Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 117 - Landfall

Thus began their journey back after collecting themselves from another day of mischief.

The following days Nina and everyone grew closer together, though she still had reservations about Anna who was the daughter of the one who cursed her.

Theoric was just happy that no one was fighting, mostly due to the efforts of Sigyn, since no one wished to make her upset, she was the pillar of the group while Theoric was the backbone.

Io was the one who argued forcing others to think more about their actions.

Anna was the brains knowing most about the era they were in, though Theoric also knew a good deal with the few Acanti's memories he did receive, it still paled in comparison to Anna's god-given gift which gave her much of the current knowledge of the world.

Holland took to being the cute little bossy sister who could be quite loud at times when things didn't go her way, not at all afraid of being punished by Theoric, in fact, at times it seemed like that's exactly what she wanted.

Nina didn't as yet have a role, but she began trying to take care of Sigyn and Theoric whenever she could, falling back into her worshiping ways. This was somewhat off-putting for Sigyn who liked to do the caring around here. Nina ended up being a great friend regardless too everyone on board though as they all felt at ease talking with her.


Taras was hard at work going over and using the data Theoric provided, doing his best to implement new techniques in order to achieve better results in the following creations.

Standing over his control console, he inputted the new data and watched the screen as the medical looking machines got to work on the creatures below, poking, prodding, cutting, and injecting them in various ways.

He grinned as the results came back positive, stepping away from the control console he walked around it towards the large window just behind. Looking through and down at the massive machine he was just watching on the monitor working down below in the large pit that housed one of his most formidable experiments.

A creature so large that one could not even see its full size from up top. The base trembled whenever its body had a reflex reaction which only made Taras grin all the wider. He knew that ancient blood General Kro gave him contained awesome mysterious power. It was one of the greatest finds he ever had and now he would see it brought out in the most glorious way he could.

The general commissioned and participated with him on another project with the blood, but this one, this one here was all on Taras's after persuading the General to let him split the ancient blood's use for another project. He wasn't going to let such an amazing opportunity be limited to just one, he had to extract as much benefit out of it as he could.

He did try and ask for more and from where the general got it, but alas he was told that was all he was going to get, so he used his portion as best he could., taking dot size drops for smaller projects while trying not to impact this main one that he had high hopes on.

The battle data from Theoric fights have made it all worth it though as he was able to further improve it.

Suddenly an alarm went off bringing him out of his thoughts, he went back to the console to see what was going on. Pulling up the monitor he saw it was the early warning system he put up for when Theoric was back. Cl.i.c.k.i.n.g the zoom button he spotted Theoric standing at the bow of his ship, looking so proud of himself, no clue of what's to come.

"Welcome back my little rat, let's see what useful data you'll provide next, I'm hoping this time for a bit of blood," he said with a wicked grin as he clicked another button releasing Giganto 2.0.

"If blubber didn't work, maybe scales will, we'll see just how hard of a hit you can take," he said before heading back to the window to look back down on his main one,- "Soon my pet, soon, soon I will make you the strongest in all the lands, the gods themselves will quake in fear upon your arrival."


It didn't take them nearly as long to find their way back to Athens after completing the mission and controlling their urges at sea for the most part.

Theoric was standing shirtless at the bow of the ship, enjoying the gentle cool sea breeze at his back and the warm sun beating down from overhead made for a nice combination. They've been lucky with the weather, only coming across one or two storms that didn't bother them much.

Sigyn who was forced to wear clothes so she didn't set him off, could only bite her lip in discomfort at seeing his amazing half-n.a.k.e.d body- "Theo, this isn't fair, you also have to wear clothes if we have to wear clothes," she complained.

Theoric chuckled- "Alright, fair is fair, I'll go slip into my armor in a bit, I believe we're almost there. now, Athens ports should be coming into view any minute."

It wasn't the ports they saw first though, sh.i.p.s of war dotted the horizon ahead, scouting vessels spotting them turned in their direction.

Theoric- "I'll go get my armor now, tell Anna to steer around them, tell her to take the long way around if we have to, I would rather not engage in unnecessary conflict."

Nina just coming out onto the deck could sense the unease- "What's going on?"

Theoric- "It seems war has started while we were away, you should prepare yourself, as you well know now, the world is not an easy place to live, you never know what is going to happen, are you sure you no longer wish to use that bow?"

Seeing her frown he could only sigh as he left her to her thoughts, he didn't understand why some people wouldn't accept things they need from enemies, who cares who it's from if it can help you.

After donning his armor he came back out to find the scouting sh.i.p.s broke off pursuit when it became apparent they would be taken far from the battle lines.

They took another few days sneaking their way around the small eastern islands.

Growing tired of the sea, Theoric thought about just ditching the boat and flying the rest of the way, but he didn't wish to draw the eyes of the Olympians who would likely be watching this war carefully.

Managing to sneak their way around and through the patrolling sh.i.p.s, they finally made landfall on the eastern shores of Athens territory.

Io once again feeling the strain far more than the others, landed on the beach, lying down as she scooping up sand into her arms- "Land, finally, sweet, sweet, land, you don't know how much I've missed you," she said hugging it.

Theoric felt a little guilty seeing this,- "You know Io, you could have told me you were growing sick of the sea, I would have done something, I also was a bit tired of it at the end there."

Io somewhat embarrassed didn't want to admit that she was a burden. Clearing her throat in an attempt to try and get rid of the embarrassment,- "Ahem, no, no, I'm fine, it's just that I love the feel of sand..." she said getting up while trying to discreetly remove sand from private places which only made the others giggle at her cute attempts to hide it, causing Io to further blush in shame.

Sigyn the ever kind was the first to come to her rescue as she helped Io resolve her current dilemma while Theoric headed up the sandbank to get a better view of what's around.

Seeing the coast clear he called out for the rest as they began their long trek.

Theoric thinking of Io started to ask- "Io if you want I can..." Only to be interrupted as a big scaly green hand with sharp claws on the end of each finger, came bursting out of the ground to grab Theoric. The women screaming in surprise as they were thrown off their feet.

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