Qing Xu and Fang Ming came together, and there were three thousand Yin Soldier behind. The military condensed into a cloud. Such a big movement was naturally discovered by the cultivator of Dragon-Tiger Mountain.

On the Dragon-Tiger Mountain, the aura flashed and several daoist silhouettes came to Fang Ming and the others.

For the first time, it is a middle-aged Confucian scholar with a refined face and a book-like atmosphere. He seems to be reading poetry.

At this time I met Qingxu and Fang Ming, but my face seemed to be dripping with water!

“You are coming very fast!” Confucian said, and he seemed to mutter: “Before you received the book of Qingmu Zong Lingguang, the door is preparing to be dismissed, and you don’t want to be a step late…”

“Good thief! Surely collusion! The plot has been for a long time!” Hearing Confucianism said, Qingxu is sneer.

Since there is a connection between the Tao and the book, the transmission is even more rapid. It is too tacit between these scattered Sects. Qing Ming and Fang Ming rushed here, but it took about half an hour to pass. The speed of the letter, to do this, is not easy, it must be a long time!

“Our people, lack of resources, are pressed by Baiyunguan, and they are crushed and annihilated. This is just self-protection!” Confucian smiled and looked at Fang Ming: “This should be the god of the city, hear the king.” In Wunan, the fields are open, and the number of living people is hundred thousand. When there is a big heart, great merit! I don’t know if I can be merciful, let me send direct disciple?”

“You wait for the resistance to Wang Fa, the true body is also a command of life, powerless!”

This is of course a lie, but the Fang Ming killing intent has already started. It is not ready to let go of one person, because he knows that it is today that he has spared the life of the discipline, which is the vengeance of the ruined family. Forgot? Must be buried in hard work. Waiting for an opportunity to revenge! Although both Fang Ming and Song Yu are not afraid, they are too lazy to accompany these bugs.

Seeing the last hope is shattered, Confucianism grows and sighs, and a bright yellow seal appears in his hand. “If that is the case. Then it will be based on the destiny! In the next place, for the sake of the system, the ruin is ruined!!!”

As soon as the words fall, the dragon and tiger phantom emerges from the seals, and the momentum is horrible! ! !

The seal of Confucianism is the secret of Dragon-Tiger Mountain – Dragon and Tiger Seal! Like Aoki’s Aoki squad, it is the color of the bottom of the box. Among them, the snake demon and the tiger demon are banned for five hundred years!

If the two demons work together, they can defeat the real person, and retain the Divine Ability secret method of the original demon, and it is even more preventive!

Confucian students know the situation urgently, in order to gain time. Give the door a chance to transfer, and use this treasure as soon as it comes up!

“Elder Chen, Elder Li, leave with the discipline! Go to the North, don’t go back to Wuzhou!”

Confucian students turned red, and seemed to want to drop blood, but the figure was standing tall and straight, facing Elder later.

“As you bid!” Chen and Li, Elder, had tears in their eyes and bowed to Confucianism. I didn’t go back without leaving.

“Disease!” Seeing that two Elders left, Confucian scholars put down their minds and tried their best to make the dragon and tiger prints. Dragon and Tiger phantom split into two ways and rushed to Fang Ming and Qing Xu. It seems that it is an idea to drag Fang Ming and Qing Xu here.

“Fellow Daoist, before the Qingmu Zong, true body sees the huntering heart. Even Wu Guogong’s intentions have not been asked, it is a bit rude. Now the time is tight, can not delay. Or please out of the dragon, sweep away the small!”

Fang Ming sat down and took the words, and the words came out, and there seemed to be no shots*.

“It should be like this!” Qing Xu caressed to smile, first come out.

In the face of the dragon and tiger phantom that was thrown, I played a law and temporarily blocked it. I asked for the intention of Wu Guogong of Ming Huang and read it on the spot.

“… There are Qingmu Zong, Dragon-Tiger Mountain, Daqimeng, etc., who are not convinced of the rule of the king, and there are many evil deeds. Today, the Baiyun Temple, the Chenghuang Temple will be annihilated, and the resistance will be killed!”

Clear the voice of the Qing Dynasty and read the meaning of the sentence.

At this time, the people present, I feel that the ground is thundering, and a great majesty is coming! ! !

This is the killing and killing, suppressing the Five Elements, the dignity of the cold and chill!

In the surrounding Void, the red and white French nets emerged. From the intention, a bright yellow air with azure in the bright yellow sky, and the French Open, together, turned into a red white Flood Dragon!

This Flood Dragon has two corners and four claws, which is very similar to Song Yulong, but only red and white.

When the Flood Dragon came out, facing the dragon and tiger phantom, it was a big noise, like a thunder, with electric light.

Dragon Tiger phantom sighs and sighs back, and the body shape is reduced by several times. It seems to be greatly damaged. It has not entered the dragon and tiger prints. The Confucian students connected with the mind are also white on the face, spit out a large mouth of blood.

“Dragon…the real dragon!”

Confucian students smiled bitterly. Although the Dragon Shadow on Dragon-Tiger Mountain to Baolong Tiger Seal has a dragon shape, it is essentially a demon snake. Today, when it encounters the power of Flood Dragon, it is beaten back to its original shape.

At the same time, the red white Flood Dragon is long, the dragon’s power, all over the personal li.

Far away, Confucian scholars will see that in the mountain gates, all the magical auras are extinguished, and there is a discipline to escape with the technique. It is also impossible to make it out. Normally accumulated mana, it seems to be useless at the moment.

