As for the crusade against Taki Ninja Village, they just talked about it verbally. If they really want to be enemies with Iwa Ninja Village, they don't have the strength.

  "Da Yemu is really a chicken thief." After Liu Feng got the information, he couldn't help but curse.

  It's not that Liu Feng cares about Nanwei. In fact, Liu Feng doesn't look down on Nanao's waste material at all. Although he is the only one who can fly among the tailed beasts, his strength really belongs to the weakest of the tailed beasts.

  At the same time, Onomu also received news from Luosha, the fourth generation of Kazekage, and invited him to deal with Konoha Village together. Looking at this information, Onomu also fell into contemplation. He was thinking about how to get the most benefit.


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Chapter 145

  Luo Sha invited Ohnogi to deal with Konoha Village together. In the end, after some consideration, Ohyogi chose to refuse.

  It's not that Onogi is not moved, but in fact Onogi is very moved. From the beginning, he knew that Konoha Village was defeated by Kirin and Uchiha Liufeng, and Onogi was eyeing Konoha Village.

  The main reason why he refused was to get some benefits from Sand Ren.

  Ohnogi is always watching the battle between Sand Shinobi and Konoha Ninja, knowing that Sand Shinobi has suffered a big loss now, and whether he can beat Konoha Village is unknown.

  After secretly scolding the agent Fengying as a waste, Ohnogi chose to wait, and chose to wait for Luo Sha's second invitation, and it was a sincere invitation.

  "Da Yemu, that old thing is damn, he actually rejected me."

  After being rejected, Luo Sha, who has a more egoistic personality, can't bear it anymore, and can't wait to turn around and deal with Oh Yegi now.

  "Oyogi's purpose in doing this is actually to seek benefits from our Sand Ninja Village." Hai Laozang could see clearly.

  "Give them some benefits, and after defeating Konoha Village, our harvest will be even greater." After Chiyo pondered for a while, he finally gritted his teeth.

  "Consultant Chiyo, now we are having a hard time with Sand Shinobi, what can I do to let Iwa Shinobi take action?-"

  Luo Sha's heart surged with anger. If he agreed to this and benefited Yanren, wouldn't he bow his head to Yanren.

  "Let them deal with Konoha together. That's a benefit. He actually wants to ask me for something, it's impossible."

  The furious Luo Sha did not care so much, and directly rejected Chiyo.

  Chiyo looked at Luo Sha coldly.

  "Luo Sha, you will regret it."

  Now pay some things to let Yan Shinobi deal with Konoha Village together. This is not a loss-making business. It is impossible for Sand Shinobi to defeat Konoha Village alone.

  If you continue to persevere, the loss of Sand Ninja Village will be even more severe, and after the loss, you will not be able to take down Konoha Village. This is a loss in vain.

  A few days later, Luo Sha's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. She didn't know why the ninjas of Konoha Village had such terrifying fighting power, and Sha Ren couldn't stand it anymore.

  He Luosha's pressure is the greatest, facing Namikaze Minato is not an opponent at all, but he has to stop Namikaze Minato.

  If you don't stop Namikaze Minato, Sand Ninja's casualties will be even more severe, but Luo Sha can't stop Namikaze Minato on his own strength.

  "Send a batch of supplies to Yan Ninja and let them do it." Luo Sha said wearily.

  At this time, Luo Sha no longer cares about his own face, as long as he can defeat Konoha Village, everything can be said.

  Chiyo's mother-in-law gave Luo Sha a mocking look, if it wasn't for Hai Laozang to pull her, at this time, Chiyo's mother-in-law would definitely slap Luo Sha in the face.

  Onogi, who got the benefit this time, of course made a move, and Onogi was also afraid that he would not make a move, which caused Sand Shinobi to stop fighting Konoha Village in a fit of anger.

  Therefore, it is enough to have some benefits. If it is too much, it will only be counterproductive. Of course, a person like Ohnogi will not do things that are counterproductive.

  Immediately afterwards, Ohnogi announced that Yanin Village and Sand Ninja Village were allies, and being an enemy of Sand Ninja Village was an enemy of Yan Ninja Village, and then led Yan Ninja to deal with Konoha.

  "Da Yemu, this old man is shameless."

  Zilai couldn't help but yell at you. If you want to take advantage of the fire, just say it, and you have to make so many excuses.

  "Get ready to deal with Iwanin."

  There was also tiredness in Sarutobi Hiizhan's eyes. Don't look at them pressing Sand Ninja to fight these days, but in fact, Sarutobi Hiizan was not feeling well, and the damage to Konoha was not small.

  "Also, pay attention to Yun Ren, don't let Yun Ren take advantage of the fire."

  In the end, Sarutobi Hizan gave an order not to patronize Sand Shinobi and Iwa Shinobi, and finally let Yunren Village steal the house.

  After all, this kind of thing happened during the Second Ninja World War.

  If there was no Liu Feng, the three generations of Raikage would lead Yun Ren to steal the house successfully.

  Danzo's eyes flickered, if Yun Ren was involved, Danzo would never deal with Yun Ren, because he had played against the three generations of Raikage, and Danzo knew the terrifying strength of the three generations of Raikage.

  Anyway, he can't beat the three generations of Raikage, and there is a risk of being killed if he is not careful.

  After Iwanin arrived, the two sides gathered together and jointly launched an offensive against Konoha. Konoha Village could only choose to avoid the offensive.

  If you didn't fight Kirin, the Konoha Village at that time could still fight two against one, but the current Konoha Village can't do it with one against two.

  "This ninja war is really getting more and more intense."

