Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 130 - Heading Out

Sigyn and the girls fell asleep, snoozing off to the side when they were woken up by Theoric's happy cheer,- "Yes! There we go."

Having finally pieced everything back together just right he congratulated himself on a job well done, though it was short-lived as he gazed upon Io's sad expression from when they were mourning Nina's mother.

Sigyn got up and checked on his results,- "Theo, you've done a wonderful job, I just wish she didn't look so sad, I'm sure she would have been proud of you," she said echoing his thoughts.

Theoric gave a sad smile,- "Thanks, but this isn't the end, I'll definitely get her soul back and heal her... (He then lost his smile, eyes turning sharp.)... And then I'll make Zeus pay, I'll make them all pay for thinking they can do whatever they want, I'm tired of those in power abusing it for their own ends, caring nothing for those around them."

Athena who hadn't left, still occasionally glancing at Nina, spoke- "Careful now, I won't say what I have already told you, but if you wish to get revenge, you need to be far stronger, Zeus isn't the king for no reason, and Hades while not as strong after a falling out with Zeus, was still his biggest rival in terms of power which was why Zeus deemed him a threat and banished him to the underworld, though I must admit I still question why Hades didn't put more of a fight, I guess he was worried about the others taking Zeus's side since he essentially rescued everyone from their father Cronus."

Athena continued,- "Now, I know we didn't get off on the right foot, but my daughter loves you, so I'm willing to put things behind us since you're willing to brave dangers in order to save her. I would do it but with the war ongoing, Zeus will notice if I leave, plus I can feel my stupid brother has also arrived, unsurprisingly so after seeing me come down, probably thinking all sorts of stupid reasons to justify it when all he wants to do is fight and get one over on me after I made him look the fool numerous times already, though he never needed my help with that... Anyways I digress, I've already told Thena to gather a crew for you, and I suggest once you get the golden fleece you stop by Medusa's Island and practice healing some of her victims first before coming back and trying it on my daughter." she said thinking of a clever way around her father's orders, knowing if he were to ask she could tell him without lying that she sent the snake back.

Nina was grinding her teeth on the side just listening to Athena talk, wishing she was brave enough to say something, but she was deathly afraid of being turned back into a snake person.

Holland waiting for a chance to help out, kept her company listening to everything intently. She was in a state that could be described as a curious kid, learning things for the first time, quietly watching and taking everything in. She still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that they were speaking to the Goddess Athena or the many things they were getting into. All she knew is that she wanted to stay by Theoric's side, he was not only a very caring person who gave her some of the best feelings she's ever felt, but he also found many good friends like Sigyn, Nina, Io and Anna who were also great to be around.

Sigyn happily accepted Athena's goodwill,- "Thank you, we will definitely save Anna, you can count on us."

Athena grinned- "I'm sure you will, now you shouldn't tarry too long dears, It's been quite a while already, you're pushing your luck if you stay much longer, it's only a matter of time before Zeus's gaze comes back around."

Theoric grunted as he encased Io's statue in his orange barrier, a bit of an ugly face showing as he inwardly cursed, hating himself for not doing this early, and instead choosing to trust Athena to protect them, as he increased its density and thickness to ensure her protection and make sure she didn't fall apart again.

Theoric turned to Athena once he was done,- "Now she'll be safe and not even Zeus will be able to find her unless you betray us again," he said projecting his new feelings of regret onto her, still feeling angry about the whole situation.

Athena scowled,- "Your treading on thin ice boy, we both know I couldn't have done anything considering the circ.u.mstances, but if you wish to blame me fine, but you best watch your mouth when talking to me."

Theoric never one to back down sneered,- "I don't know what Zeus has on you, but if you think you're exempted from responsibility for your actions because of it, your sadly mistaken, father or not, and I think we both know that..." Leaving much more left unsaid not wishing to start a fight.

Theoric,- "Now if you would please bring me Anna or to Anna so I can give her the same protection, and then I'll be on my way."

Ignoring the continued disrespect from him, she went up to check his work,- "Gaea gave you quite the gift I see, wait here," she said flashing away before reappearing with Anna.

Theoric took note of her abilities, not missing the fact that she likely received a powerful boost while in her own temple where the faith was highly concentrated.

He hurried over checking on Anna along with Sigyn before encasing her just like Io,- "Alright, I hope this time you keep your word, I would take them with me if I could, but I know that wouldn't be reasonable."

Athena very much over him at this point snorted- "I wish I could take back all the good things I said about you, you know what, you can stay here as long as you like and let Zeus find you, I'll protect Anna and get the fleece at some other point in time, don't worry about it," she said half-jokingly

Theoric grunted back before leading the girls out once again.

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