Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 33 - Supply Depot (2)

Theoric smirked- "Trolls are not the brightest, I doubt they'll move that ship, planning to kill us with no worry about our escape, although it does have me worried how it doesn't look like a supply transport ship, I think we'll have some elites to deal with."

Vott furrowing his brows asked- "Should we run through like we did last time?"

Theoric- "I don't think that's a good idea lest they figure out our goal and destroy the ship before we arrive, the safe bet is to fight our way through."

Vott looking back to the men who were on edge listening to their conversation and sighed- "I don't think we'll come out of this in one piece."

Serk who was quickly standing out as a leader in his own right walked up saying- "If we must meet again in Valhalla then so be it, am I right men?"

He was answered with a resounding uniformed, "Hurrah!"

Serk grinned at the response as he looked to Vott- "Captain you can count on us, we always knew a day like this will come, we have no fear about reaching Valhalla earlier if we must, we will stand by you until the end and we thank you for all you have done for us in our time of need." he saluted along with the rest of the men behind him.

Vott grinning getting swept up in the mood, pulled his ax out holding it up and yelled- "For Valhalla!" intending to charge before Theoric stepped in front of him and slapped him down stunning the rest of the men.

Vott angrily shouted- "What the hell!"

Theoric snapped- "Shut your mouth... (looking back over the bin to see if the trolls were heading over.)... Dammit, you bastards just love fighting and throwing your lives away in wars, well here they come because of your loud bullshit, now listen up,

I intend to survive this, now here's the plan, we will fight them in sections, what we need is fast quick kills once I separate a group from the others before they breakthrough, the bodies and the mystery will send them into a confused fearful state that will allow our momentum to grow."

Vott getting up rubbing his cheek mumbled- "You didn't have to hit me so hard."

Vott seeing his men hesitate to follow Theoric who was heading towards the incoming trolls- "Well you heard him." he said jogging ahead to catch up.

Some of the men whispering, "So is Theoric our new leader now?"

Serk- "I think he soon will be if he isn't already, Vott trusts him and so do I."

"He has been doing a lot for us, I do trust him," one spoke with others agreeing.

Vott barked- "Quiet down and get in position, here they come."

Now out in the open they could all see for themselves the massive army of trolls compared to their measly small number of just 31, it seemed ridiculous to even contemplate surviving while in the open, but Theoric was counting on their Asgardian Physiology to help keep them standing during the arduous task ahead.

Theoric yelled- "Listen up! We will meet them out in the open and slaughter them in quick succession, do not falter, dig deep down and grab onto whatever you can in order for you to keep going, the end of this will not be Vahlahlla, but VICTORY!"

Vott and the men listening to him were surprisingly amped up letting out a cheer as they spread out, the goal was to rush forward and kill them fast, not to wait for them to attack.

Theoric ran ahead knowing he would have to be as close as possible so he wouldn't overtax himself too soon, the farther he was in creating the energy shields the more difficult it would be.

With the trolls just in front of him, close enough to where he could see the saliva fly from there howling mouths, he raised his hands cutting off a small group of about a 60 trolls from the rest who smacked face-first into the materialized orange walls just high enough so they couldn't get over and curved so it wasn't easy to get around which he made thick enough so it would last long enough as well as blind them to what was happening on the other side.

Theoric encouraged the men to move faster yelled- "Quickly now, kill them all!"

Vott echoing him- "You heard him, Kill Them All!" charging forward.

Theoric feeling good didn't want the first one to last too long, wanting to further increase the fear of the following trolls that would soon find themselves in a similar predicament so he surprised the men by forming a row of energy spikes which he shot out and controlled to take the heads of the first row of trolls before the initial clash with the men.

This helped put the fear in these trolls who didn't notice the wall behind as they rushed forward thus helping the men in the ensuing battle.

Sword out Theoric did nothing to save his energy as he made sure to end this first wave quickly, rushing around taking out any troll that came close in one quick ferocious swipe, cleaving his way around the field.

The men also did well taking out trolls in a somewhat orderly fashion despite their wide formation, they were still men with vast experience and wouldn't fall easily, the only damage taken being their armor now with a few more dents and

Theoric feeling the wall weakening as the rest of the trolls that were blocked worked on bringing it down decided it was time to end this as he started picking up weapons from dead trolls hastily throwing them at the remaining ones bringing the last ones down before turning his attention to the cracking wall that he made blast out injuring and killing the closest trolls hacking at it.

This all took place in minutes, revealing the horror to the rest of the awaiting troll army of what awaited them should they be trapped behind a wall.

The trolls looked on in disbelief as the Asgardians stood over the bodies of their brethren with seemingly no damage taken of their own.

The scary questions rattling around in their small brains wondering how it was possible, what vile magic was used to enable them to kill all those trolls so fast and most of all not wishing to be the next group trapped.

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