Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 12 Chapter 50: Deepest memory

Chu Yidao could feel Lu Buqi's sadness, but he still looked at Lu Buqi with a smile: "Marriage is just a form. In your heart, you have married her."

"Yeah, just as if she had already married me in her heart." Lu Buqi walked slowly to the pink-white square jade. This is a piece of jade with a narrower width and a wider middle, which is more suitable. Make fat sculptures.

"Qiaoer is a very simple and simple girl, she is also very generous, and dares to express her love for me by action ..." Another form of Wang Shuangqiao in Lu Buqi's mind was set again, and his sword light flew again. Dancing.

After half an hour, a pink and white sculpture was formed. At this time, Wang Shuangqiao was completely a big girl. Although wearing fighting clothes, she still did not diminish her purity, the cage bun in her hand seemed to be scorching hot.

"She came out more beautifully ..." Chu Yidao sighed: "She has a deep feeling for you. Through your hands, I can feel how hard she took care of you at that time. Nothing. "

"Yeah ... At that time, she gave me the freshest freshly baked buns every day, with all tastes, and I could eat them!" Lu Buqi laughed, tears in his eyes: "But I didn't have her Brave, never said anything sweet to her ...

Chu Yitian sighed and exhaled, "Men's feelings are always deeper ... but it is easier to leave regrets."

"The only thing I did for her was to teach her to learn boxing!" Lu did not give up wryly and walked to the third piece of jade.

This is a piece of dark green jade material. It is the longest of the five pieces. The width is narrow and narrow, just like a slender awl.

"She also learns boxing very carefully. I know she is not to bully people or protect herself, but to stay with me more." Lu Buqi's mouth was full of sweetness, but the corners of his eyes were full of regrets. .

Daoguang reappeared, Wang Shuangqiao practiced boxing, and the floating figure of Bai Heliang's wings was vividly carved by Lu Buqiu, as if the whole person was going to peel off a shell from jade and fly to the sky.

"I can feel that this girl is very talented in cultivation!" Chu Yidao's eyes lightened slightly: "Perhaps it is you who activated the potential in her bones."

"I'm glad ..." Lu Buqiang's face was full of bitterness: "At least, Wu Qin's bionic fist made Qiaoer insist on meeting me."

Chu Yidao staggered: "Have you ever been separated for a long time now?"

"Yes ... for several years!" Lu Buqiu walked to the fourth piece of jade material, which is the most suitable piece for the sculptural figure. Not only the shape is suitable, but the texture is white and transparent, and the gloss is pleasant. Very rich.

In Lu Buqi's dreamlike sword light, standing in the wind, his eyes are full of staring Wang Shuangqiao, as if he was not afraid of the snow outside the town of Guoxie in the past. Her infatuated woman.

"This is not the woman I saw with my own eyes ... because I never let her do it!" Lu Bujin clenched his teeth, panicking in his heart.

At this moment of Chu Yidao, the corners of his eyes were wet: "I have had a woman like this before, waiting for me ... but I lied to her ..."

"A good man will not make the waiting lover's heart more and more panic ..." Lu Buqiu could not regret it: "I am not a good man ..."

"Neither am I!" Chu sighed incomparably.

Lu Buqi spit out a long breath: "If time can flow backwards, I will not let her wait for me so, I will take her as soon as possible, love her and protect her!"

"If time can flow backwards, I will not choose the one that does not return, even if I die with her early, it should be a better fate than now!"

With a deep glance at Chu, Lu Buqi laughed with self-deprecation: "Master, it turns out that you are also amorous."

"I do n’t talk about heroes with success or failure, I am amorous!" Chu Yidao spread his hands and said, "Everything is a passing sight ..."

Lu did not abandon the interface and said, "But it haunts you and me, no matter how long the years are, it is lingering, isn't it?"

Chu Yidao dumbfounded and focused: "Well, there are some things that can't be pretended to be free and easy ... I'm curious, what kind of story do you want to record with this fifth piece of jade?"

Scarlet jade materials are rarely used to sculpt characters.

And this piece is slightly shorter than Wang Shuangqiao's height, there is no variegated body, and the blood jade is red like blood, but it is also the most valuable piece of jade collection.

Lu did not give up the silence, and his expression entered the most painful state.

Daoguang flew up, with determination, was the determination flowing out of the bones.

When Wang Shuangqiao's most recent, familiar, and strangest form was carved out with a knife, Lu Buqi burst into tears, and even crouched down in sorrow.

Chu Yidao looked deeply at the sculpture in front of him, frowning: "Why ... the four statues in front are full of life, but this one, I can't feel a little angry? Don't give up ... This should be the point of your emotional explosion It shouldn't be like this ... "

On that wall, Chu Feifan and others also talked about it.

Lu did not abandon the four statues in front, and each one is definitely the highest-level sculpture in the world, because each one cannot be simply described as life-like, because the word "such as life" insults that almost It is a sculpture with life and soul.

However, although the details of this fifth sculpture are equally delicate, every hair strand and every inch of skin is perfectly expressed, but it makes people feel less vital.

If there weren't four statues with vitality in front, this one would still be a good work with emotion. But with the four sculptures in front, if you look at one, you will see a living person suddenly. Die.

"Ah ..." Lu Buqi shouted, and slowly stood up, tears in the corner of his eyes wiped away, and there were tears on his cheeks.

In Chu Yidao's confused eyes, Lu Buqi raised his hand slowly, the milling cutter in his hand was shaking slightly.

When the milling cutter was turned to a wonderful angle, a refraction glance fell into the eyes of the scarlet sculpture.

There was a throbbing sound, and Chu Feifan, who was lying on the wall, fell into the corner because of shock.

"Ah ..." Chu Yidao also exclaimed in surprise: "She ... this ... why?"

At that moment, the bloodless sculpture that was originally inanimate suddenly appeared as if the soul had returned, and vitality burst out. Even Chu Chu almost thought that she was about to speak.

"This form ... this is the form in which Qiaoer girl's life and soul are imprisoned ..." Lu did not give up turning the milling cutter, and the sculpture became no longer a sign of life. The milling cutter turned back, and the light flashed in the blood eyes. It's like the moment when Wang Shuangqiao grasped Lu Fuqiu's heart and the moment when his soul was awake.

Lu Buqi shuddered: "For me, she completely contributed the only body she could finally give, and I ... I can only leave my mind full of her memories ... even if I believe I will never Forget her, but I'm really afraid to forget. "

Only then did Chu Yidao return from the shock of the moment: "Don't give up ... Your level is already higher than mine. Your set of works will be works that I can't surpass in this life ..."

"She is not a work." Lu Buqi walked slowly, stroking and kissing each statue of Wang Shuangqiao: "She is my coincidence."

"Anyway ... I feel extremely proud of having a disciple like you!" Chu Yidao sighed softly: "And she will certainly become the object of envy of many women."

"What's enviable, she's so young, she's dead ..." Lu Buqi sneered.

"At least, she gave her life with your most sincere feelings as a response." Chu Yidao squeaked slightly: "I believe she would be very happy if she knew her soul."

He controlled the milling cutter with force, turned to a specific angle, reflected the sunlight into the eyes of Wang Shuangqiao's blood-colored sculpture, and Lu Buqi kissed Wang Shuangqiao's cold lips deeply.

Silently murmured in Lu Buqi's heart: "Chaoer, go slowly ... someday, I will catch up with you!"

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