Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 95 - Barfight

5 soldiers were surrounding him with others looking on wondering what they should do. They weren't all from the same squad, but being under the same banner, they would likely step in to help if things came down to it.

One of the drunker ones went to place his hand on Theoric- "Come wit us itly... AHHH!" he screamed in pain when Theoric grabbed his hand while turning around and standing up, practically twisting his hand off as it deformed into an unrecognizable mess before releasing him and letting him slink back behind his fellow brothers.

Standing before them at his full height, Theoric made it seem like he was going to give them a chance- "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked using his imposing build to make them think twice, though he was planning on ending them later even if they backed off after saying such things about his wife.

He could hear one of the men visibly gulp before the leader of the group snarled out- "You think we'll back down after you assaulted one of us, that's a crime and we'll see you hang for it!"

Theoric shook his head when he saw them drawing weapons before he backhanded the closest one so hard his head did a 180 killing him instantly.

A couple of soldiers who decided to get up and come help their fellow brethren after seeing how big the guy was, received the fright of their lives as they came up from behind the man only for his head to twist around still sporting the same dumb look he had earlier, blissfully unaware of how he died, making them instantly turn around and flee in fright after witnessing such a horrific sight.

These weren't hardened veterans, they were the lowest of the low, sent off to corral the public, and keep order in cities while the real soldiers took to the front lines.

The others not noticing exactly what happened looked on in scorn at the two cowards fled. All they saw was a man get suckered punched and knocked out.

The leader ordered- "Get Him!"

The barkeep signaled for his bodyguard during the commotion to come over, whispering- "Don't worry about anyone other than me, don't get involved, just keep me safe." as he ducked behind the counter.

The soldiers soon found that they didn't only have to deal with the big man, as the drunk fisherman jumped in on it. Starting a massive brawl as they smashed bottles and threw punches of there own without a care in the world, not at all concerned that the soldiers were still geared and they only had the clothes on their back.

The leader cursed as he and his now 3 men took on Theoirc alone with the other soldiers occupied.

The one with the twisted mess of a hand wildly swung his sword, seeking revenge, but not only was he still very drunk, but he was also forced to use his non dominate hand.

Theoric easily dodged by moving his body only slightly as he pushed the drunk man into the others who had to block his swing, cursing him to watch what he's doing.

The leader growing frustrated kicked the fool back- "Attack! Kill Him!"

Theoric caught the fool and used him as a shield, finding it mildly amusing as he screamed for his old comrades to stop.

"AHHH, hey, hey what are you doing, don't attack me, stop, stop, AHHH."

The other two did finally stop, but the leader wasn't having any of it as he grew more crazed by the minute. He was starting to feel like everything was falling apart and that the only way to fix it was to kill this man.

The leader yelled while trying to hack through his man to get at Theoric- "Don't stop, we can't let this end here, we have to kill him, Die! Die! Die! Die!" he growled as he crazily slashed over and over again.

The other two paused seeing how crazed there leader became, glancing at each other- "He's right, we have to kill him now."

"But that's Tertius, he's one of us."

"And he's fallen into enemy hands, he should already be dead, besides there's only three women, one for each of us now."

With a sigh, he agreed and the two of them came to help the leader who was already making a bloody mess of their old comrade.

Theoric kicked the body into the leader sending him flying back with a yell as the weight of the body pinned him down. He then reached out and caught the two swords coming from the other two, his superior armor easily protecting him from their primitive metal worked weapons.

"What!" one of them shouted in surprise as he tried to pull the weapon free only for Theoric to let it go with a grin as he fell back.

The other one watching stopped tugging only for Theoric to step in and punch him to the ground so hard his teeth shattered as his head cracked the floorboard, ending him as blood started pooling around his broken skull.

Theoric still holding the sword tossed it to the other one stumbling back to his feet in such a casual way one would think they were friends until Theoric stepped forward and punched it in the air sending it rocketing through the man's throat and out the other side, just missing unsuspecting people who happened to be behind him.

The leader who finally managed to roll out from under the dead comrade he killed, froze when he noticed he was the last one left as Theoric strode towards him.

The barfight ended as everyone noticed the deaths happening around them and watched as the man responsible headed towards the one who started it.

The leader not backing down called out to the few soldiers who were left- "Brothers to arms! Help me stop this evil man."

Theoric paused as he looked to the rest waiting for them to make a decision only for some of them to avoid making eye contact with him.

Theoric smirked- "I think not, this isn't their fight, why should they die for you?"

The leader yelled- "What are you guys doing? Are you going to let him kill me?" only to receive no response.

Theoric scowled as he closed the distance lifting him by the throat before he could react.- "You started this, you deal with it, stop trying to get others to fight your battles, you wanted to kill me, you wanted my women, and now you shall die for it." he angrily said while increasing his grip.

Watching his face turn different shades of color until his dangling legs stopped moving, his arms dropping as his struggles came to an end.

One soldier gripping his fists didn't like what was going on, overcoming his fear, he tried to make a move to help but a hand from a friend stopped him as he looked over to see his friend shaking his head. Everyone here knew they could do nothing, this man was above them in skill, strength, and gear.

"I hope we're done here." Theoric icily said, leaving the threat of death hanging in the air as he exited the building.

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