Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 77 - No More Chances

That night Theoric and Sigyn were a bit loud before he remembered to shield the noise from disturbing the guest.

Annabeth was wide awake with a flush face listening to them, even Io wasn't immune with a bit of a blush as she stared up at the ceiling along with Annabeth. Luckily they were spared a short time later and were allowed to drift off to sleep, though it was a bit tough for Annabeth who has yet to experience anything of the sort and was imagining Theoric doing it to her as she recalled his n.a.k.e.d body at the waterfall.

Sigyn apologized the next day but couldn't help teasing Annabeth when she noticed how fl.u.s.tered she was being around them after hearing what they did last night.

Surprisingly Io talked Annabeth into staying a bit longer in the village seeing how Anna liked it. This was Io's way of delaying the trip to Athens where she was certain Annabeth would be disappointed which she didn't wish to see her sad.

A week later they said their goodbyes to the villagers while Theoric who was tired of looking after Herlu, left him to slowly starve to death after covering up the secret entrance. There was no way he was going to bring him along or arrange someone else to watch him, in case he found a way to exploit said person.

He only felt bad about not keeping him as a gift for Vott, wondering where he was and if he was doing okay.

Making their way back through the same woods where they first met, they happily talked about the event again, retelling Sigyn who was happy to listen until they heard the same crashing of trees as in the past.

Sigyn- "What was that?"

Io answers faster than Annabeth, happy to take a jab at Theoric- "That would most likely be the Cyclops that Theoric refused to take care of." she said looking at him with an I told you so look.

Theoric rolled his eyes- "And I said don't worry about it." though he was disgruntled to be in the same situation for the third time. He was going to make sure there wouldn't be a fourth, one was only allowed so many chances.

He sighed when he spotted the same Cyclops appear, toppling over a couple of trees in his way.

"Ah-Ha! I found you sneaky rats again, I won't be sneak attacked again, I came prepared." the Cyclops said banging the new helmet he was sporting.- "With this, you won't be able to use your Olympian trickery, I will be sure to kill you nice and slow for all the pain you caused me and my kind."

Theoric- "Tch, your clearly too dumb to live, if the rest of your kind is the same, I'm not surprised the Olympians played you."

Cyclops bellowed- "Argh, you just wait right there, I'll show you how strong a cyclops can be." he said angrily stomping over.

"Fine then, come over, let me put you out of your misery." Theoric said forming a spike. "Besides, truth be told, I wanted nothing more than to skewer that big stupid eye of yours when I first saw you."

The Cyclops let out another angry roar as it picked up speed- "I'll Kill You!"

Tearing up the ground as it came in large strides, it wasn't long before it was in range, dodging underneath the incoming spike while mocking him- "Ha! Did you think you really think that would wor..." He was cut off when he cleared the first spike, only for there to be a second one waiting underneath, piercing his eye dead center.

The Cyclops dropped dead with a new hole in its head as its momentum carried it forward to the waiting feet of Theoric who looked down in pity.

Theoric tried to cheer everyone up with a little dark humor- "Well at least I got a bullseye." giving a small grin.

Io snorted at his poor taste in puns- "You missed the first one."

The other two girls giggled seeing his shoulder slump in defeat. Sigyn coming over to comfort him while still silently laughing a bit, rubbing his back.- "There, there."

Luckily for Annabeth, they didn't encounter the man spider again as they made their way south towards Athens

They grew closer together as Sigyn subtly kept the feelings in Annabeth alive, who kept stealing glances at Theoric. Io just appreciated the comradery and familiar feel while interacting with Annabeth and Sigyn who she was growing much closer to after sharing, she even started to ever so slowly warm to Theoric.

Passing several villages along the way and small towns where people would stare at them. They were an unusual party, to say the least, a big man in finely crafted gear with 3 beautiful women, each prettier than the last.

Managing to avoid most trouble until they came across a caravan that was being attacked.

Annabeth was the first to act- "We have to help them." she said sprinting over with daggers drawn, Io quickly following along.

Theoric amused just watched as he wanted to see what they were made of having never seen them in action.

Sigyn feeling conflicted choose to stay by his side- "Theo, are we not also going to help?"

Theoric- "Naw, let's see what they're made of before we do anything, don't forget she's a half-blood against regular humans."

Sigyn sadly nodded in agreement so Theoric took her hand, grinning as she easily cheered up before she turned concerned eyes back towards the ladies who just arrived at the conflict, promising herself to step in and help them if things got too difficult.

Theoric then muttered something else which made Sigyn pause- "We don't even know which is the right side yet."

This was no concern to Annabeth who saw her mother's symbol on the side of the caravan, a picture of a helmet sitting on top of a woman's head. Choosing to defend against the attackers seeing the connection.

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