Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 58 - Leaving

Theoric who managed to slip back into bed undetected after preparing everything took a quick nap before waking up the next day with his lovely wife who at some point snuggled closer and happened to be drooling on him, not that he minded. Gently petting her head awake,- "Siiigyyyn, it's time to wake up."

Sigyn swatted his hand away as she snuggled closer to him rubbing her head against his c.h.e.s.t as if trying to dig further in.

Amused he blew against her exposed ear, further irritating her as her hand tried to slap what wasn't there.

Theoric chuckled- "Alright sleepy head time to go, we're not even allowed to stay here much longer, I'd prefer to leave before anyone notices."

Sigyn sleepily said through a yawn- "Give me a few more minutes."

"No can do," he said while sitting up making her roll off him. "We can't stay in Asgard anymore, we have to pack what we can carry and head to the Bifrost."

Sigyn woke up from the shock of what he said.

Sigyn- "What are you talking about?"

Theoric rubbing his face asked- "Did I not tell you? Yeah, we are leaving Asgard."

Sigyn perturbed asked again- "What are you talking about? Why do we have to leave Asgard?"

Theoric not wanting to get into this now tried to get her to hurry along,- "Sigyn, my love, honey dearest, I just need you to trust me, it's a bit difficult to explain and I want to get moving now before everyone is awake."

Sigyn looking into his eyes knowing he wasn't going to budge and has already made the decision,- "You best explain yourself later mister or you won't be seeing the girls for a while."

Theoric grinned- "Of course I will, now get up and get a move on, we are kind of on a time crunch here, only take what you can't replace... (He paused to look at Sigyn saying again with a serious face)... Only what you can't replace, time is a factor if we want to safely leave."

Sigyn hearing his stern voice felt the seriousness making her pale a little.

"Safe?" she asked with concern.

Theoric already jumping up now and rushing to get ready with his last extra sword and armor answered without looking- "What are you doing move it, if you're not ready in the next 5 minutes we leave without your stuff."

Sigyn feeling scared started to hurriedly pack stuff she found important.

Theoric wanted to tell her not to be that scared, but it was probably good considering what he did, though he doesn't expect them to figure out he did it. They will still be far safer off-world where they will have to think twice about whether or not to bother traveling over and questioning them.

After gearing up he grabbed a large sack throwing it over his shoulder as he called for Sigyn- "Let's go, honey, we can more than likely replace most things."

Sigyn was moving like the wind packing multiple things much to Theorics dismay when he saw half the house start disappearing into technologically compressed suitcases that could store more then what one would expect.

Theoric quickly shook his head- "Nope, no, no, no, Honey pick one suitcase and let's go, I'm not carrying all that, time crunch honey, pick one."

Theoric- "Which one did you pack your clothes?"

Sigyn pointed to one which he grabbed placing it on his back where it magnetized so it wouldn't fall off, becoming a backpack of sorts.,- "Alright let's go."

Sigyn didn't know what to say as she quietly followed along hoping everything would be fine.

Theoric seeing his wife wasn't in the best mood grabbed her hand with a smile- "There is nothing to worry about, I may have made it sound more serious then it is, everything will be fine, enjoy your last look at our wonderful home, it'll be a while before we can return."

His words only made things worst as Sigyn's face went ashen.

He stopped and took her face in his hands making eye contact- "Sigyn, my love, do you trust me?"

Sigyn meekly nodded.

Theoric then kissed her before saying- "So then trust me when I say everything is fine, stop looking so gloomy, just happily trust in me and enjoy yourself, you let me do the worrying."

Sigyn managed to make a small smile as they continued to the Bifrost where Heimdall stood as sentry and guardian of Asgard.

Theoric- "Heimdall, I believe you have a standing order to allow me through the Bifrost."

Heimdall glancing at the sack behind Theoric who flinched from the look answered- "Indeed I do."

Theoric squinted his eyes as he readjusted the sack questioned- "So will you let us through?... To Midgard, if you would."

Heimdall looked at the sack again as if weighing his options before giving him the go-ahead- "As you wish."

Theoric sighed in relief as he wasn't exactly sure how strong Heimdall was and didn't want to risk fighting him. He counted on, knowing that Heimdall was actually what one would call a couch potato, he loved standing here watching everything unfold as if he was in front of a T.V. with endless channels.

Theoric also knew Heimdall was willing to bend the rules if it doesn't harm Asgard and has the potential to be a great show to watch.

Heimdall walked up to the center platform sticking in the sword, starting up the device, lighting shooting out from the center up along the roof was a glorious sight to behold.

Sigyn eyes sparkled- "It's so pretty."

Heimdall froze when he heard her comment.

Theoric grinned when he saw Heimdall's reaction and spoke up for his benefit- "Dear I think one would call this amazing, not pretty."

Sigyn not listening agreed with him- "Yes very pretty." While others would think the rainbow bridge was prettier, she has already seen it way too many times to count. Theoric even took her for a date once on the bridge which was wonderful at the time.

Heimdall not appreciating her comments shooed them away- "The portal has been open, please make your way so I can close it."

Theoric grabbed his wife's hand dragging her away into the open portal.

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