Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 23 - Accusation

Theoric becoming used to the rhythm of battle started to relax as his movements became more steady, flowing quicker and more precise.

Feeling better as time went on he started to implement his energy as a skin shield to defend against any random strikes he couldn't predict due to the chaos of battle, random times a weapon or projectile coming out of the blue was blocked by his shield.

Others not so lucky as even some of Vott's men falling to the randomness of battle, leaving a feeling of helplessness in many knowing that bad luck could often happen in war no matter how well prepared you were.

Thor at this time was still causing havoc in the middle of the enemy's army, the troll elites doing their best to stop him soon found themselves close to defeat as he put on the pressure.

Ulik who was itching to fight was surprisingly holding himself back as even he knew Thor was a threat, sending his elite's first to test him before making a move.

He took action when he noticed Thor about to finish off his men, super jumping over he sucker-punched Thor sending him flying away much to Ulik's dissatisfaction as the direction was behind the Asgardian lines where he couldn't follow.

Seeing his elites beaten, he reluctantly called for a retreat after the nagging of his more intelligent advisors who only saw doom should they lose their best men to Thor, urging Ulik to fight together with the elites to kill Thor against Ulik's wish who wanted a good fight one on one, believing himself to be the strongest.

Thor pissed tried to follow smashing against the backline of the retreating force, eventually letting them go as fighting a fleeing foe left a bad taste in his mouth.

Theoric ready for a break could only sigh when Vott came over asking for his help with the wounded.

"Alright, but I'm not going to heal more than I can, so get your men to form a blocking view of my actions as I heal, don't want to be nagged by the entire army to heal, plus it's exhausting and I'm already beat from the battle."

Vott grinning as he and his man had no problem complying. Surprisingly with the extra room and being able to maneuver more they ended up only losing 4 in the battle, much less than when they were confined in the rock forest.

Theoric's help in keeping the critically injured stable and back on the road of recovery kept this number from rising.

Theoric still susceptible to great strain from healing was on the ground panting in sweat when he finished.

Doing it so soon after the battle was no easy task without time to rest. He began to wonder if this was the reason the healers they employed choose to use technology instead of pure magic.

He knew though that wasn't the only reason, his body was still being adapted by the Acanti's soul and it would be a good while before it completed.

This was likely affecting his abilities and even his strength as he felt it slightly fluctuate while fighting but not to a degree where it would be concerning.

The reason he pushed himself despite knowing this was because this would be his best and easiest time to train, the strain he feels now while trying something his body wasn't yet ready for would boost its potential allowing for much greater capabilities in the future.

The men thanked him with some bending down to give him a hearty pat. The good mood didn't last long though when an angry yell came their way.

"VOTT! You traitours bastard! Come out here and face your punishment."

Vott looked over towards the shout with the grin wiped off his face, he knew this sc.u.mbag would show up eventually.

Vott stomped out into the open to face his accuser with a scowl on his face hollering back- "HERLU! you rotten scoundrel, how dare you say such blatant lies, anyone with eyes could see us fighting alongside our army against the troll scourge."

Herlu came over donning the commander's black cape flanked by 4 red-caped bodyguards,- "Don't think I didn't notice your cowardly actions, only showing up at the end of the battle, you will be court-martialed and then executed for high treason, men arrest him." he ordered the nearby soldiers.

Vott held his hands out to hold off anyone as he spoke- "High treason? has your head gone so far up your a.s.s that it can't even think straight anymore?" he asked, confused to how he came to such a bold claim, at most it should be considered attempted desertion.

Herlu ignoring him ordered again- "Seize him now, everything will be discussed at your trial before we execute you."

Vott's men narrowed their eyes, each of them wearing a scowl of their own as they pulled out their weapons intending to fight if they had to.

Herlu raised an eyebrow- "Do I detect rebellion?" he asked mockingly.

Vott looked to his men with a sadden expression not wishing to see them die in such a pointless fight gave the order for them to stop- "Drop your weapon men, I will go of my own free will, we'll see what kind of crap your spewing when we get to the courts."

Vott seeing his men hesitate to follow the order made his heart feel warm, but still loudly said- "That's an order!"

Hearing the reluctant clanging of weapons being dropped as a couple of Herlu's men walked over to escort Vott away.

Theoric feeling rested enough rose to his feet stepping in front of Vott blocking the incoming men.

Herlu frowned- "How dare you stand in the way, I have had just about enough of this, men take him to."

The bodyguards on Herlu's side though flinched when they saw who it was, anyone who was a red ranking bodyguard knew who Theoric was.

Vott whispered- "What are you doing? Just stand down and come up with a way to attend my trial."

Theoric just smirked in response- "Don't worry, your about to learn who I am."

Theoric seeing the men grip their spears ready to carry out orders addressed Herlu- "You accused Vott of treason, but I was with him the whole time and can say for certain he's innocent unless you give me a good reason I'll have to assume your betraying the people for personal gain and have to take your head."

Herlu sneered in contempt- "Who are you to question me? Threaten me? If you were with Vott then you are as good as guilty too, stand down and surrender yourself while I'm still being merciful."

One of the bodyguards who knew Theoric best quickly went up to Herlu before things escalated- "Sir, a word."

Herlu feeling on top of the world at having such an opportunity wasn't interested in talking about anything,- "Can't you see I'm busy."

"Sir it's important, I know that man."

Herlu's interest peaked asked- "Alright go on, tell me who that fool is."

"That's Theoric sir."

Herlu unaware asked unconcerned- "And that is?"

"Sir, he's the butcher, Theoric the butcher." the man said loud enough for everyone to hear.

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