Take Peach Rabbit and the others and escape back to the warship.

Ronan did not hesitate at all, and immediately ordered Yang Fan to set sail.


With Zefa’s temper, a “love education” is definitely inevitable.

“Teacher Zefa is afraid that he will be angry with you.”

Peach Rabbit said with a smile.

“If it’s a little later, Edward. Weibull will definitely wake up. ”

“I’m not interested in watching an overtime game.”

Ronan explained softly.


Ronan didn’t expect that Weibull was still alive.

At that time, directly stepping on the head was the most direct and effective way.

But it’s fine.

At that time, Zefa had already determined that Weibull was dead.

From now on.

“Black-wristed” Zefa will clean the entire sea with a slaughtering attitude!

“Okay then.”

“I see that the cabinet in your room is missing, or I will add a cabinet head to you?”

Peach Rabbit blew softly in Ronan’s ear, and her eyes became confused.


“Not appropriate, not suitable.”

Ronan’s eyelids jumped, and he immediately pulled away and flashed back to his room.

And behind.

Then came the laughter of the silver bell of the peach rabbit.


After a long sigh, Ronan immediately began to delve into the Tongtian Basket.

Just now, a total of three kinds of talismans were pasted on Zefa’s body.

They are the simplest talismans in the Babel Basket.

The top runes still need to be learned and experimented with in your mind.


The lifting sound of the system sounds:

[Ding, host kill: Edward. Weibull, increase the degree of fusion by 2%! 】

[Ding, Xiao Ziyi template fusion degree first increased: 62%. 】

“The harvest of this trip is really good.”

Ronan nodded with satisfaction.


Early morning three days later.

As the warship lowered its anchor, it slowly landed.

This mission to summon the Seven Martial Seas.

It was also a successful completion.

Doflamingo’s leg wound was healed and handed over to the navy.

Ronan Yu Taotu did not stop, went straight to the headquarters building, and reported to the Warring States.

Inside the Marshal’s Office.

Probably knowing Ronan, the Peach Rabbit mission is back.

Red Inu, Yellow Ape, Green Pheasant, and Lady Crane were all present.

“This is the mission report.”

“If it’s okay, I’ll go back first.”

Ronan said softly after handing a report to Sengoku.

“Wait a minute, let’s talk about the overlord color entanglement first.”

Sengoku asked in a deep voice.


Red Inu and the others looked at Ronan one after another, their eyes full of curiosity.

“The principle is simple.”

“It’s the same as winding armed colors, if you don’t believe you, you can try it.”

Ronan casually made up a reason to prevaricate.


Everyone’s eyelids jumped suddenly, and their faces couldn’t help but darken.

If Lao Tzu has an overlord color, he still uses you to teach?!

Looking for a beating, isn’t it?

A look of embarrassment also flashed in Sengoku’s eyes.

Although he has an overlord domineering.

But its power can only stun people who are not firm in their minds.

“Ahem: Let’s not mention this matter yet. ”

“Let’s talk about another thing first, since you can take Zefa’s arm.”

“Can you treat the wounded in the headquarters and heal the old wounds and hidden diseases of the generals?”

Sengoku’s voice was a little excited, and he looked directly at Ronan.

To know.

But any navy that can become an admiral.

I must have participated in countless battles, even if my physical strength is high.

There will be some problems with the body.

If it can really be cured.

Then the navy will be more certain in the face of the upcoming attack of the white-bearded pirates!

“No problem.”

“Give me three pirates with a bounty of more than 200 million.”

Ronan touched his chin and immediately put forward conditions.

Just working does not give any good.

Ronan didn’t want to be wronged.

“Now is not the time to bargain!”

“You have to remember that you are a navy, not an executioner!”


Sengoku slammed the table and scolded loudly.

Once promised Ronan.

That would mean that the navy acquiesced and could slaughter wantonly.

Although the object is a pirate, it will also greatly affect the image of the navy to the outside world!

“Any idea why I joined the Navy?”

“It is because not only can I satisfy my instinctive needs, but the people I kill are also for the people!”

“Killing is like eating for me.”

“Can you never eat or drink for the rest of your life?!”

Ronan scanned everyone, and a scarlet faintly flashed under his eyes.

Hear this.

Sengoku was immediately speechless, and leaned back in his chair with a pale face.

The eyes of the green pheasant, the crane lady, the yellow ape, and the peach rabbit are also full of complexity.

Oh, yes.

Although Ronan has a thirst for killing, he never kills indiscriminately.

Self-defense and demon elimination are his standard for killing.

And why should the headquarters of the Navy give such restraints ?!

There was a long silence.

Sengoku said in a somewhat deep voice:

“I will send the prisoner to your usual place, hurry up and go to the treatment.”

On the one hand, there is the navy waiting for treatment, and on the other hand, the heinous pirates.

The Warring States can only choose to compromise….


The red dog was immediately overjoyed.

The compromise of the Warring States will mean that the moderates bow to the hawks led by the red dogs!

This has never happened before.

“Gather all the lieutenant generals and the wounded in the headquarters and assemble in Oaks Square!”

The Warring States immediately gave the order.

Everyone who received the order immediately walked out of the office and went to prepare.


Half an hour later.

Thousands of wounded gathered in Oaks Square, as well as all the lieutenant generals of the headquarters.

The cries of pain from the wounded continued to sound.

Under the gaze of countless eyes.

Ronan walked up to the red dog first:

“Relax your body and don’t resist.”

The red dog nodded a little stunned: “Okay…”

The voice just fell.

Ronan’s “red hand” was placed on the shoulder of the red dog.

The old wounds on the red dog were left before eating the devil fruit.

Although it seems that the impact is not big at the moment.

But as we age, our body functions age, and sooner or later there will be problems.


The pupils of the red dog suddenly trembled, and his eyes suddenly turned from calm at the beginning to shock.

He could feel it.

The old injuries on his body are actually getting better little by little!

Less than half a minute.

Ronan slowly took away his right hand: “Okay.” ”


The Warring States on the side hurriedly asked:

“How’s your body?”

“Just look at it.”

Ronan smiled and directly removed the red suit of the red dog.


Everyone’s eyes immediately focused on Akainu’s body.

The hideous scars that were originally intertwined on the chest have completely disappeared!

Even the dark skin turned out to be delicate, rosy, shiny….

“Isn’t the effect a little too much?”

The red dog glanced down, and a smile appeared on his serious face.

“It’s just amazing…”

Sengoku couldn’t help but exclaim.

The effect of this treatment is really good, it is completely life and death, flesh and bones!

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