Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 44 - Last Push

Theoric and the rest managed to find a decent size ship that could carry everyone and could still function properly. Booting it up they took off and headed to the tall center square building that looked like a hill was carved away to make it.

Muthos pointed out a spot nearby- "We can land over there and head straight inside and make our way to the throne room where Ulik should be."

Theoric took the chance to tell them the change of plans- "Sounds good, but it'll be just me and you guys, the rest are not coming with us, they're injured and exhausted and have no home to return to, this is not their fight."

Muthos face went slack as he thought about it, the goal was to get them to fight Ulik and once both parties where battered and beaten, kill them all.- "I don't think..."

Askella stepped in cutting him off- "Sure, that won't be a problem."

Muthos looked questionably at Askella, after all, it was her idea in the first place, not to mention he didn't like the idea of letting these Asgardians go after they killed so many trolls.

Askella took Muthos to the side whispering,- "You didn' t see the way he fought Olik, he will be more than enough for Ulik I suspect, plus with Asgard's armies now closing in, it's best we don't have too many around while in the throne room."

Muthos whispering back- "I hope you know what you're doing."

Askella couldn't help but grin evilly when Muthos turned his back and headed to the royal guard duo to fill them in.

"We'll wait for you inside."

Theoric made sure they were inside before he turned to give quick heals to Vott and the men,- "Alright, make your way to Midgard if you wish to join me, otherwise your free to do as you wish now, I'll be sure to keep Asgard off your backs."

Vott and the men didn't know how to express their feelings so they saluted him as one.

Vott- "We'll forever feel grateful for all you've done for us, take care of yourself and give them hell."

Theoric grinned waving them off- "I sure will, you also watch yourselves now that you're entering uncharted waters, you never know what you can come across out there."

Vott gave the command to close it and leave once Theoric was out of sight. It was good they were in a troll ship so none of the cannons mounted on the wall bothered with them, having received no report that a ship was stolen.

Theoric was surprised when he entered the building, expecting the same old carved out rock designs as everything else he's seen on this planet. It was a breath of fresh air to find the inside made to look like any modern city's design.

The tiled floors and smooth metal walls made it leagues better than the rest of this miserable planet. Theoric couldn't help but frown while thinking, 'Typical monarch, keeping all the good stuff while letting his people suffer.'

Muthos who saw this look could tell what he was thinking- "Yes this is one of the many things we wish to give our troll people once we get rid of the evil dictators."

The royal duo led the way to the second floor where they came across the first group of resistance.

Theoric glanced at Muthos wondering if he should kill them or not.

Muthos sensing his look responded- "It's fine if you kill them, this is the home stretch, we can't afford to have them get back up and attack us from behind, besides these trolls will be a cut above the rest you're used to so don't go easy on them."

Askella meanwhile took out the object she was tinkering with back at home and started to calibrate it for the future fight to come, not concerned with any of these small scale battles, counting on the others to take care of it.

Tyborr and U-Slyn work in tandem as they dispatched trolls with ease, blocking and attacking in sync so there was never a pause as they tore through the first layer of trolls.

Theoric could only sit back and watch as they took up the entirety of the corridor and slaughtered their way through.

The veteran duo knew their enemy well and worked together to exploit them in rapid fashion, giving no time for the enemy to adjust. They worked in the palace for many years and knew all their tactics and skills like the back of their hands, having even trained many of them personally.

This didn't bother the duo though because they already felt betrayed by the other trolls here and held nothing but hate for those who didn't stick up for them and even some of there former friends who ridiculed the two on the way out when they were being banished.

Muthos feeling proud at the duo's accomplishments laughed happily- "Hahaha, look at that Asgardian, that's our pride right there, two of the best royal guards to have ever walked these halls."

"Tyborr and U-Slyn are killing their way in from the first floor."

"Tyborr and U-Slyn are escorting an Asgardian."

"Tyborr and U-Slyn are traitors!"

"Kill Tyborr and U-Slyn traitors!"

"Kill the traitors!"

They made their way up the floors with Theoric pitching in every once in a while to give the two a break from constant fighting, leaving a trail of bodies behind them.

Muthos mood shifted when the bodies started to pile up, he knew this would be a big blow to the troll race, but he saw no other option with Asgard armies on their planet. The only way to get them to leave and save the remaining trolls was to end this as fast as possible and hope they leave it at that.

He knew something about the treasure of the king and knew if they were given time they could rebuild stronger then before if it wasn't limited by those in charge.

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