Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 60 - Long Wait

They appeared in the mountains in a woodland area, Sigyn still not thrilled at the way she was rushed out of her home, kept quiet while glaring at Theoric.

Theoric who was looking around could feel her stare- "I can feel your stare boring into the back of my skull."

Sigyn gave a humph- "You better explain yourself this instant, and whats with that sack you have, I could swear I saw it moving."

Theoric adjusted the sack on his shoulder- "This is just a present for a friend, but it is the reason why we had to rush to leave, I'm sorry about that." he said stroking her cheek with his free hand.

Sigyn placed her hand over his looking intently at him- "I trust you, so what now?" she asked looking around at the surrounding woods.

Theoric- "Now we hike out of here, give me a second and I'll find out which way."

He formed an energy platform underneath himself growing it to a height where he could spot something.

Lowering himself back down he pointed to the nearest signs of life- "There seems to be a small village over that way, we'll head there for now and find a map to see where we are exactly, it may take a day to get there though."

Sigyn, however, wasn't listening as she felt something happening inside her- "Theo." she called out in worry. as the feeling increased.

Theoric hearing the distress in her voice turned to see what was wrong- "Sigyn?" he asked dropping the sack, arriving next to her to hold her steady. "What's wrong?"

Sigyn who was now being supported by Theoric had her eyes closed as she concentrated on the feeling, unable to hear him.

Theoric grew more worried from not being answered, momentarily forgetting in his fl.u.s.ter that he could heal. Gritting his teeth at his own stupidity he gently lowered her with his right arm as support as he lifted his left hand to heal.

He could now see that her body was going through a change as his power flowed through her. Seeing something unusual he pushed the power deeper into her, noticing a core of power in the center of her c.h.e.s.t that was rapidly expanding. He went to probe it only to have the power erupt upon contact blasting away his concentration as Sigyn body shot out a holy light from her 7 orifices and then blasting out through the forest.

Theoric looked on as she changed, her hair was now wavy blond and she now had green eyes.

Sigyn looked up to Theoric- "What happened?"

Theoric shook his head- "I don't know, tell me how you feel, your eyes and hair changed color."

Sigyn alarmed asked- "What!" quickly taking out a mirror to check herself out as she sat up.

She started muttering- "Oh no, oh no, oh no." then she clasped it shut and quickly looked away from Theoric.

Theoric confused asked- "Sigyn? are you ok?"

Sigyn turned around with watering eyes- "Do you still love me?"

Theoric laughed- "Pfft, what are you asking you silly girl?"

Sigyn- "But you always said you loved my unique blue hair and red eyes and was glad I wasn't just another blonde."

Theoric grinned- "Ah well, actually the main thing I loved was that you were different and that most others won't look twice at you so I only had to fight off a few men rather than everyone, you see most men like lighter colors so now that your hair is a lighter color, I'll now have many more men to put in their place to keep you all to myself."

Sigyn sniffling looked up, asking- "Really?"

Theoric laughed- "Of course my love, I don't care what color you turn into, I'll never let you go." he said giving her a kiss before hugging her. "Now tell me how you feel, you have gone through quite the change."

Sigyn tapped her chin as she thought about how to say it- "Well when we first entered the forest I could feel myself overflowing with power."

Theoric thought of Yggdrasill and her blessing- "Your blessing must have responded to the dense forest, whereas in Asgard it was seriously lacking, but that doesn't explain everything, only other thing I can think of is your blessing was strengthen again for some reason."

Looking at his wife intently she started fidgeting under his stare, "What?" she asked.

Theoric- "We should test your strength and see if you gained any abilities."

Sigyn- "You want me to do that now?"

Theoric- "We can do it on the way, Let's go." he said leading the way.

Later that night Theroic was sitting next to Sign with the sack moving in front of them.

Sigyn exclaimed giving his shoulder a slap- "Ha I knew it! There is something alive in that sack, now please explain what we are doing and what that is."

Theoric scratching his face tried to think of what to say- "Well you see my dear, I've been meaning to tell you about what's been going on but things were moving kind of fast with the war coming out of the blue, let me tell you what happened that day I went out for a mission and came back to save you from Loki and everything else up till now..."

Sigyn let him finish before slapping him and then bursting into tears while hugging him- "You, you, you could have died and I would have never known, I was wondering why my ring was flickering and tried calling you, but you didn't answer and I was so worried but later when we talked I figured it was nothing after all, but, but, you were dying, why would you do something so foolish, what would I do without you."

Theoric let her wail into him as he patted her head- "There, there, everything is alright now, I promise it won't happen again."

Sigyn looked up teary-eyed- "You promise?"

Theoric nodded with a smile- "Of course I do, after all, I plan on having lots of fun with all our beautiful wives in the future." he said pinching her nose.

Sigyn swiped it away wrinkling her nose- "I don't mind you having other wives, but how many are you planning on having exactly?"

Theoric looked away laughing- "I don't plan on having many, but I will keep the ones who wish to stay, I'm not going to worry about it though, after all, I have you my love."

Sigyn humphed- "That's right, you have me, but I guess it would be nice to have some other lovely sisters." she said while rubbing her c.h.e.s.t.

Theoric smiled as he caught she wasn't talking about the women.

The next day they made it out of the woods and arrived at a lovely little village, he placed the sack somewhere safe placing a strong shield around it before heading inside the village, but Sigyn could see Theoric wasn't happy to see it.

Sigyn- "What's wrong? didn't you want to come here?"

Theoric frowned as he looked around at the very old underdeveloped buildings and people- "I didn't think my timing was so far off, this is way before what I want, it'll be hundreds of years yet before things start, what will we do until then?"

Sigyn stayed quiet while Theoric contemplated what to do next as they walked the dirt road through the small village coming to stop in the center square, finding a place to sit while ignoring all the stares.

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