Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 135 - Sailing

Theoric didn't trust Selene for a second, vampires were bloodthirsty by nature, and fighting one's nature is never easy, to say the least.

In private he made sure to tell his girls to keep their distance and not touch her, and that he would regularly check them for any signs of foul play.

The only reason he entertained the idea of working with her was that if what she said was true then he could use her help in cleaning things up and he hated to admit it but he found her very attractive.

He consoled himself by thinking that it would do him good to experience what the vampires are capable of and how they work, maybe he could even learn how to drain life if he saw how she does it, plus she was one of the originators which was a golden opportunity to see them at their peak. He was also very interested in trying to learn more about where she came from, was there really a planet out there full of her kind, and how has he not heard about vampires from other places if that was true.

The following day after a night of passion that everyone sorely needed after experiencing so much grief in one day. Theoric and the girls headed out onto the deck to start the day of sailing knowing their crew would be below deck hiding from the sun, but to their surprise, they found Selene out beneath the sun without a care in the world.

Holland was the first to speak- "I thought you couldn't come out in the sun."

Selene grinned- "Only our creations are limited in such a way, we do not fear the sun like them."

Theoric raised an eyebrow- "Why the difference? Why would they need to fear it but not you?"

Selene- "Well I was born this way, I have never been dead and then brought back, whereas they have been effectively killed and changed on a fundamental level, I suppose due to this volatile change their bodies can no longer handle sunlight for whatever reason, but the trade-off is still far better if you ask me, unlimited life span and new powers, plus you can see just as well as in the dark so you'll never miss the sun, are you sure I can't talk you into it?" She asked with a wicked grin.

Theoric- "We have more than enough of those already, no need to lose the wonderful sunlight which I'm sure you know would be a terrible loss, and I have to ask, have you ever turned anyone who wasn't already human? Are you sure it will even work if it's so volatile of a change?"

Selene's face went stoic as she looked out towards the sun- "Yes well, maybe you're right, and come to think of it, I have yet to change any nonhumans, I'll have to find someone to try it on and then I'll get back to you," she said with another grin.

"You do that," Theoric said ignoring her as he went about sailing the boat.

Selene went up to Sigyn to strike up a conversation only to have her quickly retreat with Nina stepping in front to protect her along with Grani.

Sigyn- "You don't get too close, Theoric warned me about you."

Grani- "Don't worry Mistress I'll protect you."

Nina warned- "Make sure to keep your distance."

Selene wryly grinned- "I just wanted to talk with you, I don't mean you any harm, we have a deal don't we?"

Nina- "The deal said nothing about you getting close, only working together."

Theoric seeing the tense atmosphere walked back over to mediate- "We may have a deal, but until you have proven yourself trustworthy don't expect me to allow you to get too close, otherwise we'll have problems, you admitted you can drain life on touch and then showed us a crew of people you changed doing it, do you really think I'll allow you to touch them without consequence? I'm being trusting enough not directly throwing you off, maybe even foolish, don't make me regret my decision."

Selene turned serious- "I understand it can be a bit scary, but I was truthful and upfront with you from the beginning about what I am and what I can do when I didn't have to be, you have my word that as long as we are allies I will not betray you or do something you don't wish done."

Theoric relaxed a bit hearing that- "Thank you, and of course you can expect the same from us, although I'm sure you already know that having read Holland's and Nina's minds."

Selene grinned seeing the two mentioned flinch- "But of course."

Nina frowning asked- "I don't like that, How much have you read of our minds already?"

Selene lost her grin- "Without training my powers on you I can only pick up surface thoughts, I will admit I care nothing for one's privacy when I do this, but I must apologize to you my dear, you have been through a lot, you have my condolences."

Nina's frown was replaced with hints of rage as Theoric swooped in to calm her.

Theoric- "Nina, calm yourself, do I have to blindfold you?"

Nina snapped out of it as she turned to leave,- "I'll be fine, I just need some space."

Theoric called out to her rapidly disappearing form- "Remember that room I set up, feel free to go and practice while you work things out."

Theoric then turned to Holland with a smile- "How about you grace us with your voice while we're out here."

Holland's face bloomed into a beautiful smile- "I'd love to!"

Theoric was very happy to see the amulet work as he enjoyed hearing her sing, Selene merrily listening along also.

"Selene, It may be hard to trust you at first, but I do hope we get along, I don't know how much control you have over your nature or how power-hungry you truly are, I don't really know anything about you yet, but since you trusted us with the truth I will give you a chance," he said feeling like he needed to say one last thing before they ended the discussion completely.

Selene simply said- "I gave you my word and I will keep it."

Sitting there listening to everything, she was beginning to understand this group far more than they could ever know about her in a short amount of time. Already trusting them far more than they did her, but she didn't take it to heart as she knew it wouldn't be easy since they couldn't read minds like her. She was actually glad she made them allies the traditional way, it would be good to have a group that the others wouldn't easily be able to tell were on her side, they won't even see it coming.

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