Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 11 - Married

Arriving at the military offices he went up to the reporting branch to inform them of his recent activities.

Exiting the branch he was blocked by a group of royal guards, made obvious by their golden armor and golden colored cape.

"Halt, Theoric by order of the king we are to escort you to him."

Theoric frowned, not exactly sure what was going on, it didn't seem likely Loki told of his failures, so it seemed odd he would be called after just submitting the report.

Odin, once Theoric looked up to him thinking he was a wise and wonderful king, but with new information, it seems he was just another selfish king who did things as he pleased instead of for his people.

"Lead the way," Theoric said with a stoic expression.

He was marched to the throne room where Odin sat, now looking far older in the eyes of Theoric who knew his death was coming far sooner than anyone would expect.

Odin stared at him with his one eye watching them approach, in his regal armor with Gungnir, Odin's Borson spear in hand.

The head guard went up and took a knee- "As you requested I present Theoric." then got up and with the rest of the guards dispersed at a wave of Odin's hand.

Once left alone, Odin remained silently staring at him, to Theoric the silence was deafening as he waited for him to speak growing more nervous by the second.

"Gaea came here and seemed to spend most of her time with you, care to explain."

Theoric felt stupid for not realizing that Odin would notice a Goddess descending on Asgard, of course, if Gaea wanted to stay hidden even Odin wouldn't be able to see her.

he began to tell Odin everything that occurred with the trolls leaving out the Acanti and the private things that were done in the bed, replacing it with more time needed to recuperate.

Odin listening to the story grew concerned that the Rock Trolls made it through to Asgard with a portal without anyone realizing it, wondering who sent the order to set up his men, not letting his thoughts bring him to the conclusion of Loki the likely suspect.

Odin looking concerned- "That is a disturbing story, luckily Gaea saw it and saved you otherwise we wouldn't even know about this, I will be sure to have men investigate how this could happen."

He didn't question why Gaea would save him, seeing as how the Goddess was known to do things at her leisure.

Theoric sneered on the inside listening to him, realizing that he wasn't even contemplating Loki or intending to do anything about his actions if he does know.

Odin then broke into a grin- "On to happier news, if I recall correctly today is your wedding day, tell me what gift would you like to receive from me, all couples are allowed to ask for one thing not too excessive, but considering your recent events I'm willing to allow more then what would normally be deemed appropriate."

Odin waited patiently as he watched him contemplating what to ask for.

Theoric- "Then if I may be presumptuous, I would like to be able to use the Bifrost once at a time of my choosing and if I could be allowed to go on any raids you send against the Rock Trolls."

Odin not thinking much of it seeing how he said he also wanted to go on raids against Rock Trolls easily agreed to the request - "Done." he said slamming his spear down.

Theoric grinning- "Thank you, my king, now I should get going and prepare myself before the wedding."

Odin nodded his head- "Yes I'll see you there, you may go now."

Theoric giving one last bow before he made his way out still grinning to himself after receiving the best gift he could ask for.

The plan now was to marry his love, train up, maybe go on some raids, and then head to Midgard to begin laying the foundations he would need for the future.


The wedding was wonderful, of course, they turned it into a party as they always do on Asgard whenever there is a chance to make one.

The king presided over the reception and officially married them, after the party they went home and spent their first night as a wedded couple together.

The next morning the happy couple woke up to find tattoed like rings on their left ring fingers, just under the rings they put on at the wedding.

Taking off their rings they saw it better, Theoric had a dark blue ring representing Sigyn while she had a hazel colored ring representing him.

They each felt the link they now had and discovered they could communicate with each other if they wish it or even locate each other, being able to tell where the other was at.

He trained some with his new abilities, able to now easily draw out his force shields when needed, but still unaccustomed to it.

Training the healing was a problem though, he couldn't exactly go around injuring people on purpose, not to mention the fact he trained in secret now so no one would know his new abilities.

While not exactly concerned if anyone finds out, he just thinks it would be more trouble than its worth with questions and possibly being assigned new jobs, if it were discovered what he could do.

He couldn't imagine being forced to sit out of wars and being made the armies healer, that would be a nightmare he could see coming true if it should be found out.

He also didn't wish to explain his newfound strength that would increase in the future, the first boost was mostly due to Gaea, but the continued growth outside of training would draw attention he didn't need, not willing to explain that he had a soul merge with him that was still slowly increasing his bodies capabilities until it reached as close to Acanti levels as it could get.

Who knows what they would think of that or treat him like once they learned such information.

At the moment his physical strength was stronger than Loki's but still much weaker than Thor's, he couldn't wait for the day he grew stronger than that stupid brawler and could put him in his place.

Not to mention he was itching for revenge on Ulik.

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