Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 115 - Chatting

Hours later, after finishing their healing session, Sigyn and Theoric were both spent as he let the square room dissipate. Letting the girls who were waiting anxiously on the outside to help take the tired Sigyn and the passed out Medusa to go get clean and dressed while Theoric sat there wondering what was the point of having so many women if none of them wanted to take care of him.

The following day after having a much needed night's rest, they sat around the table to eat breakfast and talk with their new happy friend, Medusa, who was still blindfolded for precaution's sake, until they found something to test her eyes on to prove that she wouldn't instantly kill them all.

Medusa was happily eating and chatting while running her hands every so often through her hair, and over her skin, and kicking her legs, feeling extremely exuberant to finally be rid of her snake body.

She now stood at 5'7" tall with dark brown hair, and she was as beautiful as her mother before her.

Io curious about the other gorgons and how it compared to the sirens, asked- "So what was it like living on the island, what did you and the other gorgons even eat if everything you guys see turns to stone?"

Medusa's face went stoic as she recalled her experiences.

Sigyn seeing her lose her happy demeanor quickly intervened- "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to."

Io- "Yeah, I was just curious is all, but you don't have to if it's too painful."

Medusa inhaled deeply before exhaling- "It's okay, maybe it'll be good to talk about it... When I first arrived on the island I just finished going through my change and was hysterical, to say the least... My mind broke when I saw my body as I wailed in painful agony from being abandoned by my idol and punished for, for, for being assaulted... (Tears now dripping from her eyes, as she wipes it with a sniff, Sigyn scooting over to give her comfort as she continued.)...

At first, I didn't' see the Gorgons as I roamed the deeper parts of the cave, they liked to stay near the entrance so they easy access to the outside to hunt for food. Unlike me they don't turn things to stone when they look upon them, their prey just drops dead and they're able to eat it, they used the oceans to hunt for food. I on the other hand no longer needed to eat, the curse was sustaining me completely.

When they first saw me from behind they thought I was their mother and wished to worship me, but that quickly changed when I turned around and killed them with just a look. Then they started calling me the evil one, the abomination but could do nothing against me as my eyes turned even their strongest warrior making them all flee and avoid me.

I don't remember when, but at some point, a few of them did start trying blindfolded tactics and that's around the time I remember finding a magical bow, which I guess your mother for some reason left for me which you can have by the way, knowing it's from her, I will no longer touch it... And then you guys appeared."

Anna could only sadly smile hearing she didn't want the bow anymore.

Theoric- "I know it won't be easy to forget, but try and concentrate on the future now and put all that behind you, I'll go look for the fishing gear and try and catch a fish so we can see if it'll be fine to drop your blindfold."

Sigyn grinned- "Yes, that's a wonderful idea, don't worry Medusa, we're here for you now."

Medusa gave a small smile- "Thanks, but I don't wish to be called Medusa anymore, I forgot to mention about all the adventures and monsters that came looking for my head during those terrible years, calling out my name in such hateful manners... Please call me Nina from now on."

Sigyn gave her a hug- "Okay Nina, it's a lovely name."

Nina happily hugged her back, knowing she was the one who helped her along with Theoric. The two forever holding a place in her heart now.

Later after catching a fish they were finally able to rest easy as they looked into her beautiful dark brown eyes, revealing the entirety of her pretty face.


That night, Theoric laid back, draping his left arm around his wife as she cuddled next to him while the rest took some time to themselves, he was more interested in resting rather than getting into any antics.

Sigyn resting her head on his c.h.e.s.t spoke softly- "Theo."

Theoric- "Hm?"

Sigyn- "Anna told us about what happened, and about the things you said... Theo, you've changed."

Theoric raised an eyebrow- "Have I?" he asked thinking about the Acanti's soul.

Sigyn- "I don't remember you ever mentioning such things, I only ever remember you talking about how you wished to get stronger and destroy all those in your path."

Theoric chuckled- "I don't think I've changed all that much, maybe a little, but you have to also remember that back in Asgard we were trapped in that militaristic society, sure we were free to enjoy ourselves on Asgard, but we couldn't freely travel to and from it, the more I think about it, the more I see it as a prison."

Sigyn remained quiet for some time before talking again- "Theo, I still love Asgard."

Theoric sighed- "So do I.," he said before they drifted off to sleep. How could he hate the home he grew up, the place where he made many happy memories, the place where he met Sigyn.

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