Three days after Luo Sha was redeemed, Oh Yemu personally came to the Mist Ninja camp and handed over [-] billion taels unwillingly.

  "Don't worry about the three generations of Tukage, after taking the benefits, I will naturally not shoot at you Yannin again, and I, Uchiha Liufeng, will do what I say."

  Liu Feng comforted Oh Yemu.

  As for Ohnogi's mood, he smiled reluctantly and left quickly.

  Before Liu Feng sent a message to Ohnogi, asking Ohyogi to spend money to eliminate the disaster, as long as he took out [-] billion taels, he could not take action against Yannin Village.

  If Ohnogi doesn't take the money, don't blame Liu Feng for being ruthless, and he will take action against Yannin Village first.

  In the end, for the safety of Yannin Village, Ohnogi had no other choice but to agree to Uchiha Liufeng's conditions and come up with [-] billion taels to eliminate the disaster.

  "Let's prepare to retreat."

  After Liu Feng got the money, he instructed the mist ninjas.

  "Let's go back now?" Mikoto looked at Liu Feng in a daze.

  "Yeah, the purpose of this action has been achieved, and the benefits have been obtained, so why bother with it." Liu Feng nodded towards Mikoto.

  "Then Yun Ren will definitely be very upset."

 28 "It's alright, if the third Raikage is upset, just let him come to me, but I'll see if the third Raikage dares to be upset with me."

  Liu Feng put his arms around Mikoto and said with a chuckle, he didn't think that the third generation of Raikage would come to him to discuss.

  No matter what Liu Feng does, they dare not offend themselves. Even if they are angry, they can only suffocate in their stomachs.

  Liu Feng and Wu Ren suddenly went back. The news made Yan Ren and Sand Ren very happy, Konoha Village was disappointed, and Yun Ren Village was furious.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, get the benefits and leave."

  Three generations of Raikage smashed a stone as tall as a person with one punch, and he was furious.

  "It was a mistake to form an alliance with Mist Ninja. He didn't want to help at all." Ai, the son of the third generation Raikage, was also full of anger at this time.

  Yun Ren and Wu Ren are allies, but now Wu Ren has been eating meat, but Yun Ren can't even drink broth, so far he has not gotten the slightest benefit.

  "Let's turn against the mist ninja." Ai said to his father, the third generation of Raikage.

  "No, we really turned against Kirin. That's the trap of Uchiha Liufeng. I guess he is waiting for us to turn against him."

  The third Raikage shook his head, his grumpy temper did not mean that he was a fool. If he was really a fool, the third Raikage could not sit in this position.

  In this Ninja World War, Uchiha Liufeng should think about it all. No one in Konoha Village, Iwa Ninja Village, and Sand Ninja Village was eaten by Uchiha Liufeng.

  Even their Yunnin Village has paid a lot of materials, and there is also the secret technique of Lei Dun Chakra Mode.

  "Forget it, bear with it."

  Three generations of Raikage said to his son aggrievedly.

  In the current situation, we can only endure it. It is useless to be unconvinced. People's fists are hard, and they will be beaten if they resist.

  "According to the information received, both Iwanin and Sandy have chosen to return to the village. Are they going to withdraw from this ninja war?"

  "No, I don't think it's possible for Oh Yemu and Luo Sha to quit. They want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight."

  The three generations of Raikage shook his head to Ai, and both Iwa Ninja Village and Sand Ninja Village suffered heavy losses and were extorted by Uchiha Liufeng.

  If they withdraw from this ninja war, they will lose everything. No matter how stupid they are, they will not make such a choice, not to mention Oh Yegi and Luo Sha stupid?

  At least you have to earn it back, and now going back is just for recuperation.

  "Since this is the case, then we can't be tricked."

  Ai Yi heard that the other party wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and it seemed that he wanted to watch the battle between Yun Ren and Konoha Village.

  "No, we can't give up dealing with Konoha." The three generations of Raikage couldn't give up dealing with Konoha, even if Iwa Shinobu and Sand Shinobu really stopped, he couldn't stop.

  Otherwise, what did Yun Ren get in this war?

  In the end, Yun Ren and Konoha Village went to war. The poor Konoha Village and other Great Shinobi Villages had already fought over and over again, and finally Yan Shin and Sand Shin retreated.

  They didn't even have time to catch their breath, but Yun Ren and the guys also came to take advantage of the fire.

  But this time, Yun Ren also asked Konoha Village first. As long as Konoha Village can provide 100 billion taels, he is willing to let Konoha Village go.

  But this request, Konoha Village really can't agree to it now, there are too many things to compensate Uchiha Liufeng, and the materials consumed are also money.

  Where can there be so much money to be handed over to Yun Ren Village.

  What's more, even if the jackal from Yunnin Village retreats, then Yannin and Sandin, they are also a group of jackals.

  Don't look at them retreating now, if Yun Ren Village really benefits, they will definitely come back again.

  So there is no other choice, Konoha Village can only continue to fight with Yunren Village, and now only Konoha Village and Yunren Village are left to fight.

  The Konoha Village, which has been fighting continuously, is already showing signs of fatigue, while Yunnin Village is still very strong, and the Konoha Village that has been fighting is losing ground.

  "You said that if we ask Uchiha Liufeng for help, will he help us?"

  Sarutobi Hizan asked Danzo with a tired face.

