great that there was no enemy of the emptiness and the others, and it was quickly killed.

At this time, Xie Jin and the others came up, checked the corpse, and took a fish that escaped the net.


Seeing that the outside discipline was killed, some people in Baiyun Wuzi asked.

Qingxu naturally knows what the discipline wants to say – Qingmu Zong can survive under the pressure of Baiyunguan for many years, the strength is strong, there are naturally many good things in the old nest, and then wait for it, it will be done by Fang Ming!

“No hurry! Wait a second!”

Qingxu is a bitter smile, knowing that he has not yet competed with the city to fight for the spoils of war, discouraging the behavior of the discipline.

A moment later, Fang Ming came out from the green hall of Aokizong, and only held a few scrolls in his hand. This book is very old, but it is still written in bamboo, and the leather is stringed. It is very simple, at least three hundred years ago. Antiquities.

“The true body takes these pieces, and the rest are for you!”

Fang Ming met Qingxu, but it was lightly smiled and said in her mouth.

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