Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 143 - Treasure

Sigyn who was playing with Grani's arms like a toy after Theoric told her to wait, watched him come back with a now dazed Selene dangling on his arm for support.

Knowing that look, she asked with a frown,- "Theo did you just go and have fun without me?"

Theoric who wasn't expecting her to ask that thinking she wasn't fond of Selene couldn't help but smile at how awesome his wife was,- "Well I just wanted to test out a theory to see if we could keep her around without issue, and it worked by the way," he sheepishly said with a grin while scratching the back of his head.

Sigyn,- "Hmph, keeping all the fun to yourself."

Feeling a little guilty he walked over scooping her up and gave her a heavy long kiss,- "My dear just say the word and we can start again,"

Sigyn trying to stop herself from smiling, scrunched up her nose cutely,- "You think I'm that easy?"

Theoric chuckled,- "Yes," he said going in for another heavy makeout session as his hands roamed her body, fondling her before breaking away, leaving a panting Sigyn desperate for more.

Theoric smiled,- "Sorry Sigyn, but we've wasted enough time, there'll be plenty of chances for more later."

After just being turned on, a flushed Sigyn complained,- "Bad Theo, you bully!" She said stomping her foot.

Grani stepped forward to offer his support in fighting the bad man,- "Would you like me to help you Mistress?"

Theoric however at the moment heard it differently and instantly kicked the little green thing away.

Sigyn shouted chasing after the little guy as he slammed into the wall, crumbling against the floor- "Theo, how could you!?"

Theoric realizing he may have been a bit rash didn't back down- "It needs to learn its place if it wants to stay, I grow tired of it ignoring me."

Sigyn picking up the little guy apologized to it,- "I'm so sorry Grani, Theo can be a bit crazy when it comes to me, just watch what you say next time," she said while healing him.

Theoric turned back to find Selene sitting against the wall with her eyes closed, possibly asleep.

"Selene, Selene, are you sleeping Selene?" He asked walking towards her.

Feeling him nudge her leg she lazily opened her eyes,- "Hm?"

Theoric sighed,- "Get up, it's time to finish this, tell me how this nose ring works," he said dropping it into her l.a.p, hoping it didn't require him to put it in his nose.

Selene surprised herself with a rare yawn as she gave a stretch, usually something that only happened after she's killed and feasted on an entire city or more.

Smacking her lips, she looked down at the golden ring picking it up,- "Let's see, I think the battle put it slightly out of place just need to move these back in line and, there, it's working," she said handing the ring back Theoric who still looked confused.

Theoric- "It's still not working for me."

Coming out of her stupor, Selene got up taking the ring back,- "Let me see that, hmmm, it's working fine for me... Oh, I see the problem, this is putting images in my head and for some reason I can't read your mind, so whatever protection you have is blocking this from working for you."

Theoric wasn't sure if it was because of Gaea's ring or the amulet protecting him from telepaths, but he thanked them both the same. His only other solution to telepaths was to constantly have a shield in place, but that wouldn't have been practical going around with an orange glowing headpiece.

"Then you'll have to lead us the rest of the way." Looking over to Sigyn who was still babying Grani, he called,- "Sigyn, come on, stop coddling it."

Sigyn furrowed her brows,- "Bad Theo, don't call Grani an it, he's part of the family now and you two need to get along."

Theoric rolled his eyes,- "Sure, as soon as he stops ignoring me, now let's go... After you Selene," he said waving his hand for her to lead.

Smirking when Sigyn brought Grani closer who growled at him.

Sigyn gave Grani a soft knock on the head,- "Didn't I just say you two need to get along," she said before continuing her pats, giving Theoric a glare,- "That goes for you too mister, I see that smirk."

Theoric coughed embarrassingly before turning around, ignoring Grani's gloating look.

It didn't take long to find the treasure room that had plenty of gold and jewels that were thrown around for extra rewards.

Sitting on top of the center pedestal was the map they came for.

Looking it over he saw the location, smack dab in the middle of the sea of monsters.

Theoric glanced at Selene,- "Didn't you say something about a witch that knows the location of the sea of monsters?"

Selene,- "Yes, a sea witch who knows the way to safely pass into it."

Theoric- "Seems a little suspicious how you were able to find that information when that just so happens to be exactly where we need to go."

Selene defended herself,- "Look, that's just what I found reading the people's minds, I didn't come up with it."

Theoric- "Relax, I wasn't insinuating anything about you, but I do think it's suspicious that such information is being widely circulated so that you could easily pick it up, don't you?"

Selene,- "Now that you point it out, maybe the witch is planning to steal the map from whoever happens to bring it to her, knowing they would need that information."

Theoric- "Possibly, in any case, we still have to check it out, but we'll prepare for the worst."

Looking up he lifted them all to the roof,- "Now Sigyn if you would be so kind as to tell that... Grani to dig us a way out, please," he said quickly correcting himself so she wouldn't get mad.

Sigyn grinned,- "Certainly, Grani it's showtime, get us out of here."

Grani,- "Yes Mistress." he said giving his version of a snort to Theoric before digging them out.

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