"Xu Changsheng!!"

And just when Zhou Botong thought he was going to run.

Xu Changsheng suddenly stopped again, and at this moment he was squatting on the ground looking at the grass in the corner of the wall, studying something.

When Zhou Botong arrived and was about to speak.

Only to find that he made a boo gesture.

Zhou Botong was stunned when he saw this.

Looking closely, it turned out that the other party was listening to the clamshell call.

Doubts in my heart.

"What's so nice about clams?"

Xu Changsheng, on the other hand, was full of seriousness, as if he was studying something interesting, because he had discovered something.

Enlightenment against the sky!

"It's amazing that this clamshell is so small and can make such a sharp chirping sound."

Wait a few minutes later.

I saw that Xu Changsheng suddenly had an understanding in his heart.

[By observing the clams chirping, you have an epiphany in your heart, and you have created the method of releasing true qi, the Vajra Lion Seal! ] 】

Just a few minutes.

Xu Changsheng realized a martial arts method by observing the clams' clams, and in fact, he had been inspired before.

It's just that there is always something missing.

To say that it is a seal is actually the method of releasing sound waves.

It's like a tiger roaring dragon chanting a phoenix.

Gained, Xu Changsheng was naturally happy in his heart, and even he didn't feel as bored as before about the gambling with Zhou Botong.

Silently remember in his mind what Fang Cai had in his mind.

Then he turned to look at Zhou Botong and said, "Okay, my clams have been found, let's start the competition." "

Hearing this, Zhou Botong grinned.

"Just find a random one and fight clams with me?"

"Don't pick and choose anymore?

Xu Changsheng, on the other hand, smiled slightly: "That's it." "

Soon, the two began fighting clams.

Zhou Botong also took out a porcelain bowl from his arms very confidently, and carefully took out a bamboo Jane from his arms.

"Then don't admit it when your clams lose."

"Don't play tricks!"

The corners of Xu Changsheng's mouth rose slightly: "The eldest husband said everything." "

Zhou Bo channel: "Hehe, sixteen horses are difficult to chase!" "

And soon, the clamshell fighting begins.

As for the final result, it was naturally that Xu Changsheng won, and Zhou Botong's clams were easily beaten out of the bowl by Xu Changsheng's clams.

The reason is because Xu Changsheng used plug-ins.

A trace of vitality was attached to the clam, making the other party obviously dozens of times louder in terms of strength and shout.

See your clams being killed in seconds.

After lying motionless.

Zhou Botong sat on the ground with a straight snort.

It was actually directly splashed and rolled.

"Wow wow, you killed my clams!!

This move directly stunned Xu Changsheng, he didn't expect that someone would cry for a clam.

He meant to make a quick fix, not to waste time.

That's why there is cheating.

In desperation, he had to give his clams to the other party: "Anyway, if I win, you are not allowed to pay the bill." "

When Zhou Botong heard that Xu Changsheng was going to give the clams to himself, his crying suddenly stopped abruptly, and his face showed joy.

"Are you really going to send me?"

With Zhou Botong's eyes of playing clams for many years, it was naturally not difficult for him to see that Xu Changsheng's clams were very special and powerful.

Xu Changsheng nodded: "I sent you." "

"Let's tie it out, but the bet should be counted as my winning, right?"

Zhou Botong was immediately overjoyed, carefully packed the clams into the bamboo Jian, and stopped crying and splashing.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"Of course, of course!"

"You won, I admit that you are good!"

Seeing that the other party was convinced, Xu Changsheng also shook his head.

When turning away.

But he heard Zhou Botong ask.

"What's the name of your clam?"

Xu Changsheng didn't look back, just answered a name casually: "Flying Bull General, but now it's yours." "

"Flying Bull General? What a domineering name! "

Zhou Botong became more and more fond of the clamshell in his heart.

Don't forget to wave at Xu Changsheng's back.

"Thank you Aang!"

"In the future, whoever dares to bully you in Quanzhen, you will report my name of Zhou Botong, and I will help you teach them a lesson!"

Xu Changsheng waved his hand: "Got it, go back." "


Until I returned to the Pavilion.

Xu Changsheng was also a little crying and laughing, he didn't expect that a clamshell could make Zhou Botong change his attitude greatly.

"Is this the so-called heart of the child?"

"Old urchin mentality?"

Shaking his head, not thinking about the meaningless things.

His mind was immersed in the Scripture Pavilion again, only this time instead of reading a book, he wrote some exercises.

For example, the Vajra lion seal that has just been comprehended.

There is also the Quanzhen Technique that Wang Chongyang had previously promised to improve.

But a day passed.

In the Tibetan scripture pavilion, there were three more exercises.

It happened that at this time, Zhou Botong ran over again, wanting to ask Xu Changsheng about the way of clams, but in fact, he knew what clams there were.

In desperation, I could only casually say a few perfunctory words.

"Clams are not bigger is better, that bowl hole is so big, you look for a clamshell that big, it must be uncomfortable, there is no room to move."

"My clam, on the other hand, is small, hard as iron, free-moving, flexible, and durable, naturally stronger."

When Zhou Botong heard this, he suddenly realized.

"So it is!"

"I see!"

When the other party is full of joy and admiration, he is about to leave.

Xu Changsheng handed over the three exercises to the other party again.

Looking at the True Heart Method and Sword Art in his hand, as well as the Vajra Lion Seal that he had never seen before, Zhou Botong was slightly surprised.

"You really improved the exercises?"

Xu Changsheng smiled indifferently: "The eldest husband has said everything, and he has to do what he says, and these three books trouble you to bring to Master Chongyang." "

"In addition, you do me a favor, don't let others disturb me in the next time, I need to understand the way of my heart."

Zhou Botong's mind was full of the way of clams that Xu Changsheng had just talked about at the moment, so he agreed without thinking.

"Well, I promise no one will come and disturb you!"


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