Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 90 - Mysterious Deal

During the night, Flavius snuck through the rain with his best bodyguard to the outskirts of Athens, to a hidden mud house that didn't look like anything special on the outside.

However, after entering and travelling down some stairs it opened up into a hidden underground base that looked empty.

Then Flavius heard the sounds of tapping and that irritating voice from that disgusting little creature he was here to see.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Flavius, having trouble with something? Why am I not surprised?" said a small round, bald, 4'5" tall man with an enlarged head and arms, walking with two canes out of the shadows.

Flavius's loyal bodyguard put his hand on his sword, ready to cut down the insolent creature for daring to talk in such way to his master, but Flavius quickly reacted by placing his hand out with a glance, expressing his disapproval of his rashness.

Next stepping out of the shadows came a 6'5" tall man with blue eyes and long black hair- "Careful there, if you wish to go a round or two, I'm always ready." said the mighty looking warrior as he wildly grinned with piercing eyes towards the bodyguard who couldn't help but start to sweat a little from the pressure he felt beneath the gaze.

The bodyguard instinctively knew if he were to act, he would be cut down as easily as cabbage. He could only look up to the man in shame as defeat settled into his bones just being near this man. This was nothing like the cool collected Theoric. This man looked like he was breed for battle, that frenzy look just underneath, ready to explode at any minute, not to mention his slight height advantage against Theoric.

The small man grinned wider seeing the unease of his guests- "I'd like to introduce Ransak, a champion of the arena, few can compare to his mighty prowess."

Ransak wore tight, mostly white except a blue belt and design on his shirt, spandex like clothing, easily showing off his muscles.

Flavius- "Enough of this Sledge, we came here to report on an anomaly and discuss what to do about it."

Sledge wore a green shirt with yellow flowers, short blue pants, and sandals.- "Go on, don't waste our precious time."

Flavius gritted his teeth, promising that one day he would skewer this man and grill him like the little meatball that he is.- "It's about a man named Theoric..." he began to explain what he knew and how he visited the temple and had a private chat with Thena.

Sledge mumbled to himself where only Ransak was able to hear- "Is it another one?"

Sledge- "Alright you don't need to worry about it, we'll take it from here, you just keep doing what you're supposed to."

Flavius scowling- "I'm keeping up my end, you just make sure you keep up your end... Athens and Sparta are heading for war, even if they know they're being set up by a third party, they'll have no choice because it's what the people want, plus it helps that Ares and Athena are rivals."

Sledge- "Good, then run along and don't disappoint us, my master is not someone who you can afford to offend, he'll see you get what you're owed in due time."

Flavius begrudgingly left.

His bodyguard asking- "Why do we put up with them my lord?" Thinking that Flavius has more than enough power and resources to do whatever he needs.

Flavius sneered- "They are a means to an end, and by the time this is all over it will be their end along with anyone else who stands in my way."

Sledge meanwhile contacted his boss through a communication device- "General."

"What is it?"

Sledge then reported on everything Flavius said.

"Another one is it? Okay, I understand, you standby and keep doing as you have been."

Sledge- "Sir." he said ending the call.

"Would you like me to go test him out," Ransak asked with a crazed glint in his eye's.

Sledge glanced at the formidable warrior- "The General has a plan, if he wanted you to take care of it, he would have told us." he said while thinking sooner or later this battle mad warrior was going to create a slaughter.


The General who just finished his talk with Sledge was walking through an underwater passageway just off the coast of a nearby uninhabited island.

He came to a room full of technology and biochemical lab equipment, where two scientists were working.

"Zakka, Taras, tell me your close."

Zakka, a normal looking, 5'8" tall man with black hair and brown eyes came over to report along with Taras, a 6'1" tall man with blue eyes, brown hair ponytail, and grey skin.

Zakka was wearing messing robes with a Tech helmet and other devices hidden underneath.

Taras was wearing a smooth dark blue robe with teal designs, looking as clean and elegant as possible, compared to his sometimes very messy experiments.

Standing before the general they both began their reports. Zakka, the inventor of the two, enthusiastically explained all their breakthroughs in tech while Taras, the geneticist, reported on his experiments failures and successes.

Feeling the General's unease through his telepathy, Taras asked- "General Kro, Is something the matter? I promise we're going as fast as we can and making great strides."

General Kro was a bald man standing at 6'5" tall with black facial hair, and pointed ears. He usually sported dark pink uniquely designed glasses to hide his eyes and an equally colored armor set.

General Kro frowned- "How many times do I have to tell you not to use your telepathy on me."

Taras not taking it to heart said- "I don't need to use it to get feelings off of others, it just comes to me from time to time, besides, you know I would never harm you in any way." And he meant it, Kro was the one who saved his life during an experiment gone wrong when a subject escaped and almost killed him if it wasn't for Kro's timely rescue.

Kro- "There's potentially another Eternal here, Zakka I need you to put eyes on him with your hidden drones and find out if he's a threat. I will not allow anything to ruin this moment, we must prepare for everything. It's our time to rise and take what is rightfully ours, the Eternals had their chance and they failed, becoming servants to false gods. It's our time to rise, the time of the Deviants."

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