Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 11 Chapter 56: Not simple five elements

Lu Buqi still did not forget to remind everyone not to make this publicity.

As the so-called muffled sound makes a fortune, when Longmen has not been strong enough, and Lu Luqi has not enough power to win the world. This ability is better not to be known to the outside world, or else, I am afraid that the first to attack Lu Buqi, it is not only the Xuanmo Aojiri, but all the martial arts in the world.

No one would hope that such a divine presence would emerge. Once Longmen can mass-produce the Yuan Xiu, this will mean that all the martial arts can only stand aside.

This truth is understood even by Yun Gexiao and Mu Xiaoxi, who are not yet involved in the world, let alone Lu Yang and Lu Tai. Naturally, they also told themselves secretly that they would never tell the story.

After seeing the magic of the beard initiation, Man Zhusha has no doubts about Lu Buqi's ability to refer her to the Yuan Dynasty in a short time. On the contrary, there was a sense of urgency in Manjusha's heart, and Lu Buqiu was able to use his beard to instill transmission to him, but she didn't know if she could realize the magic of the Five Elements and the Five Elements in time.

From the process of Lu Gong's passing on to He Jingzhou, Man Zhusha can see some signs. That is, the beard initiation is really magical, and it is possible to transfer cultivation, but the understanding of the subject is also very important. Otherwise, if you cannot quickly keep up with the realm, you may be blessed with powerful cultivation.

Lu Buzai apparently knew about the concerns of Manju yarn. After Lu Yang and others dispersed, he began to explain to Manzhu yarn the relationship between the five elements.

As a talented disciple in the Hehuan Qingge, Manjusha is far from being comparable to the average person.

After Lu did not abstain from explaining the relationship between the five elements, she herself knew how to coordinate and compare the results.

"The basic relationship between the five elements is not difficult to understand!" Under Lu Fuqi's gaze, Man Zhusha slowly said: "Just to the five elements, nature abounds, and the metal is placed in the grass to condense the morning air. For dew, this is Jinsheng water. "

"All plants cannot grow without water. This is aquatic wood. Dry wood can ignite fire, and wood burns into fire. The so-called wood fire."

"The cremation of all things is ashes, ashes are dust, which is fire-producing soil; and all metals are generated in ore. This is earth-producing gold."

Lu Buqie nodded again and again. Indeed, the principle of the five elements is not difficult to understand. Whether starting from the human body or observing nature, these conclusions can be easily reached.

"The five elements are the same, and you can see them everywhere in your life." Man Zhusha's eyes are bright and clear: "People use metal swords and axes to easily chop wood. This is Jinkemu; and the power of a seed to germinate can be easily broken. Open hard soil or even rock formations, this is Mu Ketu. "

"And the turbulent river water can be blocked by dams, and even soldiers will cover the water to cover the soil, which is also the embodiment of soil water."

"Water is able to pour out the fire, and it is commonplace to see water kill the fire everywhere; unlike in your favorite smelter, the forging and smelting of those metals is done through the fire, isn't it the embodiment of the fire?

As Lu Buqi continued to nod, Man Zhusha raised her eyebrows lightly: "But knowing these relationship of Sheng Ke, can you know how to cast spells?"

"Nature isn't ... even if you don't understand the principles of Sheng Ke, your power of consciousness can sense the power of the five elements in the elemental power of the heavens and the earth. Then you can use your own elemental power to perform a single five-element technique. Lu Buqi chuckled: "But if I want to go further in the use of spells, then we must not only understand the principles of Sheng Ke, but also the five elements of Sheng Ke ..."

Man Zhusha looked at Lu Buqi, stupidly: "What is the deeper element of the Five Elements?"

Lu did not give up chuckling: "In fact, the relationship between the five elements still often completely contradicts the basic health, making people feel abnormal!"

"A total contradiction, abnormal situation?" Man Zhusha frowned slightly. "Are you there?"

