Azure When the fate appeared, the previous air transport immediately gathered around the life. ∮

The city’s gold seals are condensed, and the volume is much larger than before. The original damage is missing.

The air transport is continuously turned into two colors, which are gathered in the gold seal.

In a moment, the gold seal will be filled with most of the gold, and the gas will be on the gold, each half, and the whole gold seal will change, with a jade color, and it will be turned into a jade seal.

The ancient official system, seven products with copper, five products with gold, three products, the use of jade! ! !

At this time, the gold seal, although only with some jade color, has a tendency to transform into a jade seal! ! !

After the air transport stabilized, Fang Ming within the body of the Linghai Shenchi, a loud earthquake, Mo Ran expanded outwards ten zhang or so, golden magic power crazy, turned into azure.

In the blink of an eye, half of the divine power stored in the entire sea of ​​the gods is turned into azure! ! !

The spirit sea god pool is boiling, pouring out, azure power to wrap the priesthood.

At this time, the priesthood was dyed into golden, and the original god was hidden.

Fang Ming closed his eyes, and his mind continued to turn. Before the Qingmu Zong and Dragon-Tiger Mountain’s Taoist content continued to emerge, the most important thing was the fundamental Taoism from the Xuan female sect. In a sage masterpiece, The rule of World’s World was stripped out, and it was streamlined and combined with the memory of the previous life, and it was completely transformed into its own sentiment.

God read a move, and the blue air gathered together. The azure fonts of flying dragons and dancing phoenixes are constantly emerging, and Fang Ming seems to be caught in an inexplicable state. Wait until you finish writing, then come back to his senses. See the font on the priesthood: “The four cities of the city”! ! !

“true body has a feeling, if it is not the limit of this world, the true body of the god, can rise again!!!”

Fang Ming has some regrets. At this time, he has reached the limit of World. Unless the external environment changes, it is difficult to rise again.

The promotion of the god position only ended in an instant. It can be called where water flows, a canal is formed, and it is extremely smooth.

Five people outside of the dream, see the green gas gathered together into a group, scattered in the blink of an eye, showing the city gods.

At this time, the gods of the city, the face of the gods and handsome, the previous injuries swept away.

Wearing a jade crown, walking on the cloud boots, wearing a golden robed. In the glory of the flow, there is a pattern of red scorpion, and the Flood Dragon constantly flips and swims, which is like a living thing! ! !

“I have been breaking the lock of the world. I know that I am me now!!!” Fang Ming seemed to sing and sigh.

At this time, the whole body is like a real person, and the sun is shining behind the sun. Outstanding! ! !

“Not good, this god has reached the half-way!!!! There is a dragon in the body!!!” Meng Bu said.

This world is a fairy. And the half-step path is like a half-step fairy realm like a dream! ! !

So realm. It is the Peak in the world, and there is more dragon in the body, and it is impossible to dong!! ! ! ! ! ! !

“Why is this? How do we have five real people, five pieces of treasure, and a big boost!” Meng Bu’s face was stunned, biting his tongue, and a blood essence was sprinkled on the small clock in front of him. Do not hesitate to lose the source, but also to push the treasure! ! !

“Pull!!!” Around the four real people to see this, are the same loss of origin, spit out the blood essence, the gas to the treasure of the formidable power increased to twelve points! ! !

Five Elements Wude Array Guanghua once again skyrocketed, like a five-color grinding disc, crushing to Fang Ming! ! !

Fang Ming had a sharp attack on this, but he just smiled: “The true body has already refining Wuzhou Longqi, and is it so powerful that it can be shaken?”

At this time, he won the nearly half-qiu movement of the entire Song Dynasty. At this time, the Song Dynasty not only had three million civilians in Wuzhou, but also the airlift of the Jingnan million soldiers and civilians who had just been laid.

Such a vast and powerful air force, like a mountain, Fang Ming feels a little bigger, seems to have become a giant! ! !

Although this is the illusion brought by too much air transport, it is enough to show how horrible and awesome the air transport carried by Fang Ming at this time! !

Just as the strength is big, the whole body is full of energy, and when you are eager to try, there is a subject to be sent to the door, which is not bad.

In the laughter, Fang Ming faintly shot, a pure white as jade’s palm, so hard to pick up the five-color roulette.

Then, the five real people outside will see a scene they will never forget.

The five-color roulette is vast, but it is deterred in front of Fang Ming, who is a small ant, and is caught by one palm. ! !

“How could this be… It is…” Meng Bu’s eyes violently jumped. He originally wanted to say that he was teaching the dream fairy, and he couldn’t single-handedly take over the Five Elements’s offensive, let alone nothing. Injury, casually, without a trace of fireworks.

But for the sage, I still can’t stand it, but people in the field understand the meaning of it. The look is gloomy and the eyes turn four times, obviously looking for the way to escape.

“We still have the opportunity to fight the damage to the body of the treasure, and detonate the five pieces of the treasure together with the big array. The old road will not believe it, so it will not kill this god!”

Seeing this scene, the old road looks awkward, but it is proposed.

