Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 11 Chapter 83: Desire

Then, as everyone took a few breaths, the ground loops went together, and they began to cut radishes, starting from Fan Ye's soles.

Pieces of flesh and bone were cut off.

Although Fan Ye can't release his mana, but his ability to protect himself is still used, but his defense is undoubtedly ineffective under the attack of the ring-flame flying attack that also has the unique element level.

Ling Chi, goodbye Ling Chi.

And this method of revenge was introduced to the land defect, but the land defect has been improved.

The double ring flew back and forth like a cutting machine, the blood was raining, and the scene was extremely cruel and bloody.

"Stop it!" Pu Kui couldn't help it anymore, and he flew forward suddenly, trying to stop it all.

But a powerful force pulled him, making him unsuccessful. Pukui could not help looking back angrily, yelling at Lu, "You guys are really devil. Even if he has a great sin, he should not torture him like this!"

Lu did not abandon his sneer: "Look at Fan Ye's appearance, because of Fan Ye's sins, how much pain he has suffered for this, do you know? Pu Kui, you don't have to be angry, you haven't investigated your sin!"

"Then you killed me, too!" Pu Kui's neck stretched, and it was a bit of a stabbing.

"You ... I don't have the power to deal with it!" Lu Buqiang looked at Tongjin: "I think Master Tongjin will never forget his promise to me!"

"Head of Lu, there is no need to remind me, I still have to do what I say today!" Tong Jin responded: "But I have to spare people and others. I think it's a bit overwhelming ..."

"Have you passed?" Lu Buqi sneered: "If you change, you might be even harder than him. You know, if this is not my appearance, let alone revenge, he has already committed suicide ... but, Now that Master Tong has said so, give Master a face ... "

"Lack of ground, give him a break!" Lu Buqi's words dropped. Although ground was still resentful, he merged the two rings obediently and cut off Fan Ye's **** head.

As for Fan Ye's mustard ring, Lu did not give up one-handed suction, sucked it all up, and passed it to Tongjin: "We hate to report that these things outside of you will be returned to your temple. Now, this round Are you in Puku? "

"Lu doesn't give up, don't bully people too much!" Pu Kui stared gloomily at the landing and didn't give up. If Lu didn't give up and pressed hard, what would he do with the things he did?

"Joke, from the beginning, it wasn't me that Longmen was bullying!" Lu Buqi sneered: "Is it to cover Fan Ye, burn the criminal evidence, and want to kill people, aren't all you doing? Why? When it's time to return, Are you poor? "

Pukui's complexion changed again. When he was speechless, he could only look to Tongjin with the eyes of prayer.

Tong Jin's face is not very good-looking, he did not expect that today was to verify the authenticity of Lu Buqian, to see if there is a suitable reason to kill this pedestrian, but he did not want to be beaten by Lu Buqie Some were caught off guard.

Before today, he would promise Lu Buqi to abandon the conditions mentioned, because he did not think that Lu Buqi could produce evidence. What kind of person is Pukui, naturally he will not know this prison, he does not care whether Pukui has protected his apprentice Fan Ye some crimes.

From the perspective of today, asylum is nothing, as long as the **** is cleaned, no one will say anything.

But now, the buttocks are wiped clean, but Lu Buqi has a variety of verification methods that are not afraid of clean buttocks. What's more important is that Lu does not abandon this guy at any time.

In terms of fighting strength, Risoji Temple is naturally not afraid of these two organizations, but if it wants to maintain its image, there is no way to put Pukui today: "Luzhangmen, you can rest assured that I am in charge of Risoji Temple Prison. The monks of the whole temple will naturally not let such bad behaviors be allowed! "

The voice fell, and today shot, a palm printed on the head of Pu Kui.

If it is true that Pu Kui is attacked today, then this palm will probably shoot Pu Kui's head that he dare not resist as a watermelon. However, he only secretly spit, hitting on the Pukui Baihui.

"Uncle!" Puxian, Puri, and the other monk who never spoke, the three exclaimed together. They couldn't have expected it, and today they really did it. Already.

