After Fang Ming’s politeness, with doubts on the face, he asked: “Since most of them have asked the Taoist door to come to practice, how can they leave out many of these lonely ghosts, this is not…”

In the latter case, Fang Ming did not say that it seems to be taboo.

“oh! Who said no?” Although Fang Ming didn’t say anything, the old man was like a friend, and hated and said: “The priest who called the nine ghosts is not small, but also the village. A pair of ploughing cattle, three black dogs, said that it is necessary for the ceremonies… The maiden, the black dog is okay, the ploughing cow is the lifeblood of the village…”

I still vomited to the ground with a sigh of relief: “What is more human life is that this person received a tribute, although the Jiangling resentment qi, but released a lot of fierce ghosts, the evil of 10 li Patong’s father!”

It seems that he has no good feelings about what the nine ghosts are.

“originally is this way!” In Fang Ming’s eyes, there is a touch of interest.

After saying goodbye to the old man, Fang Ming set foot on the way to Gangneung.

“Well, the surface of the resentment qi has been exhausted, and there are no signs of condensed yin in the veins. These nine ghosts are real people, and it seems that they have done something…”

On the official road, Fang Ming rode his throat and opened his eyes to Divine Ability, faintly commented.

He has recently read more Tibetans, and he is more familiar with Shinto. The tales of Aokizong and other factions are mostly from real people. They are exquisite and deep, and the memories of the past life Mu Qing. At this time, Fang Ming’s insights on Taoism are almost equal to half. A real person can naturally see the layout of the nine ghosts.

“This is the nine souls of the soul, the good to suppress the bad spirits, super murderous ghosts. Only the nine secluded gate of inheritance has long been cut off, do not want this nine ghosts real people also understand. It seems that Jingzhou’s Dong Xuan faction, in the nine secluded classics Got a lot of benefits…”

Fang Ming looked in the direction of Jiangling. Seeing a green color rise, suppressing the resentment qi inside Jiangling City, and even breaking the yin of the ground, so that Jiangling will not be turned into Ghost Domain.

“Just, since it can suppress the murderous ghosts, why do you let the sporadic souls escape? This is unreasonable…”

Fang Ming thought, paying attention to the slogan of the nine ghosts and the layout of the nine souls, you can know that the nine ghosts are real people. It must be proved that the real person law, the cultivation base is even above the emptiness, how can it miss a few fierce ghosts?

Unless this is intentional!

“Interesting! Interesting! It seems that I have to meet with these nine ghosts!” Fang Ming smiled and stood still, but the donkey under the seat was a squat and ran faster.

The city of Gangneung is the central governor of Gangneung, and the people are the most prosperous. Unfortunately, after the massacre, Fang Ming is closer to Gangneung. What I saw was the more desolation.

After the soldiers were rioted, the people in this place were not rehabilitated but they moved early. Although Zhou Yu immediately issued an Anmin notice, he bound the soldiers. Appointing officials to appease the people, but unfortunately this is not a one-off event. Especially for the people who have seen the war, unless it is hard to leave. Most of the others went to the relatives in the field.

Among the people, there are also well-informed people. It is too important to know the location of Gangneung. Although this time it fell into the hands of the Metropolitan Governor, the stone king in the west and Wu Guogong in the east are all against Jingzhou glare like a tiger watching his prey, and there are few times to fight, and Jiangling City is absolutely not immune. !

The last time I escaped my life, I am already lucky. Now dare to try again?

This has caused Jiangling to be not densely populated in the past few months, and it is far from the general Fucheng. It is similar to several counties in the vicinity.

“Come on, is this Jiangling City?”

Far away, there was a black shadow in the sky. As it approached, the black shadow gradually became larger. At the end, it merged into a wide city wall, stretching into the distance, and the sun was shining on it, showing a quaint history. Sense.

Only on the city wall at this time, there are still large bumps and traces, and even dark blood, and some people with yellow skin and thin skin, took tools to repair.

Around the city gate, there are a lot of people, water and land in parallel, there are many merchant ships crossing, and freight is flourishing.

Passers-by are in a hurry, mostly dressed as soldiers, with armor and knife, and sharp eyes.

The entire Gangneung looks like a complete militaryized fortress!

“There is still a bit of popularity in this Jiangling City, but there are too many soldiers and businessmen, and it’s best to have war money!”

Jiangling is a major town in Jingzhou. Zhou Yu has to guard against Song Yu and Shi Longjie. He has almost used all means to strengthen his defensive power. Not only has he recruited heavy soldiers here, but he has also recruited the victims. The strong ones have trained into soldiers, and the rest are used to repair the city. Wall.

This post-war reconstruction, together with the massacre overnight, copying the family and destroying the family, and getting a lot of gold and silver antiques, etc., need to be shot.

It is an infinite number of business opportunities, and it is understandable that merchants gather here.

“Just when I dare to eat meat, at least the caravan of the door valve, or a few counties to join forces, or even the big government can not enter …”

Fang Ming thought about it and went straight into the city.

