Hearing Xu Changsheng's words.

Wang Chongyang, who was in place, did not know how to deal with himself for a while.

So you can only continue to be grateful.

"Thanks to the virtue of good life from heaven, let my Wang Chongyang be reborn, as the saying goes, since ancient karma reward, it should be unhappy."

"This may also be fate!"

"Immortal, let my brother thank you here!"

After saying that, Wang Chongyang bowed deeply to Xu Changsheng.

Then he bowed.

And this time Xu Changsheng did not stop it.

Just gladly accepted.

Then after the other party thanked him, he slowly picked him up.

"Senior brother is polite."

"Seven years ago, you and Senior Brother Dugu saved an immortal life."

"Seven years later, Junior Brother, I should repay your favor."

I remember the scene seven years ago.

Wang Chongyang couldn't help but sigh at this moment: "Yes, cultivators should have hung pots for the world, and this is right." "

"I just didn't think... Alas, but at that time, the poor road did not expect to bear such a good fruit and return it today. "

"Maybe it's good people who have good rewards."

Xu Changsheng nodded.


Looking at Wang Chongyang, who was obviously a little overexcited in front of him, he was actually happy for the other party in his heart at this moment.

Because it was the moment of physical contact.

He used his Yuan Qi to probe the situation in the other party's body and found that it was indeed much better than before.

Although it is not as exaggerated as the other party said.


At least indeed, it is completely out of the dangerous situation.

If Wang Chongyang's previous body was like a dead wood that had lost all vitality and was about to die.

So now he is.

It is as if it has been nourished by the spring rain and reborn again.

And shoots began to grow.

And this is also the magic of opening the heavens.

It contains powerful life energy, which stimulates human cells and provides energy to continuously produce new cells.

In fact, it can also be understood as metabolism.

Or rather, regeneration!

However, if you can't even do this, maybe this vitality is not worthy of being called immortal qi, and it is even more delusional to rely on it to find immortality.

At this moment, the four people in the room had smiles on their faces.

Three years have passed, and everyone has gained something, even Zhou Botong at this time, with the assistance of the improved Quanzhen Exercises.

He also broke through cultivation and came to the realm of grandmasters.

It can only be said that everyone is happy.

After not seeing each other for three years, Wang Chongyang naturally had to talk to Xu Changsheng, and everyone chatted happily with tea instead of wine.

All of them were full of exclamations.

But that topic will always converge on the same person in the end, and that is naturally Xu Changsheng among the four.

Look at the junior brother in front of you.

Wang Chongyang sighed again: "I haven't seen it for three years, and I can't imagine that you have caught up with the footsteps of the poor road in your immortal life." "

"It has even surpassed the realm of the poor road."

"Sure enough, pioneers and learners can never be compared."

Hearing this, everyone was also full of sighs.

Medicine Master Huang even took the initiative to raise the teacup and said to Xu Changsheng: "The little brother of Changsheng is indeed a great talent, which is rare in ancient and modern times. "

"Even if you look back thousands of years!"

"Even in a few years, I am afraid that this world will no longer be able to give birth to such an outstanding Tianjiao figure as the immortal brother."

Zhou Botong also nodded frequently.

"Yes, yes, Xiao Changsheng can cultivate immortals now, how can ordinary people be compared with this perverted demon?"

Although it is a perverted demon.

But not swearing, here are positive words.

Hearing this, Xu Changsheng did not react much.

He took a sip of strong tea and looked at everyone with a faint smile.

"Just as the so-called one who learns from me lives, and those who are like me die, if they always follow the path of those who came before them, how can a person break through himself?"

"What's more, I don't want anything else in this life, and I only want to live forever, so naturally I have to find another way and take a completely different path."

"Although the martial path cannot be immortal, he can strengthen himself, and with the combination of the Dao of Vitality and cultivation, it will no longer be difficult for him to find immortality."

"As long as the gate of heaven is opened, I can choose the day to soar!"

Wang Chongyang also agreed after hearing this: "Indeed, if you want to break through innovation and walk out of a new height, you must leave the old and welcome the new!" "

"The Dao of the predecessors has a limit, no matter how strong the martial Dao is, it is no more than the self-experience of mortals, and the so-called number one in the world is just self-lust."

"If you want to fade away from the mortal body, not be willing to be ordinary, and want to take a new path, you must create a new law and open a new path!"


Wang Chongyang also raised his teacup and looked at Xu Changsheng.

"Although the gate of heaven is difficult to open, the immortal miracle is difficult to find."

"But in the end, the heavens favored the junior brother to discover the clue, and now that he has found the way of the immortals, the senior brother will replace the wine with tea as a congratulation!"

After a while, he finished speaking.

The four people in the room also drank tea again with laughter.

On the Tao.

Just pity the little dragon girl outside the door.

At this time, he was standing alone in the cold wind and his hair was messy by the wind, but his body was restrained.

Inability to act


Little by little, little by little.

At this time, although the big guy in the room was chatting very happily, among the four people, Huang Yaoshi was also an outsider.

Naturally, it is inevitable that you will lose sight of the topic while talking.

Causes a person to be somewhat embarrassed.

I want to fit in with the topic, but I don't know where to start.

Can't plug in at all.

So I could only keep silent.

But just then he seemed to remember something.

Then he wondered: "Eh.... By the way, when Fang Cai and the little brother of Changsheng came in, it seemed that we saw a girl outside the door with a pestle motionless in place. "

"I wonder what's going on?"

Xu Changsheng was slightly stunned when he heard this.

"Eh.... Little dragon girl? "

Hearing this, the Huang Medicine Master on the other side became more and more puzzled.

"Little dragon girl?"

"Is it the name of the girl out there?"

Zhou Botong on the side saw his curious face.

Can't help but roll his eyes.

"Huh? Huang Laoxi, what do you care about her, that is a female disciple of the ancient tomb sect, who was controlled by Xiao Changsheng with a point of point. "

"Well, oh yes! Just treat her like an assassin. "

"What are you doing with so much?"

But at this moment, after hearing Zhou Botong's words, Wang Chongyang on the side suddenly changed his face slightly: "What? Tomb pie? "


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