This is going to Wuzhou, thousands of miles, the world is not too flat, there are many chaos and bandits on the road, which is called step by step.

If it is an ordinary person, it naturally produces a sense of slackness and retreats with a jade pendant.

However, Fang Ming Guan Ning Ruochen is a legal person and has always been a heavy promise. This is very unlikely.

Then, it is to see his chances, if it is dead in the road, naturally everything is off.

If you can still get to Wuzhou, it means that whether it is a character, a life, or even a chance of luck, it is good, you can entrust a heavy responsibility.

It is also a talent for the law to see this Ning Ruochen. Song Yuxi has many vacancies and has his own seat.

However, this is the case, Fang Ming can not secretly send someone to guard what to monitor.

Give you the opportunity, see you grasp, grasp it, is your chance of life! Can’t hold it, it’s also your life! Resentment to others!

Fang Ming has been in the city for more than ten years, and has already seen the world, and now the heart is more and more indifferent, aloof and remote, overlooking the people.

On the second morning, after the farewell to Ningruo, Fang Ming rode the black scorpion and set foot on the road again.

“hehe! Master, the blood food last night was so good and healthy, when will it come again?”

Next, the black cockroach stretched his big tongue and licked his mouth. It seemed that there was still some unsatisfactory. I couldn’t wait for a few more blind people to let him gorge oneself.

“At the time, you are still a good student. If you let outsiders see it, you are ready to be a blackbird for a lifetime!”

“There will be it.” Blackbird said.

Also licking his lips: “Yesterday’s staying up late is really good, after exercise, the meat is delicious. Very chewy!”

“Is there a difference between human flesh and human flesh?” Fang Ming asked casually.

This black scorpion was banned by Fang Ming yesterday and temporarily turned into a demon. He is deeply committed and acts in the flesh. Naturally, it is not affected by the suffocation of the army, and the beggars will be killed by raising their hands.

“That’s natural. If it’s delicious, it’s the best for boys and girls. It’s smooth and smooth. You want to eat the second one after you finish it! Master, or? Don’t you catch it and try it?”

When Blackbird mentioned eating, it was a brow dance.

“Family!” Fang Ming has a golden light in his palm. I shot it on the top of the black skull and made it hurt.

“Your grandfather is killing innocent people. You are both a true body mount and a true body. Those who are guilty and sinful are just eating, but if they hurt good, they will be true body. Ruthless. Let your soul destroyed!”

When he said this, Fang Ming was very strong.

“Ah… lord! Forgive! Forgiveness!” The black scorpion squatted to the ground, and his eyes burst into tears.

“The true body is a god of the city, and you must bless the people. If you commit this jealousy, you will not be able to remember the world!” Fang Ming said leisurely.

It was a whip and was taken down. “I still want to do it, go on the road!”

“Yes! Yes!” The black cockroach stood up. After a few steps, I suddenly turned back and asked: “Master. This direction does not seem to be Chengdu?”

“Yes, Chengdu will not go today, we will change to another place!”

Since Shi Longjie is not in Chengdu, he has known a lot of Shiwang secrets through Xie Tao yesterday. It is a bit sloppy to go to Chengdu.

Fang Ming wants to go to Chengdu, just want to secretly observe Shi Longjie’s gas number, and then inquire about the news.

And now I heard Shi Longjie led the troops to besiege the nine-day Xuan female patriarch, and suddenly changed his mind and changed his purpose.

“Hey?” Blackbird is somewhat puzzled, but he dares not ask again, then spreads his four-legged speed…

Yudu City, whose real name is Fengdu City, later came out of the Ghost King. The whole big city was connected to the Ghost Domain within a hundred miles, and changed its title.

The ancient book has a load: “‘Fengdu’ has beautiful scenery, streams, mountains and flowers, mountains and rivers, and birds and birds. It is fascinating.”

Since the emergence of the ghost king, this place has become a gathering place for ghosts in the scorpion. The yin is everywhere, the clouds are shrouded all the year round, the ghosts are wandering in the daytime, and people are extinct.

On this day, from afar road, I was riding a silhouette. Recently, I was a Tsing Yi scholar, riding a black donkey.

“The rumors seem to be wrong!” Fang Ming looked at the scenery on both sides and said to himself.

In the rumor, the ghosts are rampant near the capital, and there is no animal, so there is no animal. In Fang Ming’s view, he has now entered the territory of the capital, but he can occasionally discover some traces of human survival, even in the land. Above other places.

“There was still people smoking here!” Fang Ming looked at the distant ridges and had a different look in his eyes.

“After the birth, where did you come from?” Just arrived at the ridge, and under the black scorpion, there was a cognac old man who came up and asked, with a smile on his face, but with a deep sense of coldness in his eyes.

Fang Ming looked around and there were a few farmer farmers who were farming. Although the expression was numb, the eyes were still turning. Especially after seeing him, several people looked at each other and seemed to think of something, with a smile on their face. With a sly color.

This look is very well hidden, almost flashed, but can not escape the Fang Ming method.