“What? What is the instrument?”

The defending city sergeant saw Fang Ming azure clothes, but he did not dare impudent, but his tone was not very respectful.

Just a few months ago, Aristocratic Family in Jiangling City, many of them died in the hands of the soldiers, saying that the defending city soldiers also killed a few, can be awesome to blame!

If it wasn’t for Zhou Yu’s strict order, he would send a military squad to patrol. It’s not good for Fang Ming to be regarded as a fat sheep.

“I am a Changsha person, come here to visit friends, this is my instrument!”

Fang Ming said, he touched the white paper from his arms and shook it in front of the soldiers. Inadvertently, there were a few strange fluctuations flashing.

“Well! You please!” The stun of the sergeant, then respectfully bowed, let the road open, and the soldiers around, as well.

Although Fang Ming took out the blank paper, the defending pawn was awe-inspiring and seemed to see something unacceptable.

Fang Ming used the spell to make the city gate watchful. He thought that he was from the Aristocratic Family in Changsha. This is the big governor Zhou Yu, the land of the rising dragon. There is a marriage between the Aristocratic Family, and the relationship is intertwined. What relationship can you have with the big governor!

Even if it is a soldier, most of them are from Changsha. How can they offend their local tyrant?

“Many thanks!” Fang Ming nodded, and rewarded the soldiers for a few dollars of money, only Shiran left on the donkey.

“Hey?” A big soldier around seems to come back to his senses: “Boss, how do you just knock a few dollars of money, put the book and leave, I see his clothes look, his body is not small…”

“Fart!” Cross-examined Fang Ming’s sergeant looks a bit identifiable, and may still be a long-term leader: “It’s a poor scholar, there is no money, it’s not bad, you can also ask your brethren to drink!”

It seems that I completely forgot the identity of Fang Ming, and then I thought about it even if Fang Ming looked a bit fuzzy.

“haha!big brother said that after waiting for the shift, I will wait to drink together…”

“When it comes to wine, the yellow wine in the old Zhangdian of the street is good. How about we going there?”

“What is the pleasure of drinking light? Go to Qingyiyuan, call a few powderheads, and let the brothers enjoy it…”

The surrounding guards were all laughing, and each of them talked about the rise and left the people waiting to pass the border.

The people around are secretly angry, but they dare not distinguish, bow their heads and lower their brains, and do the image of the people.

I even turned a blind eye to what happened just now.

I don’t know if it’s a long-term or a long-lived person who sees this scene. It’s even more smug. He has a look. These people are ragged, and it’s not a big deal. It’s nothing to do with it. It is offended by a few small Aristocratic Family, and there is nothing. They are all under Zhou Yu, waiting for the Aristocratic Family. They are not in the eye, and they have the right to have a knife in the chaos. It is really a pleasure!

“The law of this, really the out of the ordinary!”

Fang Ming walked on Jingzhou Street, looking around with both eyes, as if looking at the scenery on both sides, but in the dark, it was reminiscent of the technique that was just applied.

This method is not Divine Technique, but Fang Ming’s self-docking book.

Although the method of Taoism is to use its own mana, Fang Ming sees Superman, and has the power of azure power, and simulates the magic of the area, but also with no difficulty.

Suddenly, I suddenly gave up, and I was stunned by the city gate guarding the bloody military guards and the surrounding people.

What’s even better is that after Fang Ming left, other people will only remember a poor and sour scholar. The appearance of Fang Ming will be blurred, but it is not to be surprised.

“The way of the door, exhausted, ingenious!”

Fang Ming sees the characteristics of the Daomen method. This kind of cultivation is not easy. Every method is used on the knife edge. Normally, it is carefully calculated. Be sure to seek the best possible results with minimal effort.

The Shinto spells, because of the vast majority of believers, the incense and the infinite powers, will open up and reunite, radiant, calm and calm, but delicate but somewhat inadequate.

These two can only say that there are advantages and disadvantages, just different on the road.

However, it can also be used for reference.

“true body” This improved technique not only confuses people, but also applies them to them. Even the people who pay attention to them will be attracted by the technique, and then they will be able to extricate themselves. The formidable power will increase and the scope will be larger. ……”

Fang Ming is trying to figure out what he has just used to make a move.

This will not only deepen the study of the Taoist door, but also enhance its own accumulated heritage. It will be of great use for the later understanding of Great Dao Law and then the breakthrough bottleneck!

Fang Ming thought that the payment was over, and when he looked up, he saw the sun on the west and was nearing the evening.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the ground, rippling orange red ripples of light, the ancient road of the sun, the pedestrians are sparse, the donkeys trotters, watching the more desolation.

“The scene of the wandering alone in a foreign land is like this!” Fang Ming sighed, and then he kept walking and walked to a building.

“Guest is a tip or a store?”

Clever little two quickly came out to solicit business, it turned out to be Inn.

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