Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 83 - Flavius

<<<<<<<<<<<<LEMON... feel free to skip down past this part>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The next day Theoric woke up to the lovely sight of Anna's b.r.e.a.s.ts. He didn't hesitate to start feasting on the fluffy mountains of joy. Annabeth who was still sleeping pulled his head closer as her c.h.e.s.t started feeling good. Opening her eyes she looked down to see Theoric enjoying himself as she let out a m.o.a.n.

"Theo, ah, aren't you having to much fun by yourself, ah," she said while running her fingers through his hair as he feasted on her.

Theoric stopped as he looked into her amazing eyes and grinned- "Waking up to such a delicious sight, how could I resist?" he asked innocently.

Seeing her smile, he took her lips and instinctively started humping only to hear a surprised m.o.a.n from Sigyn who he was still inside from last night.

Annabeth not use to waking up with so many people jumped a little at the noise as she turned to face Sigyn who didn't waste time as she happily gobbled up soft mountains that hit her face.

They started fooling around a bit more until Io woke up.

Io not sure how she felt decided to wipe that happy grin off of Theoric's stupid face as it started to irritate her how much fun he was having- "Anna, as much fun as it was, don't you want to go to the temple today, or do you plan on staying in doing more?"

Seeing the now perturbed face on Theoric made Io smirk in revenge, feeling like she and Anna got taken advantage of last night.

Annabeth jumped up.- "Your right, I can't forget about that, I must see my mother today." Which instantly made Theoric's face fall in disappointment.

Theoric- "Well we'll need to wash up, it's a good thing we're in the bath, come let me help you." he said seeing a way to redeem the situation so he can have a bit more fun.

Annabeth couldn't help but blush at the offer as she quietly nodded, accepting his offer.

Io could only sigh, watching a now smitten Annabeth get princess carried away by Theoric with Sigyn close behind. She started feeling like she was the only one who got taken advantage of. While she did feel good about moving past her trauma thanks to Sigyn and Theoric, her feelings at the moment are a mixture of confusion and gratitude more than anything else.

Suddenly she was brought out of her thoughts as Sigyn came back, grabbing her hand and pulling.

Sigyn- "Come on, why are you staying here by yourself?"

Io couldn't help but break into a grin as she thought 'Maybe this isn't so bad,' quietly following Sigyn's lead towards the other two.

<<<<<<<<<<<<End of LEMON>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Finishing up they headed outside to a finely clothed man with finely groomed brown hair who was surrounded by 6 bodyguards waiting for them to exit.

"Why hello there, my name is Flavius Canius Pacatianus and I am the owner of this lovely villa, I just wanted to see how you were doing and if there is anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable."

Flavius eyes opened a little wider as Theoric drew closer, realizing the information was in no way misleading when speaking about his finely crafted armor and size of the man, the biggest of his bodyguards still came up short by a few inches.

Theoric grinned- "Everything has been absolutely wonderful, we are just on our way to visit the temple."

Annabeth blushed listening to him as she hid her face behind the others so it couldn't be seen.

Flavius- "Yes, the temple is a wonderful place that everyone should visit when they can, Athena is said to bless those lucky few who can solve some of the tests she has there, though till this day only a handful have."

Theoric intrigued asked- "Oh, what sort of blessings have been given?"

Annabeth on the side perked up, listening closely for anything she may learn about her mother.

Flavius rubbing his chin while thinking- "Well there was this one lady who was able to get her revenge on a cheating husband thanks to Athena, another was granted healing powers and of course she has given out varies knowledge."

Theoric- "Interesting, I don't know if we'll try these tests or not, but I'll be sure to take a look when I'm there."

Flavius seeing the impatient look on some of their faces knew when to step back- "No harm in trying a test or two, anyways I can see your busy, let one of my people know when your free so we can get together and talk more in-depth, I could show you around the city and allow you to meet some of the more prominent people that live here."

Theoric- "Thank you, I'll be sure to do that."

After Flavius took his leave they made their way towards the center hill that the city was built around. The Acropolis on top is what housed the most important buildings, including the temple of Athena.

There where guards stationed along the staircase leading up, watching the many people making their daily pilgrimage to the temple.

Theoric once again drew looks as the guard's eyes never left him as he made his way up.

He did his best to ignore it as they reached the top where they had the option to go right or left. The right was where the public headed, left however led to a way up to another private level where it seemed only the high class were allowed to go. It was being tightly guarded as any low class looking people who tried to enter were pushed away and sent them back on their way towards the right.

Theoric- "Well ladies, it seems we have a couple of options, we can go with the crowd to the right where I'm sure there is a public temple among other things waiting for the common folk, or we can go left and see the high societies private area, where I'm sure they have an even better temple built."

Annabeth feeling conflicted stayed quiet, Sigyn as well who was just going with the flow.

Io- "Why don't we just start with the public one and not cause any problems and then if Anna feels that wasn't good enough, we can then try and find a way into the private area, maybe that Flavius guy could help, though I don't know why he didn't offer after knowing we were coming here."

Theoric- "If I had to guess it would be politics, he wouldn't want to stick his neck out for an unknown."

Annabeth- "Yes, that's fine, we can start with the right one."

Theoric- "Alright, to the right it is."

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