Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 139 - Minotaur

Grani dug straight down until he was stopped by the Labyrinth's roof which was sturdy enough to withstand his claws as they scr.a.p.ed against it to little effect.

The chalkboard scratching noise made Theoric and the girls wince,- "Sigyn, tell him to stop."

Sigyn squeezing past Theoric patted the back of Grani- "Thank you Grani, we'll take it from here."

Grani backed off- "Yes Mistress."

Selene using her shadow abilities, shifted past everyone as she put her hand down,-"It's magically reinforced, give me a minute."

Eyes glowing red as she called upon her powers to counteract the magic within,- "There we go, whoever made this labyrinth didn't put much effort into the roof," she said as the floor began to crack open.

Dropping 20 feet down they gathered their bearings as Selene checked the wall,- "As I thought, the walls are made of tougher stuff, it'll probably be faster to just try and clear the labyrinth for now."

Theoric who held Sigyn on the way down let her get back on her feet as he went over to give the wall a try, throwing a halfway decent punch.

The wall cracked from the impact, but soon healed itself as he backed off,- "Sturdy stuff, this minotaur may be stronger than I first thought, keep an eye out for it."

Looking up they could see the roof slowly closing back up.

Selene- "Before the roof closed I got a strange feeling that we were spotted."

Theoric- "Maybe the beast knows we're here?" He asked just as a roar reverberated throughout the place.

Selene- "So it seems."

Grani then roared back before turning to Sigyn- "Don't worry Mistress, I'll protect you."

Just when Grani was about to answer again, Theoric tired of it had Sigyn stop him causing a grumble knowing it came from Theoric and not his wonderful Mistress. This only made Theoric smirk and then gloat all the more when he received a glare from Grani when another roar came from the enemy claiming victory since he couldn't answer because of that hateful man.

Theoric was fine with Grani being Sigyn's guardian pet, but what ticked him off was how it completely ignored him and waited until Sigyn repeated it.

Selene- "The treasure map will likely be past the beast and only pinpointing him on noise alone will be difficult with the way it bounces all over."

Theoric listening gave his best guess,- "Let's go this way," he said taking the lead in the direction he thought it was likely from.

Taking Sigyn's hand they began walking through the stone halls, randomly taking turns, listening for the Minotaur.

Selene growing bored tried to grab his other hand only to have it ripped away when he felt her trying to suck his life force and then sticking out her tongue when he gave her a glare.

It wasn't too long before they heard the roars start up again as they drew closer to the beast.

Theoric- "He sounds close now, get ready."

Selene yawned- "You don't really expect it to be a challenge do you?"

Theoric- "You should never underestimate anyone, this is his home and the labyrinth was made specifically for him, there's no telling what he could do with it or if he's attuned to it at all."

Selene rolled her eyes, worries such as death were almost none existent for her. She couldn't understand his mortal fear, not to mention it was a real turn-off to hear.- "Does he always act this way?" She asked Sigyn.

Theoric answered in her stead,- "Only when people I care about are around, I don't want anyone getting hurt."

Selene fluttered her eyes playfully- "Does that include me?"

Theoric glanced at her,- "Maybe in time, I still don't fully trust you yet."

Selene scoffed- "If you're mad about losing a little life force, I'm sure you'll get over it, I'm always here with an offer to turn you so you no longer fear such things."

Theoric- "From what I could tell last night, I'm pretty sure I'm immune."

Selene not surprised simply said,- "Is that so, no matter, what I've taken is a drop in the Ocean, and with your healing abilities I think you'll be fine," she said trying to play it off as no big deal, still very interested in having more.

Sigyn worriedly looked at Theoric- "Theo, she fed on you? Are you going to be okay?"

Theoric reached over to stroke her head with a grin,- "I'll be fine, like she said it was a drop in the ocean, but I'll be sure not to give too many in the future."

Selene's eyes lit up hearing about the future but dimmed when she realized it wasn't going to be that easy.

Sigyn didn't know how to feel about Selene after hearing that, at first she was all for the pale smooth-skinned beauty, but if she was going to be hurting Theo and possibly herself and the others, maybe it was best if she wasn't around.

Just as she was about to further address it, they heard the hoof falls and heavy breath of the Minotaur as they rounded the corner, laying eyes upon the 12 foot tall bull-headed creature for the first time as it glared at them at the other end of the long hallway.

Spotting them it gave a monstrous roar as it charged with horns lowered, hooves shaking the ground with every stomp.

Grani seeing his chance stepped forward to engage it as Theoric pulled Sigyn to the side, allowing them to go at it.

Not wishing to waste time, he turned to the wall and swung as hard as he could, blasting a hole in the wall as he stepped through pulling Sigyn along so they could go around.

Sigyn complained- "Theo, we can't just leave Grani, what if he needs healing?"

Theoric- "Grani will be fine, don't forget he's not even at full height, plus he wanted this fight so let him have it while we go collect the map, it shouldn't be far now, hurry before the wall closes."

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