I hope that this grand ceremonies will get a big black day response!

Nur Taiji looks gloomy. [In the scorpion, there is a color of expectation.

When the big shaman sharpens the knife, he goes to win the top of the day, the mutation is sudden! ! ! !

“big brother, this ceremonies, let me hold it!”

A cold voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked at the source. They saw a young Huren, and they climbed onto the Temple of Heaven in the presence of soldiers. The appearance was similar to that of Nur Taiji.

“Duoze, it’s you!” Hu Ren Da Han was shocked. This is his half-brother. He was defeated by a weak disadvantage in the battle of Wang Ting. It was the turn of Nur Taiji to do this. Sweating.

Hu people are savage, with force first, who is strong, who is sweating!

“Don’t the children of the big black sky, now they have to kill each other, draining blood?” Khan whispered.

I will look at towards Toze: “I have 50,000 iron riders in my hand, Elder from the tribe, and support me. You don’t have a chance. If you are willing to surrender now, I can’t pursue it!”

“haha…” Hearing this, Dorze was laughing: “We are the wolves on the prairie. Only the strongest wolf can only be the Wolf King. The loser can only escape or die!”

“I have waited for so many years, today is your death!” Doze’s eyes are red, it seems that there is a deep hatred and hate before this sweat, a wave: “Up! Take them down!”

Seeing this scene, the sweaty eyes jumped. “This is too much to be prepared, and the surrounding defenders have all been bought. I am afraid that the supporters will not be able to support the arrival of the reinforcements!”

But he is the leader of the Hu people. Since I have a temperament, I have a knife in my hand: “Duo Ze dare to launch a rebellion. My warriors, are you afraid?”

“We are not afraid! Swear to protect the sweat!” The surrounding soldiers, all shouted, and the army of Dozer.

Suddenly, the entire Temple of Heaven was turned into an Asura field, and the blood was splashed, and the Temple of Heaven was dyed red.

The officials underneath are in a mess. I was mistakenly injured. It was only the two sides who fought at this time. No one can care about this.

Used to worship the heavens, solemn and solemn of the Temple of Heaven, at this time has become the place of bloody slaughter, shouting the sound of the earthquake.

“Kill!!!” A bow and arrow, blocked through layers, in the middle of the high priest’s chest, the high priest is unbelievable. Fall to the ground and die.

Dozer was prepared to buy the generals who guarded the Temple of Heaven, and Nur Taiji only brought a small number of pro-militaries in the headquarters, and the number fell completely. As time goes by, it is even worse.

“Take a little more! My Xuexue army got the news and will come soon!”

The situation is critical. It was Nur Taiji, who was sweating, and he also helped the knife. Blood stained the red blade and splashed on top of his golden robed.

“Unfortunately! I sent people to delay the mines before. You can’t wait for him!” This mine is the commander of the Snow Army, the confidant of Nur Taiji.

Dozer smiled coldly and waved his hand: “By the arrows! Shoot them!”

Xiu xiu! ! ! Countless arrows fell and the soldiers of Nur Taiji were shot.

The two warriors directly rushed to the ground and put Nur Taiji on the ground. This battle for the position of the battle seems to have won.

“I killed your mother and won your sweat. Now you come to kill me, it should be!” Nur Taiji saw the general trend, abandoned the long knife, and let the guards tie it with a rope.

“As a people of the big black sky, I want to die without seeing blood!”

This is the rule on the grassland. The aristocratic bloodline of each tribe is noble. Even if it is to be killed, there must be no blood. Otherwise, it is a taint on the big black sky.

“Good! When you used the longbow to kill my mother, now I am also strangling you with a longbow!” Doze hated and said, his face showed a wolf-like expression.

The attendant around him got the order, took out the long bow, and then hanged the former sweat.

“And slow hands!” Just then, a clear voice appeared, blocking Dozer.

Seeing the light and the light, on the Temple of Heaven, Mo Ran had a silhouette of a Taoist, a juvenile appearance, but with the vicissitudes of the heavens and the earth, the sacred wind bones.

“You are… Dream fairy shaman!” Nur Taiji stunned and recognized this person.

This person had to rely on the Hu people before, and there was a different skill. The discipline Gao Feihang also offered a win-top day. It was a favored letter from Noor Taiji.

“haha…big brother, this is not your shaman, but the length of my majesty!” Doze laughed.

Asked again: “Why can’t you kill him now? I have to hurry and call the various Elders and recommend me to be sweating!!!”

“If you are in the grassland, you should be like this, but now it is in the land of the Nine Provinces in Dagan! Khan also needs to sacrifice to heaven and get the name of the orthodox!”

Dream fairy faintly said.

“Are you also relying on the past!” Nur Taiji saw the reality and his face was bleak.

“Okay! Then go to the heavens!” Dozer seems to trust the dream fairy, and issued a command.

Immediately after his men cleaned up the Temple of Heaven, there was a lot of deaths and injuries in the melee. At this time, there were still people who fell down and squatted, and they were all far away.

He searched around and found several ceremonial servants who were pale and white, and they also got together.

