Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 85 - Head Priestess

A woman could be seen standing in front of another statue of Athena that was twice as big as the one Theoric and his group were at.

"My Lady Goddess how may I serve?" asked the woman who was wearing extravagant white robes that covered her entire body with a hood on her head just hanging over the golden mask she wore to hide her face.

The statue's eyes glowed heralding the arrival of Athena - "I have an important task for you, my daughter has arrived to seek me out and I wish you to entertain her."

Caught off guard by the news the woman didn't know what to say as she listened intensively.

"It is against Zeus's law for us to meet, so I can only ask for you to help her realize this, and help answer any questions she may have, though I doubt she'll have many, after all, she does take after me." Athena boasted a little.

The woman bowed deeply- "You can count on me, my Lady."

"Good, I don't expect I need to tell you what will happen should any harm befall her." After a short pause, "And tell her... Tell her, I love her."

The woman couldn't help but grin underneath her mask at seeing her humanity show, thinking maybe there is hope yet for the Olympians.- "Certainly, I will not fail you."

"Good," Athena said before the glowing in the eyes of the statue faded, signaling her departure.

An old woman arrived who had similar white robes but without the hood or mask, and not as grandly designed. - "My Lady, you called?"

"There is an important guest that needs to be brought to me immediately upon discovery, she will most likely visit the public temple, go there and bring her to me," she commanded.

The old woman started to instantly carry out the orders as she turned around, but paused to ask- "Um, my Lady, how will I recognize her?"

"You will know who it is when you see her, I expect you to be discrete when you find her, use the back entrance to bring them to me," she said believing that the Head Priestess would be able to recognize the daughter of Athena even if she has never seen her before. The Priestess should still feel her importance, feel the connection to their god.

The old woman receiving her orders quickly left.


Theoric and the ladies moved out to the back area away from most of the crowds to avoid the lingering eyes of the priests and priestesses who were beginning to look there way more often as time passed.

Standing out of the way of the crowds, they got mostly ignored as the people who came tended to their prayers, guided by the temple's personnel. The priests seemed out of place in the temple though as they mostly stayed by the other god's statues while the priestess tended to all things Athena which was the main Goddess of the city.

"Look it's the Head Priestess!" someone shouted.

The Head Priestess was the highest ranking in the temple, one who was said to be able to speak directly to the Goddess. It wasn't long before she was swarmed by people. Luckily for her, she was flanked by 6 temple guards, 3 on each side, pushing people away who tried to get to close.

She also had 4 other priestesses flanking her sides, secretly guarding her, for none knew how well trained and deadly they could be when push came to shove.

"Make way you dogs, do you all really think you're deserving of speaking with her holiness, Make Way, Make Way, don't block her path." said an agitated guard at being surrounded by so many people up close.

The Head Priestess raised her hand's trying to calm everyone, it wasn't every day they could meet with her,- "Please listen, I will take the time to meet with those that I can, but you can't be so unruly, this is a holy site, don't forget Athena can see and hear what you do here, do not get on her bad side."

This calmed everyone as they inherently trusted her, never believing for a second that her holiness wouldn't honor her words. Also recalling that they were in the temple where Athena could potentially judge them made many correct their behavior after being reminded.

Many began to express their apologizes as they waited their turn to speak with her.

The old Priestess didn't stop her search though as she made her way through the crowds while scanning every woman in hopes of finding the one she was sent for.

Upon entering the temple she did feel something special though, the whole place felt more alive, even brighter than usual. Following that feeling, she started heading towards Annabeth.

Theoric- "She's going to eventually make her way over here, we should leave if we want to avoid all the people and temple personnel."

The old Priestess didn't miss this as she began looking towards the direction she was getting the strongest feeling from. Seeing them exit the Temple to the porch she felt the immediate difference as the temple's buzzing started to fade.

Growing a bit nervous she may miss her target, she orders the guards to help- "I'm sorry everyone but something urgent came up, guards clear a path towards the porch and don't let anyone follow." she said wasting no time.

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