"Of course, this anomalous situation, I call it insult!" Lu Buqi chuckled: "Insult, you can understand the taste of bullying in turn. There is not only Sunk in these five elements, but also sometimes There will be counter-grams. Wang Ke is weak, strong is weak, do you think about it, is n’t it everywhere in your life? "

"Inverse gram ... Wang ke decline, strong gram weakness ..." Man Zhusha's eyes lightened: "The water instinct overcomes the fire, but if the fire is too strong and the water is too weak, it will be evaporated by the heat wave ... I understand, When a certain behavior is too strong, even if it is a congenital nature, it may be insulted. "

Lu never gave up and nodded: "In addition to insults, there are cases of hypercarriage, and all things are extremely extreme. Jinneng Shengshui 2C water is more Jin Shen ... For example, Jinneng Shengshui, but if you produce too much water, Water can sink gold instead. "These five elements of the" abnormal "situation of prosperity and decline often occur in the form of disasters, such as the tsunami, which is Tuke water, but when the water is too strong, it floods more The performance of the land. "

After a pause, Lu Buqi slowly cast a very interesting spell, that is, he held up this group of burning flames with his right hand, and between his left hand, a stream of water turned like a ring, suddenly wrapped up at a very fast speed. The flame.

I only heard a loud bang, the water ring exploded during the heat wave expansion, and hot water vapor blasted out, forming a powerful explosive force. If Lu did not give up a protective wall in front of Manju yarn with a strong mana, Manju yarn would probably be hurt beyond recognition by this move.

"A monk who truly masters the Five Elements Sects, the magic is no longer restricted to a fixed form, and any combination will be able to exert a power as powerful as natural disasters." Lu Buqi laughed softly: "When we cast mana, It is precisely to make full use of these relations of birth and grammar that by sensing and creating different collisions between heaven and earth, we can also obtain different manifestations of magic. "

Manjusha's eyes were getting brighter and brighter: "I see, now, don't give up on you!"

Now that Man Zhusha has understood, Lu Buqi believes that she understands, and then, under some resentment, Lu Buqi let him put on display in the Sen Luomu prison, and took them in.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Buqi and Man Zhusha spent more than six hours in Senluomu prison, and the fierce burning began to make the bitter spirits not enough.

And at this time, just at the critical moment of the beard initiation, the manju yarn was about to sprint from the Nine Realms of Ningshen towards the Yuan Dynasty. Lu couldn't help but frowned, "Don't you say that the Jiuyin ancestral tree not only completely repaired your Miaoluo Hell, but also made your spiritual knowledge recover faster, is it enough for me?"

"I said it ’s basically enough for you, but it does n’t make you so extravagant! In two days, half of the time allows me to use the space of five prisons and help you to use the ability of the whisker initiation. I am An old cow, you have to let me take a break to drink saliva and eat grass, right? If I go on like this, I will definitely run to sleep again. "

Lu did not give up Wei Wei, but also smiled bitterly: "I thought that the Jiuyin ancestor Shenmu can make your spiritual power not to be consumed!"

"If you can give me Qixiang Jiuyin ancestral tree such as the ancestral god-level innate five-element spirits, then I can never sleep!" Lie Ying said: "Give you another half an hour, if you can't help him sprint to Chaoyuan, slowly, let's do it next time! "

Lu did not give up his heart and understood, and now told the completely relaxed Manju yarn with a sense of God: "Bead yarn, you are in a very good state now, if you can't break through to the Yuan Dynasty, it will be a shame."

He never gave up because of Elma, and after studying the Divine Religion, his ability to directly communicate with people's consciousness using consciousness was much stronger.

"What happened?" Manjusa wondered.

"The fierce consciousness of Lie Fen's predecessors is difficult to support the Sen Luomu prison space for too long. I want to increase the cultivation of cultivation in the next half hour, otherwise it will not be able to support you to break through to the Yuan Dynasty. But that might cause more pain. Can you resist it? "

Lu Buqie bit his teeth and was in the protection of Manchu yarn. Lu Buqie's previous infusion speed was the same as that when He Jingzhou was instilled. It was the slowest kind.

"I think I can do it!" Man Zhusha smiled softly, her eyes conveying the message that made Lu never give up.

"And if you can't bear the fainting or unconsciousness, it will lead to the failure of the initiation, the new repair may be dissipated, and the meridians may be damaged. Would you like to try?

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