What is even more amazing is that Yuan Zonghe won the top of the sky. In the previous melee, it seems that both sides intentionally ignored the past. They were all unscathed. It was just that when they looked at the dreams, they were very weird and surprised. There is resentment, unwillingness, and the most, but it is extremely shocking…

“Dao Chang! How do you want to sacrifice?” asked Dozer.

“I sincerely! This poor Daoist is also prepared here! In addition, this Nur Taiji blood sacrifice, more can get the favor of God!” Dream fairy said.

“Not bad! Good!” Dozer evenly nodded.

He is a Hu people, thinking that the heavens of the Central Plains and the big black sky of the grassland are a kind of goods, like blood sacrifice, prefer bloodline noble sacrifices!

Immediately: “Bring Nur Taiji up, let’s start!”

When the aides came forward, they would still have the table and tribute and the ceremonial instruments with blood sacrifice, and they would see the top of the eye and Yuan Zong’s eyes.

“These are too many words! Too much tedious! How can this Khan have this much time?” The coup is imminent, and Doze has the heart to end these as soon as possible, so as to rush back to clean up the mess.

Dozer took a look at the text, and the instinct of the fly was small, although there was a Hu Wen translation around, but it was also a dizziness, could not help but said, but did not find, the fairy light in the eyes of a flash of light.

Putting the text into the flame and burning it, Doze will say aloud to the sky card:

“I! Doze! The noble bloodline of the big black! The king of the prairie! The co-owners of the tribes sweat! Here is the sacrifice! From then on, I am the emperor of your big Nine Provinces!!! Here, I Offering sacrifices to the sky!!!!”

When the Hu people sacrificed the big black sky, as long as the sacrifices were sufficient, the others did not pursue them. Doze used to do so. When it comes to the sacrifices, it is very nondescript.

When the people saw more than Zeze, they tied Nur Taiji to the table and cut a short blade to cut Nur Taiji’s throat.

Drops! ! ! Nur Taiji’s mouth was screaming, and his mouth was cut open, and the blood poured out like a spring.

A large piece of dark red color was quickly accumulated on the ground, and the ground was all red.

In the eyes of Nurtai, the rays of light gradually faded and eventually lost their brilliance. The sweat on the grassland, the Hu people who laid down the four states of Dagan, finally failed to get what they wanted, and obtained a decent and dignified death.

At the moment when Nur Taiji died, the winds around the Temple of Heaven were all over the place. I don’t know where to come from, the clouds are completely obscured, the electric tumbling, the thunder and the thunder, a scene of the end!

“haha !!! became a!!! Many years of planning, all in this day!!!” Dream fairy head down, eyes, but it is a feverish color!

“Hu people are short-sighted. How do I know the rules of the Central Plains? I actually dare to be ruthless when I worship the heavens. I see blood light. This is not only a big ethic, but also a crime!”

“And in the end, not only continue to worship the ceremony, but also the brothers blood sacrifice, the position of the emperor, can be called tyrannical, even more messy!” This is not in the sacrifice of heaven, but insulting the sky!

Heavenly Dao feels that it is reasonable to drop the punishment.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky are emerging, and the mad thunder rolls, and they have to fall.

In the distance, on the grassland, a team of Taoists is also plotting something.

“It’s here!” A veteran road full of Huafa, and the disciples wading through the mountains, finally got to a depth of the mountain range and found a very ruined graveyard.

“According to the calculation of the real person, this is the place where the Changyin Mountain Dragon Veins gather. The birth of the mother of Doze is coincidental. It is buried in this grave, but it is a combination of days. This Changyin Mountain is a big dragon, and the dragon is very strong. Not only can you protect the children and grandchildren from the grasslands, but they can also enter the Nine Provinces, at least for a hundred years!”

“Just at this time, the dragon pulse is hidden, but it still needs to be self-protected by the dragon, waiting for the weather!!!”

The old man murmured, the surface of the twilight, the precious and heavy to take out a thing, is a long slender needle, the surface is covered with golden light, the surface is more engraved with dragon, very delicate and luxurious.

“The basics teach, the reverse scale of the dragon vein is here!!!! The hour is also right!!!” The old road was long after the grave, and finally stopped at the three-foot three-inch 30 feet in the east of the tomb.

“Hah!!!” On the old road, there is a color of fortitude, and there is a great satisfaction of the Taoist style. In the eyes, the long needle in the hand is a thorn in the Void! ! ! !

Bang!! ! There seemed to be a thunder flashing in the darkness, and a bloody red color suddenly appeared in front of the old road, and the sound of a violent dragon’s voice rang.

The old road flew out, the blood in the mouth was mad, and the long needle was broken.

The thunder bombs in the sky continued, and the dragons and tigers screamed for a while. From the tomb, there was a string of Purple Qi constantly emerging, turning into a dragon shape and going south.

“haha!! Become!!!” The old road is overjoyed.

“Master !!!” several disciplines hurry up to help.

“I don’t have to! Don’t care for me!!!” The old road is waving his hand.

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