“This poor Daoist agrees!” Dong Xuanzhen first agreed. He and Fang Ming are already irreconcilable until the death. Now see Fang Ming Divine Ability, and the most uneasy is him.

“Good! Then I wait…”

“It’s a big dog! Is it really true body is the pig to be slaughtered?” In the five-color light curtain, Fang Ming stretched out with one hand, resisting the roulette, and seeing the five real people’s sound transmission, the mouth sneer .

Suddenly sucking in the air, the chest is expanded ten times, and countless white gas is turned into fine smoke, which is included in the Fang Ming mouth.

“Not good! This god is going to…” Meng Bu did not finish the truth, see Fang Ming Muran Yang Tianxiaoxiao.

Roar! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Such as a lion like a tiger, such as the sound of a dragon like a dragon, immediately spread, it seems that the spring thunder burst, but also seems to be a volcanic eruption, the sound wave turned into a visible wave. Constantly impacting the Five Elements of Five Elements.

At the time of Fang Ming’s shouting, the red scorpion on his body also emerged. Shaking its head and wagging its tail. After suppressing the Five Elements, the dragons who were swept away were willing to come, and the five real people only felt that the body was stagnation, and the mana did not work.

Pu!! ! The middle-aged aunt has the weakest mana, and a bloody stream flows from the corner of his mouth.

“Junior Sister!?” Mengb was shocked by a few people. At this time, even the sound transmission could not be done.

The sound of the tsunami is uninterrupted, and it is even more sweeping like a storm. A wave is higher than a wave, and even the highest cultivation base of the dream of the real person, at this time are both ears and pain, bleeding, the five real people are pale, no blood, like a dead.

“Not good! Can’t support it!” Meng Bu’s thoughts in the heart have just turned, and see the already thin and incomparable five-color mask, the scarlet Flood Dragon is fierce. With a great power, the dragon tail directly hits the five-color light curtain.

Pu!! ! If the bubble bursts, the five-color light curtains are scattered and turned into starlight. Five pieces of air are transported into the treasure.

Without a big crackdown, the dragon is more majestic and more powerful, and the big one is also improved ten times. The sound of the waves swept, and even the Song Yu camp was being killed by blood. Was awakened.

Shi Longjie and Longcheng were flustered and had a sense of great disaster.

“He wants to live and kill us!” Meng Xian is in the eyes of blood. The blue veins on the surface are very embarrassing.

At this time, he finally realized the purpose of Fang Ming. He was actually trying to use the power of the dragon and the power of the gods to kill them all! ! !

“Fast… Go away!!!” At this time, the dream was broken, and the teeth were broken, and only a few words were spit out from the mouth.

It is a pity that at this time, the hearts and minds of several real people are on the verge of competing with the snoring. They can’t be distracted. If they say that they are using the Dao, they will be hindered by the dragons, and they will not be able to see them. crack! ! !

Pu!! ! The middle-aged Dao Lian spurted blood and dyed the robe in front of him. Among the five real people present, her mana is the weakest, and now she is the first to support it.

Finally, Daogu’s body screamed, and a blood arrow spurted out. The beautiful big eyes were filled with the ** and the mourning for the world, but they gradually lost their spirits.

The body sank, the fingers squatted, and sat down on the ground in a strange posture. It was actually killed by Fang Ming’s snoring! ! !

A glimpse of the power, as far as it is! ! ! !

After the Tao Gu sit down, the head of the sky is black and flashed, and there is a phantom out. This is the soul of the real person, which can be turned into a ghost repair.

But the soul is not covered by **, directly exposed to the air, greet the dragon wave, more unbearable than the flesh, almost instantly destroyed.

“Senior Brother! Save… save…” The prince is a state of spirit, and it is very beautiful and alluring. At this time, it is even more touching.

The soul of the soul is getting lower and lower, and finally disappeared. The aunt is already destroy both body and soul, completely soul destroyed! ! ! !

“hu ……” The sound of the long screams stopped, Fang Ming gasped and gasped. “This is a big law, it is really laborious!!!”

Even if you take another moment, the rest of the dreams will not be spared, but Fang Ming himself can’t support it.

“But now it’s obvious, the cultivation base of the true body, maybe still dream Immortal, the world is big, you can go!!!!” Fang Ming is overjoyed.

“It’s just that since Wu Guolong’s gas was taken, it was connected with Wu’s national transport, which is impossible to escape!”

Before Fang Ming and Song Yu were integrated, they did not use Wu Guoqiyun. The fear is that here, if Song Yu was defeated and killed, it would only be a distraction. Now, If the Wu Guoguo Yun was broken, Fang Ming would also be implicated, which was confirmed when he was enshrined as the guardian of the country.

“This is also a no-brainer. If you don’t do this, the true body will die! Fortunately, there is no way to save it!!!”

“As long as the true body helps Wu Guo to unify the country, and to complete the Nine Provinces, and then achieve the ancient gods themselves, you can break this cause and effect!!!”

Even so, I was suddenly pulled down, and I couldn’t help myself before I could, and Fang Ming’s mood was very bad.

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