Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 13 - Suicide Squad

Theoric moved on from the more well-known Asgardians and searched for ones that would require his help.

He stopped in front of a group of ragtag looking people sitting around prepping their gear, they didn't even wear nice new clean armor, it was full of wear and tear, still having scratch marks from past battles and on the dirtier looking men it even had bloodstains.

Raising an eyebrow he asked them- "Who are you men, report!" They looked nothing like regular Asgardians who have a noble proud air about them.

These men looked like filth when compared, standing out among the rest he grew curious having never seen a group like this before.

One of the hairier men spit on the floor as if in disgust at the question as a sneer plastered his face, the others seemed to be a bit more docile as they simply glanced at him before returning to sharpening their weapons.

Theoric eyes twitched ready to start shouting before he was stopped by a man who was running over after seeing the exchange, noticing the golden sash he hoped to make good with top personnel.

"Sir, if I may be so bold, you shouldn't associate yourself with these men, they are the gutter trash of our society, only employed for suicide missions."

Theoric fully intrigued didn't understand why he hadn't heard of such a group- "And you are?"

The long dark browned haired man snapped his feet together in military fashion and yelled- "I am captain Alrik, Sir!"

Theoric waved him to stop- "You don't need to do that, I'm not exactly your superior... Tell me about these men, why are they like this?"

Alrik relaxed a little after hearing him answered- "As I was saying, they are the unwanted men, causing problems wherever they go, so due to their unique disposition they have been gathered into one unit to better serve Asgard in what many consider to be suicide runs."

Theoric frowned not liking the sound of men who others didn't like being thrown together and made to go on impossible missions, not caring if they lived or died.

"How did such a thing come about, who authorized this?" he asked

Alrik not noticing his frown answered enthusiastically- "Well you see because of the difficulty with the war against the Frost Giants, commander Herlu came up with the great idea to throw all the unwanted into one unit, he even threw in some prisoners, and had them run the front lines to help preserve our real soldiers."

"Alrik you bastard, if anyone's dirty it's you from all that a.s.s l.i.c.k.i.n.g you do," he yelled.

Alrik was undeterred in front of Theoric looking at them with disdain as he yelled back- "I look forward to seeing your corpse on the battlefield Vott and that goes double for you filthy prisoners, your lucky you've been shown such mercy being allowed to die for your betters."

Vott now red with anger yelled- "They aren't prisoners you swine, they were only in prison because of hearsay for petty crimes, you have no right to force them into fighting for their lives, for the very people who falsely accused them."

Alrik ignored him- "Don't concern yourself with these people sir, Vott is just mad because his wife left him for commander Herlu after realizing she made a terrible mistake."

Vott furiously yelled- "You've gone too far you bastard." charging over, giant ax ready, he came for the kill, swinging with all he could aiming to chop down both Theoric and Alrik in one swing.

After everything Theoric heard, he knew some shady works were going on with the creation of this squad, but seeing Vott come charging over ready to chop him down along with Alrik, pissed him off.

Vott's men armed themselves as they stood by and watched, waiting to act at a moment's notice.

Theoric seeing the ax coming for him stepped in closer to Vott punching him straight in the face, hitting him off his feet as he started to fall to his back then he turned around and punched Alrik straight in the face for being the cause of it.

This happened in a matter of seconds as they both fell to their backs with broken noses.

Vott's men stood there with mouths opened, just now registering what happened some of them went to help Vott while the others stood in front of him with weapons drawn ready to defend.

Theoric ridiculed them both- "You attacking me with no justification." pointing to Vott. "Your lucky I didn't outright kill you."

Turning to Alrik, "And you, instigating them to attack me, tell me something did you plan this with him, to try and assassinate me?"

Alrik went pale at the accusation- "No you have it all wrong my lord, I just wanted, I just..." stuttering not knowing how to respond, since all he wanted was to suck up to him while talking shit about Vott and his men.

Theoric derided him- "Get out of here you sniveling fool and clean yourself up."

Alrik took the chance to run away.

Facing Vott and his men who were still on guard,- "It seems you all have interesting stories to tell, a ragtag group of misfits aren't ya, but that doesn't give you the right to attack me without first even knowing who I am... What to do, what to do." he said rubbing his chin.

Vott got back to his feet wiping the blood from his nose to no avail as it continued to flow,- "Ai I admit I was a bit rash, so who exactly are you?" he asked letting his men know to lower their weapons.

"The names Theoric, and while I don't exactly agree with the way they formed and treat your group, I can't do anything about it at the moment," he said taking a seat on one of the supply boxes.

Vott relaxing a bit after seeing him sit down sat on one opposite him- "So mister Theoric, what do you want from us, as you can see we've been getting the raw end of things and are not too fond of the self-entitled commanders and such."

"Well I'm not truly here for you, I was just going around trying to find a group to join, your looks drew me in, your story kept me here, tell me something Vott, do you want to change your lot in life?"

Vott thinking he was being asked to come under him or something defiantly refused- "I would never abandon my men, save yourself the trouble and find someone else."

Theoric- "You misunderstand, I said I'm looking for a group to join."

Vott snorted as he wiped some more blood that came out- "And then you asked me to change my lot in life, yeah I heard just fine."

Theoric rolled his eyes- "Not everything has to be so final, couldn't I just ask a question to get to know you better, tell you what, I'll join you guys, fight alongside you and then I'll ask you again once the war is over."

Vott frowned- "There is no way in Hell we'll follow you."

Theoric growing tired of talking to him sighed- "My orders are to find a group I want to join and then fall in line under the commander of said group."

Vott narrowed his eyes- "And why on earth would you pick us, are you suicidal?"

Theoric only grinned back.

Vott seeing he wasn't going to get an answer turned to his men and started barking orders to load the rest of the equipment on board.

"Well I don't know what you're playing at, but your welcome to die with us if you want, grab a box and head to the ship," Vott said.

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