Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 119 - (2)

Io, Nina, and Holland watched on in horror as they saw them disappear underneath the massive green-scaled creature.

Holland not sure if the creature could hear or not, decided to do the only thing she knew how. Taking off in at a sprint, she ran over yelling,- "Get Off Of Them!" Right before giving the loudest screech of her life.

Io meanwhile was holding Nina back- "Don't worry, they'll be fine, and if you get any closer you'll probably die from Holland's scream attack, in fact, we should probably still close our ears even though she's over there and facing away from us... I just hope the others will be protected while buried underneath that thing."

Nina was afraid that she would lose the ones that saved her, but Io was right, she was beginning to think about that bow and how she could at least do something with it, even if she hated the fact that it was from Athena.

Closing their ears they prepared for it, and it was loud, so loud that it created a shockwave from her person, ripping out a path in the ground from her all the way to the creature as it slammed into him.

Giganto's entire body was rocked by the impact as the sound vibrations assaulted him, his yellow eyes going bloodshot as the tiny holes where his ears should be, began to bleed from the noise. It let out a wail in protest, violently thrashing around before using its claws to dive back underground.

Holland instantly stopped thinking she just made a grave mistake as the creature vanished from sight. Her face turned pale thinking about Theoric and the others, hoping she didn't unintentionally make things worst.

Before all that, right after Theoric, Sigyn and Anna were bodyslammed into the ground, buried beneath the creature.

Theoric was first reinforcing the shields on themselves while telepathically communicating with Sigyn to calm her down, who was only a few feet away but might as well have been miles in this dark environment that they were trapped in, unable to move.

Theoric knowing she was likely freaking out tried to calm her- 'Sigyn, Sigyn, listen to the sound of my voice, everything is okay, we're fine, nothing will happen, you trust me don't you?'

Sigyn who was still screaming and crying, buried alone, has never been in battle or in a fight before. This was not something she was ready for. She was happy to help Theoric and liked the idea of fighting by his side, but dreaming about it and experiencing it are two very different things. All she thought about when the monster's body came crashing into them, slamming them into the ground was that they were all going to die.

Sigyn hearing Theoric's voice visibly calmed as cries turned into tearful sniffles,- "Theo, is that you?" she asked out loud, to rattle to think straight, luckily the ring carried the thought to him.

Theoric picking up on her distress quickly answered- 'Yes Sigyn, it's me, don't worry, I'll have us out soon, don't be scared, I won't let anything happen to you, you're still safely secured in my energy shield, can't you feel it?'

The tears were now gone as she realized his energy was still wrapped around her- "Yes I can feel it, oh Theo, I was so scared, and I'm still trapped, what do I do?"

Theoric- 'Just wait a bit, I'll take care of everything.'

Anna who couldn't communicate with anyone was especially scared as she started to hyperventilate from a slight case of claustrophobia, but feeling Theoric's energy intact kept most of the fear at bay. However, the helplessness of the situation hit her hard, she started to think about what she was doing. She had no powers to speak of like the others, and while she knew a great deal more than most, what good did that do when you were in battle with an unknown creature who is many times stronger than you. She let her pride take over again, and went headlong into battle without really thinking about what she was doing.

Always so proud of being half an Olympian, the daughter of Athena, gave her the confidence to do anything. Always eager to show off whether it be her knowledge which she had plenty of or her fighting prowess, but now it was abundantly clear, that she was not as strong as she thought, not even close, battles like this were way beyond her.

Clenching her fists, and gritting her teeth, she promised she would change and not make the same mistake if she got out of here in one piece. She knew what she had to do if she wanted to be smart and strategic like her mother. She had to first realize her limits and not go rushing into something she was ill-prepared for.

It was at this time they heard the muffled screams of their siren friend from up above. The creature now hurt and angry suddenly began to dig down, pushing those trapped into another awkward position as they were shuffled around in the dirt as it was now more interested in escaping the noise than dealing with them.

Theoric who was getting reading to blast energy up in an attempt to force the creature off was thrown for a loop when it retreated deeper into the earth. Not sweating it, he readjusted his priorities after taking a few seconds to establish his bearings after being jostled around. He then extended his energy to link up with Sigyn and Ann before shooting up and out.

Blasting through the ground, Theoric came out with Sigyn and Anna in tow, landing in front of the waiting Siren.

Holland ran up giving them a hug- "I'm so glad to see you're all fine, I was worried I made things worst."

Sigyn feeling the most put off by the events hugged everyone just as strongly- "I was so scared, I'm so happy everything turned out alright."

Anna wishing to redeem herself, used her quick wit to ask Holland,- "Why did you use your scream? In that situation, you should have used your enchanting voice."

Holland blushed in shame knowing she was right but tried to justify it anyway- "What if I attracted its attention but wasn't able to control it."

Theoric wiggled his way free- "Don't grow complacent, it's not dead yet." and then as if on cue they could feel the earth rumbling beneath them.

Seeing the girls taking positions and Nina and Io heading towards them after seeing them hug, unaware that it wasn't over, Theoric made his decision- "Girls, you have all been wonderful, but it's time for me to do the rest alone, take Nina and Io away and protect yourselves while I take care of this." he said pulling out his 2 handed double-edged Asgardian black sword for battle.

The girls wished to argue but knew better as they all reluctantly left with only Anna lagging behind to ask- "Are you sure you can handle him alone?"

Theoric grinned as his eyes turned to his sword, choosing to respond with a question of his own- "Have you ever seen me fight with my sword before?"

Anna had one last question nagging her- "I've seen you form energy around your enemies before, can't you just do that and end it fast, like maybe even form energy within the creature and kill him instantly?"

Theoric sighed- "If only things were so simple, but the stronger something is the harder it is to form my energy constructs near them, so yeah much weaker things, sure I can end it fast, quick and in a hurry, but the strong ones... The strong ones, I can't do that, the stronger something is the harder it is to form things in their personal space, everything radiates a certain amount of power, the stronger you are the more you radiate making it far more difficult to form something, of course, this is also proportional to my own power, so as I grow those who were once considered strong and now turned weak in comparison, I'll, of course, be able to once again form energy right on them and end it in a flash if I so d.e.s.i.r.e."

Theoric feeling the rumbling growing as the creature grew closer- "Now hurry and go, I got this."

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