“I am a native of Liuzi County. I came out to study. I heard that the capital is a ghost town. I am very interested. I will visit you!”

Fang Ming took a look at the head and made a newborn calf not afraid of the tiger. He said proudly.

“hehe…little brother is very courageous! The capital city is so fierce in the land, and dare to travel, it is really courageous!”

Cognac old man big praise.

Fang Ming scratched his head and was a little shy on the face. He played the young and young, and made a three-pointer.

“Over the award, the prize, but when I got here, I found that there seems to be a rumor. Can old man tell me the details?”

Fang Ming asked.

“haha… Although it is in the territory of the capital, there are also living people. It is said that it is still a paradise. The little brother comes from afar and invites us to rest in the village. We have escaped from the world for a long time, and the outside world is difficult to communicate. There are still many I have to ask for advice!”

Old man took the Fang Ming arm forward and said it very affectionately.

The surrounding farmers and peasant women also came up to help, even if Fang Ming did not follow, they forced to take away.

Fang Ming blinked, said with a smile: “The elderly have a request, don’t dare to quit!”

“Good! Good!” old man throws the farm tools and directly takes the black scorpion of Fang Ming and leads the way.

The same is true of other farmers and peasant women. Even the farm work can’t be taken care of, and Fang Ming is crowded. It seems that he is afraid of running away.

“There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!” Fang Ming sighed inside, but did not quit, followed the old man and walked a few miles to a small village.

This Zhuangzi is not big, and it can accommodate up to 100 households. Although the house is somewhat run-down, it can still live. The most striking thing is that the ghost head token hanging on the head of the village is very eye-catching.

“This is passed down from the capital city. It can avoid the murderous ghosts. Let us live here, it depends on this!” Old man See Fang Ming and watched a few more, and explained quickly.

“Come on! Come on! Come on! My family’s rice wine is a must, it has been stored for some years, has been reluctant to drink, go to Kaifeng today…”

Old man Seeing Fang Ming seems to be very interested in that ghost card.

I sent another half and a half to go: “Go and inform my wife, kill the hen and entertain you!”

Fang Ming was pulled into the village by the old man. From the window of each door, there was a lot of gaze, which made people goose bumps.

Through the window, Fang Ming saw a numb white face, thinking that it was not seen in the sun all the year round, and it seemed pale and bloody.

The old man trails Fang Ming into a yard.

The woman in the courtyard got the news, she was holding the hen and slaughtering, and there were several big girls and little daughter-in-law who packed up the tables and chairs.

“Come on, after the birth, we will enter the house!” Cognac old man and his mother-in-law greeted her and invited Fang Ming into the back room.

Close the door that creaks, the sound outside is subtle and silent.

Old man This is said with a smile : “Han house is simple, not even tea, slow down the guests!”

“It’s fine…” Fang Ming shook his head and asked, “Let’s go on the next road, see a lot of surprises, and ask the old man to confuse…”

“Despite your question, despite asking…” old man said.

“Would you like the old man?”

“We are all poor people, and we can’t afford to pay taxes, and we run away from home, oh… this day is bitter!” old man sighed.

Let Fang Ming not help but have a few sighs, this tyrannical fierce, actually still above the evil spirits!

“In the next scent, the ghosts are rampant. How do the old man and the village protect themselves? In the next way, it seems that there is no altar or the like?”

“This is the compassion of the head of the ghosts of the capital, and only accepts some of our offerings every month. Then we send out ghost cards. With this, we are not afraid to come and disturb…”

“Oh? I don’t know what the sacrifice is?” Fang Ming felt a little confused.

“However, there are some chickens, dogs, pigs and sheep, and the whole village will have it together…” Old man said that there is obvious concealment.

“Oh! originally is this way!” Fang Ming did.

Next, Fang Ming asked again, and the old man fooled the past, but some of them were actually put out by Fang Ming.

It is indeed under the rule of the ghost town of Qidu, but there are also people who live in smoke. There are still many villages like this. Under the strong restraint of the ghost king, they are basically not harassed by fierce ghosts, and even some people have swam in the city. It is also said to be human smoke. Lush, can not distinguish between ghosts.

Also talked about the conversation, the wooden door opened, the old man’s mother-in-law was full of a large pot of chicken soup.

The aroma is overflowing, and even the old man himself is also choked with a mouthful of water.

“Come on! Your customers will use it first!”

The mother-in-law set the tableware and put on a small altar of yellow wine. The yellow wine was poured into the bowl, stirring the waves of the starter.

Seeing this, the old man’s own eyes are straight.

“Come on! Dry!” Old man picked up the wine bowl, and did not wait for Fang Ming to respond. He was so eager to drink, satisfied and sighed and comfortable.

“hehe ……” Fang Ming smiled and shook his head. He also drank a yellow wine, which was tasteful and more feminine.

He drank fine wines, and he couldn’t see his eyes. Also caught a piece of chicken, slowly eating.

Seeing that he began to drink and eat meat, whether it is the old man or other helpers, it is a relief and a long-lost look.

Some look sly, and some have pity on their faces.

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