Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 48 - Damsel

Theoric cursed himself for dropping his guard in the middle of a fight, crashing not too far from the battle.

Ulik used the hammer like Thor to fly after him after witnessing the process, copying the spin and throw. Flying after Theoric, who he wanted to get revenge on for Olik and wishing he had taken more time in making sure he was dead, maybe then Olik would still be alive.

Ulik, however, was not close to Olik, their relationship was estranged and no matter how much Ulik cared for family, even he could barely stand what Olik turned into. He only felt the need for revenge due to their blood relation, plus his emotions were delicate at the moment due to it being a family matter.

During the pursuit, he saw the armies at the walls with the trolls on the back end. His priorities shifted seeing his fellow trollsmen dying because of something he caused. Feeling guilty he switched targets as he landed among armies frontline, instantly boosting the morale of the trolls as he began to indiscriminately slaughter the Asgardians.

Trolls cheered as they followed along establishing a new strong front to repel the invaders. Ulik was having a good time being among other trolls once again in an army fighting Asgard, but his thoughts weighed on him about the reasons he started all this in the first place.

Ulik fought his way towards Thor, Sif and the warriors 3, drawing closer he saw someone who was once friends with his younger brother Horth and even saved his life at one time.

Sif was engaged in a fight with him, one of the most well-trained Asgardians to date with great fighting skills and battle experience, she was highly regarded by all who knew her. The troll friend didn't stand a chance as she cut him down, disarming and slicing his throat.

Ulik roared in fury "No!" as he jumped over and fiercely hit her away. Bending down he grabbed the trolls head, realizing that he didn't even know his name, watching him slip away.

Eyes now reddened in sadness and anger he stood back up looking towards Sif, letting out a maddening roar.

The warriors 3 catching on to what was happening alerted Thor,- "Thor! Sif is in trouble."

Thor looking over saw Ulik the one who suckered punched him targeting Sif who was injured.

Thor- "Worry not my friends, I'll see to it." swinger his hammer around to fly him towards Ulik, but not before using it to clear away all the nearby trolls who were attacking.

Lady Sif was struggling to get back to her feet after being hit by Ulik, her broken ribs causing immense pain with every breath and movement. Hearing the roar sent a chill down her spine, seeing the madden troll looking over with bloodshot eyes.

Not yet in despair, she looked over to Thor, her white knight who she was enamored with, coming to her rescue, but her eyes soon went dim as reality set in. Thor in his bullheadedness flew towards Ulik's location, but Ulik was now jumping towards Sif and Thor couldn't change his direction easily, he wouldn't make it on time. Thor showed his glaring weakness, he was a brawler without skill, if it wasn't for his great strength, he wouldn't even be among the top 50 fighters.

Sif's eyes lost all l.u.s.ter as her only hope flew off in the wrong direction like the beautiful fool he was.

Ulik landing in front of Sif heavily huffed at her, his hot breath making her feel helpless. Lifting his hammer which Sif just now noticed, made her eyes go wide in shock. A terrible thought that she couldn't help, flashed through her head, thinking Thor somehow lost because Ulik now had his hammer. Making her tear up thinking this was the end of everything, who but Odin could stop him now.

Thor using his arm to pierce the ground to f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y change his trajectory after his initial blunder realized he wasn't going to make it as he saw Ulik lift the hammer. "No!" he yelled trying to mentally push himself faster.

As the hammer descended Lady Sif closed her eyes in anticipation only to open them a moment later when she heard the crash but was still alive.

Standing before her was a man she's never seen before, his looks while not the best still managed to mesmerize her at this moment. Giving her light where she saw none before, she couldn't help but have her heart flutter, this man who came when the best of Asgard, Thor, failed.

Theoric made it just in time, rushing as fast as he could when he saw Sif being hit by Ulik who chose to go fight in the army battle rather than fight him.

He felt a little put off by that, did Ulik see him as nothing more than an annoying fly that he could do away with whenever he wished.

The shield held with few cracks as he formed an energy fist around his right fist, increase the size and strength of the impact as he punched Ulik away with a grin towards the incoming Thor.

Ignoring the collision between the two he made his way to Lady Sif and crouched down to check on her.

Theoric smiling- "Lady Sif, let me take a look, I can help."

Lady Sif stayed quiet still a bit shell shocked from the rollercoaster of emotions as she gave a simple nod.

Theoric with a bright smile supported her head with one hand while he had the other hover over her abdomen, releasing a healing light, swiftly healing her back to peak condition.

Sif was flabbergasted feeling his healing powers, having never experienced such great magic.

Before she could ask or say anything Theoric bid farewell- "Alright, that should do it, stay safe my dear, wouldn't want someone as magnificent as you falling here, now I have to go finish this." he said with fire in his eyes as he took off towards Ulik and Thor. No way was he going to let Thor take his kill.

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