  "I think you're crazy, Sarutobi. How could Uchiha Liufeng help us? You're just humiliating yourself by asking him for help."

  Danzo sneered as he looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi, wondering if Hiizan Sarutobi's brain was broken, he actually had the idea of ​​asking for help from Uchiha Ryufeng.

  "If enough benefits are given, Uchiha Liufeng may not be able to help." Orochimaru said.

  "I also think so, Uchiha Liufeng is obviously the first interest." Zilai also agrees.

  If they can sacrifice some interests and let Uchiha Liufeng help out and deal with Yunnin Village, they will not have to kill or injure ninjas in Konoha Village.

  "The relationship between Wu Ren and Yun Ren is an alliance. Do you think Uchiha Liufeng will not want his reputation for a little benefit?" Danzo asked with a sneer.

  Danzo said a lot, and at this time, even Sarutobi Hizan stopped talking.

  Maybe if the benefits are big enough, Uchiha Liufeng can tear up the alliance book, but they can't get enough benefits now.

  "Forget it, I just said that you still need to rely on yourself to fight against Yun Ren." Sarutobi Hizan gave up the idea that had just arisen in his heart.

  Asking for help from Uchiha Liufeng, even if Uchiha Liufeng really helps, who is he?The hatred between Konoha Village and Uchiha Liufeng is extremely deep.

  He went to ask Uchiha Liufeng for help, and he would definitely make him stinky for thousands of years, so even for his own reputation, he had to give up this idea.

  "Then what can you do to deal with Yun Ren?"

  Sarutobi Hizan asked, Yun Ninja's strength is stronger than Sand Shinobi and Rock Shinobi, especially the three generations of Raikage, a scar on Sarutobi Hizan's body was caused by the three generations of Raikage.

  "The only way to go now is to drag it on." Zilai also scratched his head and couldn't find a good way. Although it was not a good way to drag it on, it was the only way to do it now.

  "Let Minato find a way to destroy Yun Ren's supplies, and we can drag Yun Ren down." Sarutobi Hizan's eyes flickered.

  As long as Yun Ren's supplies are not enough, he must choose to retreat. Even if he will make a comeback in the future, Konoha Village will also have a chance to breathe.


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Chapter 153

  Liu Feng took Wu Nin back to Wu Nin Village. In the next war, Liu Feng did not intend to participate, because the benefits that he should get have already been obtained.

  No matter whether other villages fight to death, it has nothing to do with Liu Feng.

  The one-third of the land obtained from the land of fire was left to Yakura to deal with, and Yakura was left with a thousand mist ninjas.

  "I'm home."

  Looking at Wu Nin Village, it feels like he has returned home, and Wu Nin Village is indeed his home.

  "I don't know how Tsunade manages the Kirin Village."

  "Liu Feng, I think you should worry about whether Tsunade will gamble with the money from Wu Nin Village." Kushina reminded Liu Feng.

  "Probably not."

  Liu Feng's heart skipped a beat, he didn't think about this before, but don't really like what Kushina said, Tsunade lost the Mist Ninja Village.

  "What are you worried about, Liu Feng? Did you forget that the casino belongs to the Uchiha family?" Mikoto said with a smile.

  "Yes, what am I worried about, even if Tsunade loses, it belongs to me."

  Liu Feng's worried expression disappeared instantly, but she still went to the Shuiying office to find out.

  "You actually came back. Why didn't you send me a message? I didn't even know you came back."

  Tsunade looked at Liu Feng while drinking a small drink in the water shadow office.

  "I said, is this how you work? I'm really worried about the village of Kirin." At this moment, Liu Feng felt that Tsunade was a little embarrassed.

  "Don't worry, I only drink when I have nothing to do. You can leave it to me about Wu Nin Village, and I will definitely not disappoint you."

  Tsunade is not weak in management. At least Tsunade manages the village in an orderly manner. As for Tsunade who was worried about losing the village, this is not at all.

  Since Liu Feng left and handed over the matter of Kirin Village to Tsunade, Tsunade has not stepped into the casino.

  "I didn't expect that you didn't destroy Konoha Village." Tsunade looked at Liu Feng with a complicated expression, and then asked, "Is it because of me that you didn't destroy Konoha Village?"

  "Yeah, are you moved?"

  Liu Feng hugged Tsunade and asked Tsunade.

  "Che, I'm not touched at all, I have nothing to do with Konoha Village for a long time, and now I am a rebel of Konoha Village." Tsunade said with a pouting lip.

  Duplicity, although she said she was not moved, in fact, Tsunade still felt sweet in her heart, not because Konoha Village was not destroyed, but because Liu Feng cared about her thoughts.

  "Actually, even if you destroy Konoha Village, I won't blame you. Today's Konoha Village has nothing to do with my Qianshou clan."

  Now that the bond with Konoha Village has been cut off, Tsunade will not be disconnected.

  "Stop talking about it, just follow me home first."

  Liu Feng smiled, and then returned home with Tsunade using the Flying Thunder God Technique.

  It's been a long time since we saw each other, so Tsunade, Mikoto, and Kushina naturally chatted for a long time.

  However, their chatting made Liu Feng very depressed, because Liu Feng couldn't get in at all, so he simply went to assign some tasks to Terumi Mei.

  This war, Kirito Ninja Village can be said to have won a great victory, so of course we need to celebrate, and let Terumi Mei take full responsibility for the celebration.

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