  Liu Feng looked at the information, and the smile on his face became more and more prosperous.

  "Liufeng, if Konoha Village is destroyed, who will give us the billion taels of supplies every year?" Jiuxina asked Liufeng.

  Although I don't care if Konoha Village will be destroyed, the supplies are related to Kirin Village.

  "Don't worry about this, even if Konoha Village is destroyed, someone will pay for Konoha Village, not to mention I don't think Konoha Village will be wiped out so easily."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Although the war between Konoha Village and their Mist Ninja suffered heavy losses, the real top powerhouses did not die, and if the shadow-level powerhouses did not die, Konoha Village would not be destroyed.

  Of course, it is true that it will not perish, but it is not impossible for Konoha to lose the battle. Now Konoha Village is dealing with the two Shinobi villages of Iwa Ninja and Sand Shinobi, and Liu Feng is not optimistic about Konoha Village.

  What's more, there is also a cloud ninja village that is eyeing tigers. Since the outbreak of this ninja war, the cloud ninja village has shown huge ambitions.

  Now that Yunren Village has given up its actions, it does not mean that they will not take action. It is estimated that they are waiting for Konoha Village, Yannin Village and Sand Ninja Village to lose both.

  "Mizukage-sama, your guess was too accurate a few days ago, and the three generations of Raikage are indeed here." Terumi Mei ran in from outside and looked at Liu Feng with a look of admiration.

... 0th

  A few days ago, Liu Feng said that the three generations of Raikage would definitely come to him. They didn't believe it at the time, but now they have to believe it.

  "It's actually here, do you want to strengthen cooperation?"

  A look of surprise appeared on Kushina's face.

  "I guess he wants to use me." A sneer appeared on Liu Feng's face.

  "Let's hang it for a few days. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry, and I guess he won't be in a hurry either."

  Liu Feng is not in a hurry to see the third generation of Raikage, Liu Feng probably also understands the purpose of the third generation of Raikage.

  It is nothing more than wanting him to help deal with Sand Shinobi and Yan Shinobi, and even want him to deal with Konoha Village. The third generation Raikage has great ambitions.

  Several days passed, and the three generations of Raikage still hadn't seen Liu Feng, but he was able to hold his breath and was still waiting.

  At this time, Liu Feng is also ready to meet the three generations of Raikage, and maybe he can get some benefits from the three generations of Raikage.

  For example, the Lei Dun chakra mode of the third generation of Raikage, Liu Feng is still very interested in this.

  And the third generation of Raiking, after knowing that Liu Feng finally wanted to see him, was also relieved.

  If you really can't see Liu Feng and leave in despair, not to mention that the goal cannot be achieved, even the face will be lost.

  In fact, the third generation of Raikage was also dissatisfied. When he came to see Liu Feng, he was actually left to hang out for several days. With the irascible temper of the third generation of Raikage, it was really not easy to endure it.


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Chapter 146

  "I don't know why Raikage came here this time?"

  Although Liu Feng knew the purpose of the third Raikage, he would not say it, but let the third Raikage say it himself.

  "Shuiying, we have formed an alliance before, and now I plan to take the opportunity to attack Yan Ninja, Sand Ninja and Konoha together. Since we are an alliance, we should take action together."

  The third generation of Raikage did not hide it, and directly stated the purpose of looking for Liu Feng here.

  "Well, the alliance should help each other. I also want to help Raikage, but Kirin and Konoha suffered heavy losses in the battle, so I'm afraid they can't do anything."

  Liu Feng's ability to talk nonsense with his eyes open is a must, and Wu Ren suffered a heavy loss. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it myself.

  The expression of the third Raikage was stiff, and it looked a little unsightly. What was the situation of the mist ninja, wouldn't he, the third Raikage who was paying attention, know.

  The fiasco of Konoha being beaten by Kirin did not cause any damage to Kirin at all. Now Uchiha Liufeng said that Kirin suffered heavy losses, which is obviously a lie.

  "Could it be that Mizukage doesn't want to gain the benefits of defeating the other three major ninja villages?"

  "Everyone wants the benefit, and so do I, but it's a pity that Mist Ninja really doesn't have the ability right now."

  Liu Feng once again politely rejected the three generations of Raikage.

  Now is a good opportunity. The three generations of Raikage do not know why Uchiha Liufeng gave up this opportunity. Is there a bigger plan, or does he really want to take action?

  "By the way, we have consumed a lot of materials recently, and we still need the help of three generations of Raikage to provide it."

  When we formed an alliance before, it was agreed that this time Wu Ninja participated in the third Ninja World War, and the materials were provided by Yun Nin Village.

  Hearing Liu Feng begging him for supplies, the expression on the third generation Raikage was not good.

  "Why, don't the three generations of Raikage want to agree, if you don't agree, don't blame me for tearing up the alliance book."

  "The supplies will be delivered in the next few days."

  In the end, the three generations of Raikage chose to compromise. I have to say that it is really not easy for his violent temper to compromise.

  Since seeing Liu Feng, he couldn't help clenching his fists several times. When he saw Liu Feng, the scars on his body began to ache.

  "What are the conditions for Shuiying to help Yunren Village?"

  The third generation of Raikage simply made it clear with Liu Feng. He also knew that Liu Feng was for profit. As long as the profit could impress Uchiha Liu Feng, he would definitely take action.

  "I heard that the Lei Dun chakra mode of your Yunnin Village is very powerful. I have also seen it, and I am very interested in it."

  Seeing that the three generations of Raikage were clearly identified, Liu Feng stopped pretending, after all, it was very tiring to go around.

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