"Uncle ..." Pu Kui's face shuddered, his body trembled, and his powerful mana fled from each of his pores.

His body fell like an eggplant beaten by frost, but Pu-kui-he didn't fall into the air, because he was caught by Tongjin. Tong Jian looked coldly at Lu Buqian: "Pukui sent me the elders. Although I can rule out the door wall, I must inform Brother Abbot, so I must take him back to the temple. Is there any opinion? "

Lu did not give up a faint smile: "Master Tongjin is unselfish, righteous, and is really a model for my generation, admire!"

"This is nothing to admire!" Tong Jin is not happy today, and his face is somber: "Puxian, Puri, Putai, let's go!"

When flying over the small farmhouse, Pu Xian looked at Pu Kui, who looked so ashamed, and finally could not help but say, "Uncle Yuan, why do you submit to the persecution of Lu?" Even if Pu Kui's brother is at fault Or would he ruin his entire life's efforts? "

"That's it!" Pu Ri's eyebrows were lowered. "It's a loss ... it's not worth it."

But Putai also wanted to express his opinion, but today he said coldly: "You all have such big opinions, why didn't you just give me a good suggestion to solve the problem?"

The three looked at each other and had nothing to answer.

"Since there is no suggestion, what's the use of saying these now?" Tong Jin Shen said: "The head said, if he is really not quitting, try not to be an enemy. Besides, with our strength, really He can't be killed. Can it make me a land that never gives up?

The three are even more helpless. As a martial art, Risha Temple has a very important reputation. As today's prison, the personal image and reputation are more important.

"Energize me!" Tongjin shook his hand: "I didn't repair you as a total waste, your Zifu is still there, and I won't be a waste in this life!"

Pu Kui's eyes lightened slightly, not to mention, if it wasn't for reminding him today, he wouldn't have noticed that he was still a peak practitioner.

"Uncle ..." Pu Kui looked at Tong Jin gratefully.

"Don't say more!" Tongjin shook his head: "I abandon your Yuan Xiuwei, it is also a waste of your Xiuwei, and it does not count it. Then Lu Buqi cannot see this, but He didn't say anything, indicating that he also acquiesced in this way. Pu Kui, don't blame me, just blame you for having bad luck and accepting an apprentice like that. "

Pu Kui nodded: "I don't blame Uncle, I blame Lu Lu for abandoning it, it's too bullying!"

"Don't be dissatisfied, look for revenge!" Tong Jin sneered: "It's not enough for you to get revenge. This land is not abandoned, it is definitely the world for thousands of years, even from the beginning of Yuanxiu civilization, The most gifted monk. His speed of growth is shocking, and he has endless secrets ... Just against me three tricks, who knows the third trick? "

Puxian, Puri and others exchanged their gazes. Obviously, none of them had seen such a strange defense spell.

Tong Jin continued: "In our intelligence at Jisha Temple, Lu did not abandon the most powerful fighting method, which is the transformation of the five elements and phantoms and several strange ways of acting. However, three battles against me except the first one He used a **** magic weapon to attack, and the remaining two moves were purely defensive. What does this mean? "

Pu Ri narrowed his eyebrows: "Don't you never stop giving up on your uncle?"

"He can kill even Xuanri, and he has such a magical defensive spell. Naturally, he can only defend himself without attacking!" Tong Jin's mind is still shocked by the ice crystal tree defense exhibited by Lu Buqi's third move. Fa: "Furthermore, he does have the will to not want to be evil with our Sunshine Temple."

"Then today, hasn't this been revealed by our Japanese temple?" Pu Xian seemed quite incomprehensible.

Today ’s eyes are stunned: “If you do n’t expose it, it depends on what the abbot said. No matter what, it ’s a matter of puke being pushed out of the door wall. This temple will never abandon you if it harms this temple. "

Pui Kui heard that he was so grateful that he couldn't remember the Yuan Xiu Xiu who just abolished him just now.

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