Confucian students smiled bitterly, and immediately sensed with the body. He had a half-step cultivation base. At this time, although he could barely sense the body, he couldn’t move any more. As for the external Spirit Qi, it was blocked by the dragon. may not.

“I heard the tyrannical temperament, suppressed the Five Elements, Dao Cultivator, and the mana lost, like a waste! See you today, sure enough, name is not in vain 呐!!!”

Confucian grows and sighs.

The dragon gas originates from humane air transport, suppresses Five Elements, kills and kills, but it is the majesty of the authorities. The ordinary Taoist is the Zheng Qi official who is in charge of County Magistrate. The mana is not working well, let alone the dragon?

It’s just a rare look, and today I’m immersed in it, only to know that the rumors are not exaggerated, but some have shrunk.

Even the half-step real person of Confucianism, under the dragon’s temperament, is also the loss of mana. If it is not repaired the martial arts of the refining body, then even the ordinary big man can’t beat it.

Seeing the dragon, Confucian scholars know their own mountain gates, I am afraid I can’t escape today!

In the case of all failures of the technique, the Dragon-Tiger Mountain can be washed and the dogs are not left as long as they come to the last battalion.

At this time, I laughed: “After receiving Wu Guogong’s order, I originally intended to rely on it, but I couldn’t resist the Fellow Daoist of Qingmuzong and Daqimeng. I am reluctant to go back and forth together, and I refuse to confess, oh! Fellow Daoist mistakes me. what!”

“What is the use of this at this time?”

Fang Ming sighed and immediately ordered: “kill them, don’t let go!”

Fang Ming’s Yin Soldier and Qing Xuan’s Baiyun Wuzi, although they are also cultivation people, are their own camps. Under the dragon’s temperament, they can also force the mana to become a mortal dragon-Tiger Mountain. It is simply a massacre!

“Nuo!” Xie Jin took out a long knife and sneered.

Pu!! ! The head flies up and the blood springs rush!

Fang Ming right hand Once caught, the Confucian spirits are still taken out and earned into the sleeves.

Then I closed my eyes and no longer asked, letting the Dragon-Tiger Mountain turn into the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea…

After half an hour, the brigade was on the line, and on the Dragon-Tiger Mountain behind it, the flames rose and the sky was almost red.

In the raft, Fang Ming plays with the dragon and tiger in his hand, and expression is somewhat interesting.

Since he realized the Divine Ability, he has some interest in the neems of the Neems. This dragon and tiger seal is the ancestral magic weapon of Dragon-Tiger Mountain, and he has his own eyes.

At this time, the mind was surging and the inside of the dragon and tiger seal was detected.

After a long time, Fang Ming opened his eyes and there was some joy in the eyebrows. “This dragon and tiger print not only banned the two big demon’s fine, but also has thirty-three roads, and the power is endless. It is the essence of the Taoist method of the Dragon and Tiger Master!”

“The material of this dragon and tiger print is even more special. It seems that it is not something in this world. It is rumored that the dragon and the tiger are the only ones in the world. After polishing for 30 years, they will get the dragon and tiger seal, which is the foundation of the Dragon-Tiger Mountain!”

“The material of the strange stone outside this day, but it is similar to the one in the memory of the previous life of Mu Qing – Stars Iron is somewhat similar. Later, it was mixed with many cherished sacred materials. These later laws and seals are not worthy of being matched. This is a fine jade!”

“When comprehend these prints, the true body will be printed and finely smeared, and then used in the Art of Refining. If you want to come, you can get a magic weapon! I don’t know what level? How about the luck of the treasure? ”

Fang Ming holds a dragon and tiger print, and there is some expectation in his eyes.

At this time, a golden butterfly flew into the shoulders and stopped on Fang Ming’s shoulder, seemingly talking about something.

Fang Ming listened, the face turned to sink, and the dragon and tiger prints were collected in the arms, “stop!”

The brigade stopped and Qingxu came over and asked: “Why is this so respected?”

“true body got the news, the big flag alliance sent a flee, went to the direction of Jingzhou Jiangxia, I have to change the distance, go to the people to intercept!” Fang Ming will just get the news.

“I have waited for the two factions to be destroyed. Even if we tighten up, it is not too fast to spread the letter. Fortunately, there is only one big flag league left, and it will not be a climate!” Qing Xu Ting said, this result seems to be still feeling satisfaction.

Whether it is Aokizong or Dragon-Tiger Mountain, it is a giant in the Sect. The Baiyun Temple has been surrounded by many years. Now, even the two are destroyed. I am afraid that the rest will be repaired. It is also everyone’s self-defense, thinking about fleeing Wuzhou.

“hehe…though the words are said, but in addition to the truth of the evil, the true body still knows! The team changed hands and went all the way to the people!” Fang Ming said.

At this time, a paper crane flew from the sky and fell into the hands of Qing Xu, and turned into a letter.

Qingxu read a few lines and immediately said: “I have also got the news, the big flag alliance flees, the route must pass the people!”

The face is still full of surprise, Baiyun Guan as the landlord, well-informed, actually still a little later than the city news.

When did the power of the Chenghuang Temple have spread throughout Wuzhou, and even above Baiyunguan?


After the Aristocratic Family blood flowing into a river in Wuzhou, Song Yu was in the Wuzhou cultivation world.

Not only the extermination of Qingmu Zong, Dragon-Tiger Mountain, but also the burning of the mountain gate, but also in the flag of the United States to escape the race, the league lord disciple nets, the soul is gone! ! !

For a time, Wuzhou cultivation world Wanma Qiqi!

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