Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 1 - Theoric

A young-looking man, with light short brown hair, sharp thick eyebrows with hazel colored eyes and often sports a 5 o'clock shadow, standing at 6'3".

Donning his personal black armor with a red cape, it also had a special slot just under the cape where he kept his 2 handed double-edged black sword, 3.5 feet long and 3.5 inches wide.

He also wore a red long sleeve shirt with a gold diamond pattern under his armor that could be seen at the elbow joint where he was free of armor.

(I based his looks off of the cover, so check that for reference.)

He tended to wear this when not on duty, it was his way to show his mourning for one of his loves that died, her favorite color was black.

The crimson hawk wished for all their members to wear the classic red-colored armor with a red-winged helmet. They also had a white hawk bird symbol on their c.h.e.s.t surrounded by a black background to highlight it, hence the crimson hawks.

The Crimson Hawks were Odin's personal guards, dedicated to giving their lives to his protection.

As one of the few Asgardian warriors to receive high praise for his skill in combat he was recruited into the prestigious order to help guard Odin the King of Asgard.


Theoric was walking down the royal hall after being dismissed, his footsteps echoing off of the marble floor.

The eyes of the guards stationed at every pillar followed his movements as he made his way out.

On his way home to his future wife Sigyn who he loves more than anything or anyone and lucky enough for her to feel the same way about him.

His favorite past time was spending time with his wife and her glorious delicious c.h.e.s.t, there wasn't much else to do on Asgard, most of the time it was peaceful.

Being a long-lived race they had to come up with some clever ways to pass the time, some played games, some fought and others spent time with their loved ones, not many were allowed to travel off-world through the Bifrost so most were stuck on Asgard trying to find ways to entertain themselves.

Before he could exit the building, he was stopped by one of the king's messengers, who was wearing their light golden armor.

"Sir, by the king's order you are to take a party to check the recent breach by the rock trolls and subjugate any you find."

Theoric narrowed his eyes at the messenger not quite believing him, it was not minutes ago he was released from duty and now he was suddenly sent a message that he had to go and take care of the recent breach.

"I hear and obey." he snapped his legs together in military fashion upon receiving the order despite his misgivings he could not question a king's messenger without repercussions.

He did not see the sneer the guard gave him as his back turned heading towards the barracks to gather the men.

He found his way to the barracks located on the west side entering the stone building, through the doubled wooden door with metal fixings.

Inside the men were merrily sitting at a round table enjoying themselves with drink and food.

Theoric confused asked loud enough to grab their attention- "Did you not receive orders to assemble and await me?"

"Sir I told them, I told them and told them, but they would not listen and go on with their filthy displays." the skinny guy complained.

"Oi put a sock in it you sniveling rat." one of the men spat out, throwing a leg of meat at him.

The skinny guy dodging it with his hands up to defend shouted back, "Bastard watch yourself, you are in front of our leader now... I'm sorry sir, but you see what I have to deal with." shaking his head in defeat.

Another man spoke up- "What leader, it's just a temporary command to deal with some worms, nothing serious, why do you have to be so uptight all the time."

Theoric seeing enough held his hand up to silence the skinny guy before he went on another tirade.

"Attention men! I was on my way home to my lovely Fiance when a king's messenger was sent to me with an order to take care of the recent breach in the western woods... "

Looking around with a glare before he continued loudly chastising them

"Now tell me are you prepared to march with me and take care of the problem so I can get home or will you become the problem?" he asked eyes narrowing.

The men now fully focused on him finally realized who they were talking to, Theoric the butcher, so named for the way he hacks apart his enemies with his longsword.

While Theoric was stronger than the average Asgardian, but he still paled in comparison to thor and sad enough even Loki had him beat.

Knowing this he made up for it with tenacity and savagery, despite the hard work he fell short of the strength he wishes to have so he made up for it with brutality, making even those who think themselves stronger think twice before messing with him.

He made a name for himself during the few wars they had, chopping through enemies like they were weeds and later again when he was recruited as the youngest Crimson Hawk for the skill he displayed in the arena.

"N-No, sir! we'll get ready immediately." A veteran looking man shouted as he whipped the rest into shape. "Come on you dogs move it."

Minutes later 20 men fully armed and ready stood awaiting his command out front. Wearing their classic Asgardian armor with horned helmets, shield, spear, and sword on the waist.

It was of less glamorous quality being some of the lowest-ranked soldiers, equipped with brown capes.

Theoric walked down the line giving them a once over, stopping when he noticed the skinny guy standing in line, he honestly thought he was another messenger or servant to clean the barracks.

Finishing his inspection he addressed the men, "Alright you know our orders, west of here in the forest is a breach from the rock trolls, but be warned this may not be as simple as it seems," he had a bad feeling about this.


"Never mind just keep alert and Move Out" he loudly ordered.

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