Ringing noon!

Inside the Yizhuang Courtyard.

Ninth Uncle and Simu wore Daoist robes and held peach wood swords and copper money swords respectively.

The Ninth Uncle is responsible for initiating the altar to attract spirits into the body.

Shimoku is responsible for dealing with the evil spirits who are attracted to them.

As for Wolong Phoenix Qiusheng Wencai, the two stood aside with soul calming bells and gossip mirrors as door gods.

Chen Ge sat in the center of the Yin and Yang Bagua Array.

Ninth Uncle stepped forward and comforted: "Xiaoge, relax, as long as Ninth Uncle is there, he will definitely not let a ghost get close to you." "

Chen Ge smiled easily.

He wasn't nervous, he just felt something new.

After all, he had not experienced this scene of a hundred ghosts wandering the streets.

"The hour has come, get up the altar!" Ninth Uncle flew back to the altar of law, his right hand was sealed, and the rune paper floated.

After a bang, the rune paper spontaneously ignited in midair.

"Xiaoge, that is, open the Purple Mansion now, and then chant the Shangqing Gathering Spirit Technique to pour spiritual energy into the Purple Mansion."

Hearing this, Chen Ge closed his eyes and chanted softly.

Then I only felt a refreshing cool air pouring into my forehead.

Then his soul came to a vast starry sky, and this was his purple mansion!

Here, Chen Ge saw that the spiritual energy was constantly pouring in like turning into seawater.

And his purple mansion is like a bottomless black hole, even no amount of seawater can fill it.

[Ding... Aura is poured into the Purple Mansion, and you begin to enlighten yourself...].

The sound of the system sounds.

One picture after another appeared in Chen Ge's mind.



At this time, a column of incense has passed by time!

Ninth Uncle and Shiki, who were originally preparing for a big battle, were completely dumbfounded.

What is this situation?

Logically speaking, there are at least a hundred ghosts coming over.

But now I don't see a single one.

Qiu Sheng lay on the wall: "Master, uncle, I saw that there is really not a single ghost outside!" "

"Impossible?" Ninth Uncle was puzzled.

"Master, do you say that there is a possibility that those demons and monsters are not interested in Little Ancestor Master."

Hearing Wen Cai's words, Ninth Uncle shook his head.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

I think that when he was the first day of Maoshan, he only introduced spirits into his body, and there were not a thousand or eight hundred ghosts at the foot of the entire mountain

Even Shimoku had hundreds of demons who wanted to rob his body.

Chen Ge's talent is obvious to all.

It can be said that it is a genius like a demon, and the attraction of such a body to ghosts is huge.

"What went wrong?"

"Senior brother, it may be that these ghosts have not yet arrived, after all, Xiaoge has just attracted a pillar of incense, and you may see it later."

Shimoku stepped forward to comfort.

He also felt that with Chen Ge's talent, he would definitely attract a large number of ghosts.

Wen Cai stepped forward holding the gossip mirror: "Master, it took me a few minutes to introduce the spirit into the body, why did the little ancestor master take so long?" "

Ninth Uncle glanced at Wen Cai angrily.

I'm sorry to say.

"The time it takes to attract the spirit into the body is related to talent, the higher the talent, the longer it takes to attract spirit, and you think that everyone else is like you."

Wen Cai was said to be depressed.

It turned out that this was the case, and he thought that he was more talented than the little ancestor in the area of attracting spirits into the body.

Qiu Sheng, who was lying on the wall and was bored, turned around and smiled.

"Master, uncle, with your talent, how long did it take to attract the spirit into the body."

Ninth Uncle's face showed pride.

He stretched out five fingers: "Your four eyes and four uncles used two days, as for the teacher, not much, it was a whole five days." "

Shimoku pouted beside him.

The senior brother praised himself and did not forget to step on him.

However, I have to say that Senior Brother's talent is indeed the first in Maoshan, if it were not for the fact that he was later than Shi Jian to worship the master.

The head of Maoshan of this generation is definitely a senior brother.

"Oh, it's only five days, I think with the talent of the little ancestor, it will take at least ten days and a half month."

Qiu Sheng patted Chen Ge for a while.

However, there are also eight points of his true thoughts in this.

Ninth Uncle was too lazy to look at Qiu Sheng.

Since Xiaoge showed his talent, Qiu Shengwen has become his Tianzi No. 1 and No. 2 sycophants.

But that's fine.

Neither of his apprentices is very talented.

Qiu Sheng's top in this life is also a local master, and as for Wen Cai, he can break through to the human master, that is, burn high incense.

This follows the little song, maybe it can be stained in the future.

Ninth Uncle put down the peach wood sword and took out the compass, wanting to see if there were any ghosts approaching here.

But the compass pointer did not respond at all.

This shows that there are absolutely no ghosts in the surrounding hundred meters, which can't help but make Ninth Uncle a little worried.


The other side.

Yan Chixia and Zhong Kui gasped tiredly.

"His grandmother's, why are there so many lonely souls and wild ghosts?" As a famous ghost-hunting immortal, Zhong Kui felt so tired of catching ghosts for the first time.

Usually, there are dozens of ghosts caught at most.

But now there are probably tens of thousands of black oppression in front of him.

The most excessive thing is that there are still powerful ghosts in this group of lonely souls and wild ghosts, and even ghost kings will appear from time to time.

If it weren't for the superior strength of him and Yan Chixia.

Today it is not him who catches ghosts, but this group of ghosts tears them apart.

"Bah! A group of lonely souls and wild ghosts do not go to the prefecture to report, wandering the world, and today I will beat you and scatter your souls. "

Yan Chixia held a big sword.

A sword was cut out, and in an instant, hundreds of ghosts were cut off.

"Yan Chixia, Zhong Kui, you are not staying in the prefecture, why come to the world to take care of our affairs!"

A green-faced ghost king in the ghost group stared at the two viciously.

If he had changed before, he would definitely not provoke the two, and even said that he would avoid the two in fear.

But in order to get Chen Ge's body, even if he lost his life, he had to fight.

For Chen Ge, most of the nearby ghosts knew him.

The adopted son of that smelly Taoist priest Lin Jiuying in Renjia Town has excellent talent and root bones.

This made many ghosts lust for him.

It's just that because of the existence of the Ninth Uncle, he has not dared to make a move against him.

But today I don't know why.

Nayiyu exudes a seductive scent.

This fragrance is ten thousand times more fragrant than a money ingot, and an idea comes to the minds of all the ghosts.

The source of this fragrance is baby!

As long as he gets this thing and eats it, he has improved his strength more than after cultivating for thousands of years.

Therefore, many ghosts began to float in the direction of Yizhuang.

When they approached Yizhuang, they found that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was condensing towards Yizhuang, and all the ghosts knew that someone was drawing spirits into their bodies.

At present, Yiqi only needs to attract the spirit into the body.

This shows that the thing that emits a tempting smell is Chen Ge's flesh.

At this moment, all the demons and monsters are crazy!

After eating him, occupying his body, and raising him to use to inhale Yang Qi in the future, the ghosts with various thoughts were no longer afraid of the Ninth Uncle rushing to Yizhuang.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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