Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 46 - Grundor

Muthos arrived back to Askella handing her the box which she impatiently grabbed from him with vigor, giggling to herself as she finally after so long managed to get it.

Muthos thinking nothing of it turned to the royal duo who were now riddled with cuts all over their bodies, some deeper then others making him worried as he called out to them,- "Tyborr, U-Slyn are you guys okay?"

The royal duo just finished off the last one, the leader who still couldn't believe that they were still standing and fighting,- "Impossible, you traitours monsters, I'll see you in hel." he said with his last breath.

Tyborr and U-Slyn still feeling good didn't even realize their situation as they turned to look at Muthos in horror.

Muthos still concerned and now confused asked- "Are you guys hurting? You should rest, you did a good j..."

He never got to finish as Askella who extended her nails into long razor-sharp points pierced him through the back with a wicked grin on her face.

Muthos feeling the sting stopped what he was saying to look down at the nails that went through him, coughing up blood he managed to say one more word, asking- "Why?" before he passed away.

Tyborr and U-Slyn yelled out- "NO, Muthos!"

Tyborr angrily shouted- "How could you do that!"

U-Slyn angrily asked- "Why did you do that?"

Askella giggled- "Do you know how long I waited to kill that annoying bastard, I only married him to try and gain access to this treasure, but then the fool got kicked out, but I maintained the marriage just in case another opportunity presented itself, after all, he was still a valuable asset to any king."

Tyborr and U-Slyn clenching their sabers tried to run over as they yelled- "We'll avenge him, traitorous witch!" They didn't make it far though as they collapsed not far from Muthos.

Askella laughing- "Hahaha, nice try, but have you looked in a mirror recently, you're already on death's door."

Tyborr and U-Slyn checked out their bodies in horror, seeing the many wounds all over and all their blood draining out.

U-Slyn with eyes wide asked- "What did you do to us?"

Tyborr angrily yelled- "I'll Kill You! I will kill you."

Askella smirked- "I'm not a healer, what do you think I did? I numbed your bodies so you could fight without rest and without concern, of course, that also means you won't feel any of the wounds you receive or damage you do to your body due to overexertion, so thank you for fighting to your deaths for me." she laughed.

Tyborr lost it as he howled maddeningly to his end, unable to accept it.

U-Slyn felt no better as his eyes went dim.

Askella now had no reason to stay after obtaining the treasure, but she never liked to leave loose ends, plus it didn't sit well with her to have killed everyone except the Asgard.

She started to power up magic in her hands while glaring at Theoric who was still fighting Ulik.

Theoric who was aware of everything that was going on swung his sword as he glanced over to Askella, this was all Ulik needed as his hammer shattered the sword which Theoric was doing a good job of avoiding till now, knowing it couldn't go head to head with the hammer, utilizing glancing blows and hits that avoided a direct clash.

Theoric still moving forward from the swing wasn't prepared for the follow-up hit that sent him flying out the window towards the Asgardian and troll army that was now fighting outside the wall.

Askella cursed the stupid oaf that was swinging his hammer in order to fly in pursuit.

With nothing else to do, she went to pick up the box she placed down only to feel the presence of someone she would rather avoid.

Askella looking up to the void that was forming in the air and frowned- "Grundor." she said gritting her teeth, someone she didn't quite know and yet was always there in the background throughout history.

Askella wasted no time as she shot a powerful ray blast of magic that would disintegrate most things on contact at the void.

Grundor was not expecting another hostile magic user to be there as the bolt hit his mask destroying it. He appeared in the room grabbing his face as the initial impact did hurt, but was otherwise unharmed due to the protection of the mask.

Askella started to prepare another ray blast to keep the pressure up, but Grundor now ready lifted his hand utilizing his magic to defend against hers, canceling each other out.

Askella looking upon the dark orange-reddish head with a crown of horns that looked the same as the Ancient ones of old that were wiped out.- "You're an Ancient one," she whispered just loud enough that he could hear.

Grundor seeing the cat was out of the bag didn't feel the need to hide it anymore as he removed his robes revealing his true form as the illusion fell away. He has only three digits (including an opposable thumb) on each hand, three toes on each foot, and a prehensile tail. For clothes, he only wore a leather kilt around his waist while also wearing a single jewel amulet, a single jewel belt, wrist and ankle guards, rising to a height of 8ft tall was a stark contrast to his initial height of 6ft.

(Think of original dbz Broly's accessories for reference.)

Grundor laughed- "I see some trolls do still remember us... (Turning serious)... Now if you would be so kind as to give me the treasure box and I'll let you live, no need to kill someone as talented as you, we have the same enemy, Asgard."

Askell glowered at him, there was no way she could easily give up one of her life's goals just like that, Ancient one or not, he had to defend against her attack all the same.

Grundor frowned seeing her about to fight him, sparing Ulla a glance- "Ulla get back and keep the amulet I gave you ready."

Ulla who was well aware of who Grundor was and long ago sold her services to him, nodded in reply as she went to hide behind the throne.

He brought his hand up defending against another ray blast of magic- "If that's all you can do, your sorely outmatched."

Askella paid him no heed as she prepared another, shooting it off while controlling the ground around him to pierce him.

He managed to get it halfway to him before she noticed and screamed out in frustration- "Why don't you just die like the rest of your kind, I'll never hand the treasure over to you."

Grundor mood soured at her insult as he pulled on the treasure with his magic only to be caught in a tug of war as she grabbed onto it with her own.

Grundor irritated, angrily hurled his own insult- "You ugly old hag if any of us should drop dead it should be you, where is your troll honor, how dare you betray your own kind."

Askella jeered- "Most trolls are stupid and undeserving of life, they should be wiped out, I'll not stay here and join them."

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