Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 63 - Atticus

Theoric asked around where he could find Atticus arriving at his home sometime later finding a well-muscled man standing in his doorway with a wood chopping ax in hand waiting for him.

The man had brown hair, a scruffy beard, and dirty clothes, but held himself well with full confidence, reaching a height of 5'9".

The man glanced once at Sigyn and showed a bit of surprise at her beauty but otherwise was unperturbed as his eyes focused once again on Theoric who was pleased to see the character of the man holding true on first impression.

"I heard you were asking around about me, what do you want?" he asked clenching his weapon tightly, fully on guard for anything Theoric might try.

Theoric seeing the whites of his knuckles tried to calm the man,- "My wife and I mean you no harm, I would just like to talk to you."

Atticus didn't relent easily though as he asked- "What exactly do you wish to discuss?"

Theoric tried to put a friendly smile on though it wasn't his strong suit as Atticus flinched in response which made him feel sad thinking maybe he didn't have a friendly face as he looked to Sigyn who smiled back making Theoric genuinely smile in return.

Atticus seeing them smiling at each other only started to grow more irritated being reminded how alone he was, making him snap- "Well don't just stand there with your disgusting smiles, what do you want?"

Theoric coming out of his little private world with Sigyn couldn't help but chuckle at the man's response- "Ah sorry about that, nothing serious though, we would just like to talk to you, get to know you better and your views of the man in charge of this place."

Atticus narrowed his eyes at the unknown big man as he sized him up wondering if he should trust him, thinking about his flashy gear and pretty wife though put him at ease when he thought there was no way Caelus hired him to do something. He took a look around to see if any of Caelus men were in the vicinity before inviting them in.

"Please come in and let's discuss, then maybe you can tell me why you're here, you'll have to excuse the mess, I've been taking care of my boy and haven't had a chance to clean," he said ushering them in.

He took one last look around before closing the door, the house was like a small cottage with very little room and somewhat cluttered, but they managed to squeeze in and sit at the eating table.

Theoric spoke first- "It's nice to meet you Atticus, I'm Theoric and this is my lovely wife Sigyn, we were thinking of moving here, but ran into a nasty fellow called Lar and with some asking around got the impression things are not so well here, we then heard about you and how respected you are and wanted to meet you and discuss further before making a decision about moving."

Atticus snorted hearing about Lar- "That weasel is a terrible person who would have done far more harm if I wasn't around." then he sighed,- "But because of my interference my boy paid the price which made the other villagers scared as well, so I retreated back here to take care of him."

Sigyn frowned- "They would hurt a child?"

Theoric looked at his innocent wife hoping the real world wouldn't break her.

Theoric- "What of the father? is he of a similar character or is he the hands-off type that spoiled him."

Atticus sneered- "Caelus is even worst than his son, whereas Lar I was able to stop from time to time, the father has done far more despicable things, he is definitely the corruption that led to his kids fall, its actually a surprise he hasn't done worst things considering who his father is, villagers even say when you walk to close to his place you can hear the screams of his victims, I have personally never been near enough to confirm such rumors, he would sic his guards on me should I get to close and I have to think about my kid."

Sigyn gasped- "That's horrible, why does no one do anything?"

Atticus ridiculed her- "What would you have us do? Weak untrained villagers can't do anything against him and his men and we are too far from anyone to ask for any help, all we can do is suffer."

Theoric slammed the table with his hand,- "Watch your tone when you speak to my wife."

Atticus went quiet glaring back at Theoric before he heard coughing coming from the room next to them.- "Excuse me, I have to check on my boy."

Sigyn got up to see what was going on, prompting Theoric to follow along.

Inside was a sick kid that was no more than 8 years old who was coughing as he rested on the bed, his clearly broken legs out in the open due to it being too painful to place anything on them as his upper body was covered in a blanket.

A weak child voice spoke- "Daddy I'm thirsty."

Atticus stroked his son's head,- "Okay champ, wait here for me, I'll be right back, this is Sigyn and Theoric, they came to visit, nothing to worry about." who glanced at them on the way out, letting them know to watch themselves around his kid.

Sigyn looking at the pitiful boy went up to Theoric after Atticus left- "Theo, won't you help him?"

Theoric stroked her head grinning at her puppy dog eyes- "Not yet, let me go and speak to Atticus some more." he said leaving the room.

Sigyn frowned at him, deciding to stay with the boy and try and ease his pain some.

Theoric found Atticus outback bringing water from a barrel,- "Atticus, let's say something happened to Caelus and his son, would you be willing to take over and see to the village needs in an appropriate manner?"

Atticus scoffed- "Even if such a miracle happened, why would I take over? I first have to make sure my kid is alright and then I would just go back to hunting as I've always done."

Theoric- "People look up to you, see you as a leader, will you not lead them?"

Atticus thought he figured something out as he turned to face Theoric before entering his son's room- "Are you trying to get me to start a rebellion? Have I not told you how worthless it would be? or do you have some backers that will help? What are you really doing here?" he fired off a bunch of questions becoming more skeptical by the second of Theoric intentions.

Suddenly a happy voice came out of the room,- "Oh wow! Are you a Goddess? Thank you! Thank you, Goddess!"

Then a little boy came running out laughing- "Daddy, daddy, look, look, look, the Goddess healed me."

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