Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 55 - Victory Feast

Theoric continued from the bath to the bedroom making sure his wife was fully satisfied after being away so long. Giving her a last deep kiss before letting her drift off,- "Alright my love, have a good rest, I'll be going to the victory feast you told me about and celebrate with the rest and may pick you up a sister while I'm at it."

Sigyn who was half asleep already lazily replied- "Have fun."

He headed out in casual formal wear, now that it was late into the evening with most of the troops already back and preparing for the feast.

Arriving, he slipped by Thor unnoticed, finding a seat while listening to Thor tell his friends war stories.

"Thor, where is Loki?" a random friend asked.

Thor- "Oh him, he said he wasn't feeling good so he decided to stay in."


Loki was quietly heading to his room when he was stopped by a pleasant voice from behind.

"Loki, dear, why are you not attending the feast?"

Loki answered without turning- "I'm not in the mood today Mother,"

Frigga was very attuned to Loki's actions and their meanings, she could sense something was wrong stopping him from continuing to walk away,- "Loki, stop right there and turn around when you're talking to me, tell me what's wrong."

Loki halted his movements not wishing to anger her, the one parent he felt that truly cared for him. He slowly turned around to face her trying to put her at ease- "Nothing is wrong mother, I just wish to stay in tonight."

Frigga snorted with a mocking smile- "The trickster wishes to stay in during a party feast ripe with victims to prank... Now drop the illusion, you can never deceive me, my son."

Loki winced at being found out as he lowered his head asking- "Why can you always tell? Neither Heimdall nor Father can see through my illusions."

Frigga smiled- "That's because I'm your mother, and mother will always know her children, now if you please, you never need to hide anything from me, I will always love you."

Loki never able to deny his mother, reluctantly dropped the illusion, showing his burnt hair and skin from getting caught in the explosion with little time to defend.

Frigga gasped as she ran over to check him out asking- "What happened to you? Oh, my dear boy." giving him a warm hug.

Loki- "I wasn't being diligent and was caught unaware, please don't tell Thor."

"You need to take better care of yourself, what would I do if anything happened to you..." grabbing his head she kissed him on the forehead, "...Come let's go to the healing chamber and I'll fix you right up."


Theoric was stuffing himself with real food for the first time since the war started while enjoying the atmosphere as the party kicked off.

Lady Sif wearing a plain dress entered the scene just in time to see Thor mingling with the pretty young blonde women as she grudgingly sits down and watches.

Theoric seeing his chance and headed on over to fill the void she must be feeling.

Fandral of the warriors three nudges the other two as he points out Theoric's approach to Sif. "Another poor sod about to learn a hard truth," said Fandral after having experienced it himself on multiple occasions.

Volstagg chuckling, feeling in a gaming mood asked- "Alright lads the bet is how long it will take for him to get shot down, I'm willing to bet she shoots him down after 5 minutes." he said slamming down coins on the table.

Hogun darkly says- "Love is a cruel mistress, I bet he gets shot down right after he opens his mouth."

Fandral the more experienced of the two with the ways of Lady Sif gave a more optimistic but just as dark answer- "I bet she won't even register he's there and will leave right after Thor."

Volstagg then broke out into laughter with the others soon after.

Theoric felt a little awkward as he tried coughing and cup slamming to get her attention in vain, hearing snorts of laughter coming from somewhere at his failed attempts but ignored it.

He then decided to just slide on over so he was sitting right next to her as he looked in Thor's direction who now had 3 pretty blonds hanging on his every word.

Theoric then leaned next to her ear and started talking loudly before backing off nonchalantly once he got her attention.- "Hey! I Was Just Wondering If you are feeling better after that little accident I found you in."

Lady Sif who was startled and angry at first having someone come up and talk into her ear was about to go off on him when she registered the words and saw that it was the man who saved her life and healed her.

She was slightly intrigued by this man, the only other man that managed to make her heart flutter briefly.- "It's you! ah, yes, yes I am feeling better, thank you for saving my life."

Theoric grinned- "I hope you don't go around telling people about the healing though, I don't want to be designated as a healer, I like being up close in the action."

Sif grinned- "Yes I understand, don't worry I would never do that."

While she was intrigued, her sights returned to Thor who she's been secretly pining after for years.

Theoric smirked- "You know for a warrior princess you don't strike me as the meek type, if you care for Thor why do you sit here quietly and watch on as he galavants around?"

Sif frowned- "What would you have me do, he's a prince who will be king and I'm just a friend he says on numerous occasions and fails to see what everyone else already secretly knows."

Theoric- "Well if I was you I wouldn't just wait around, tell me something are you really fine just watching him go night after night with other women, while you stay here unsatisfied?"

Sif catching his meaning scowled- "If you're looking for a whore, you should go elsewhere and leave me be, I appreciate what you did, but you are lacking."

Theoric's face fell as he looked at Thor leaving with a woman in each arm and one that jumped on his back.

Theoric pointed to them- "Take a good look Lady Sif, you may notice that your not his type, he likes those with a lighter head than you."

Lady Sif catching the double meaning only frowned as she watched Thor leave.

Ticked off by her comment and feeling aggressive, he continues- "Stop acting like a love-struck fool waiting hand and foot for a stupid man to take care of you, allow me!" he said pulling her head back by the hair and f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y taking her lips, making her eyes go wide in shock.

The warriors three were also dumbfounded he had the balls to do that, Lady Sif was a well known and very skilled warrior who would pay back those who slight her.

Theoric made sure to get some tongue in before he released her fully prepared to be attacked, but just not in the way that he was.

Igniting her long-hidden pint up l.u.s.t and frustration, the damns broke as she was extremely turned on by being manhandled. Being surrounded by so many weak-willed men who were intimidated by her was disheartening. This was the reason she fell for Thor, the one man who wasn't put off by her strength and could more than handle it.

With her heart beating a mile a minute, it felt like her c.h.e.s.t wouldn't be able to hold it in as she once again looked upon Theoric in a brighter light that reminded her of the day that he saved her. Unable to contain her new emotions that were about to burst out, she immediately assaults his lips back, now fully concentrated on this new man in front of her.

The warriors three were now gobsmacked with eyes wide open and mouths hanging open by the turn of events with Frandal questioning if that was really all it took to win her.

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