Yahiko, who angrily accused Liu Feng, was suddenly hit hard. Liu Feng, who appeared behind Yahiko at some point, stepped on Yahiko with one foot.


  Nagato and Konan looked at Yahiko who was vomiting blood worriedly, and wanted to save Yahiko, but they couldn't move. Liufeng's aura prevented Nagato and Konan from doing anything.

  The Samsara Eye didn't have any effect in front of Liu Feng. The tremor from the soul made Nagato's Samsara Eye seem to be ineffective.

  "Run to my site and accuse me, I don't know if your life has more courage than you." Liu Feng stepped on Yahiko's feet with a slight force, and the floor cracked instantly.

  "Let go of Yahiko." Nagato roared.

  Looking at Nagato who had fallen into a rampage, Liu Feng frowned slightly, and then Yueyue knocked Nagato down.


  Looking at the fallen Nagato, Xiaonan's face was full of anxiety, Yahiko was seriously injured, and even Nagato, the strongest fighting force, fell, and now he doesn't know his life or death.

  "I'm willing to apologize for letting them go."

  "Is an apology useful? Do you think it's enough to apologise when you offend someone?" Liu Feng looked at Xiao Nan flatly and asked.

  "No matter what the price is, I'm willing to bear it and let them go."

  Xiao Nan gritted his teeth and looked at Liu Feng pleadingly.

  However, Liu Feng would not be softened by this. With a click, the sound of bones shattering sounded, and Yahiko, who was almost in a coma because of the pain, woke up instantly and let out a scream like a pig.

  "You don't have enough strength but you want peace, you are humiliating yourself." There was a mockery on Liu Feng's face.

  The current Xiao organization, wanting strength but not strength, wanting money but not money, talking about peace, is it delusional?

  If you have a dream, you have to do what you can, not to mention that Yahiko dared to come and accuse him, so he almost pointed at his nose and cursed.

  The casualties caused by the war between Konoha Village and Yannin Village seem to have become a murderer too. If such a person does not teach him a profound lesson, he will never know how much he weighs.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "Actually, it's not fun to bully you. If you take out 20 billion taels, I can consider letting you go."

  Liu Feng kicked Yahiko flying, and Yahiko fell on the wall, breaking several bones on his body again.

  "We... it's impossible to take it out."

  Xiao Nan had a look of despair, and regretted not persuading Yahiko to persuade him. If he persuaded Yahiko not to come to Wuren Village, this would not be the case.

  If he had stopped Yahiko when he was speaking just now, it would not have caused the current situation.

  "Terumi Mei, I'll leave it to you."

  Liu Feng ignored their despair, and when passing by Nagato, used the sealing technique to seal Nagato's Chakra.

  Without Chakra, even if Nagato has a pair of Samsara eyes, he cannot turn the sky.

  After Liu Feng left, it was handed over to Terumi Mei to deal with it. I believe that Terumi Mei should handle it well. Anyway, it doesn't matter how Terumi Mei handles it.

...... 0

  Even if Terumi Mei kills all three of them, it doesn't matter, the big deal is to let Madara Uchiha choose another piece.

  But now Nagato is in the hands of Liu Feng, Uchiha Madara should be very anxious, Nagato's reincarnation eye is the key to Uchiha Madara's eye plan.

  Without the Eye of Reincarnation, it would be difficult for him to be resurrected.

  When he returned home, Liu Feng put this matter behind his head. Yahiko was really disgusting with Liu Feng, but it didn't affect Liu Feng's mood.

  "Liu Feng, you are back."

  Kushina saw Liu Feng who came back, and immediately came over and poured a cup of hot tea for Liu Feng.

  "Why are you so attentive?"

  Liu Feng looked at Jiu Xin Nai vigilantly, and she was always courteous, either a traitor or a thief. Now that Jiu Xin Nai is so attentive to herself, there must be nothing good.

  "Cough~ I'll just say it straight, I want to do business to make a lot of money, and now I lack a capital, so I want to find you to invest."

  Kushina stated her purpose.

  "What? Jiuxinai, you want to do business." Liu Feng looked at Jiuxinai in surprise. What was wrong with her, she actually wanted to do business.

  "How much do you need?"

  "Take [-] million taels first, I think [-] million taels is enough for the time being."

  Liu Feng rolled his eyes, although he was rich, he couldn't just give out [-] million taels, not to mention Jiuxinai's business, the more he thought about it, the more unreliable he felt.

  In the end, Liu Feng still couldn't help Jiuxinai's soft grinding and hard bubbles, and promised to give her [-] million taels, but if she lost all the money, she wouldn't want to ask him for it in the future.


  PS: Ask for subscriptions, flowers, and evaluation tickets!Inch.

Chapter 161

  After Kushina got [-] million taels from Liu Feng, she left happily, while Tsunade's eyes wandered, not knowing what to think, she left with Kushina.

  "Liu Feng, do you think Kushina can make money from doing business?" Mikoto asked Liu Feng.

  "It shouldn't be possible, the [-] million taels should be a waste."

  Liu Feng didn't think that Kushina could make money. Now that the Third Ninja World War has not ended, no matter what business he does, it is estimated that he will not be able to make any money.

  "In that case, you should give her the money back."

  "If I don't give it to her, wouldn't she want to pester me every day?"

  Liu Feng spread his hands towards Mikoto, and if he loses, he will lose. Anyway, he really does not lack money now.

  "By the way, why did Kushina have the idea of ​​doing business?" Liu Feng felt that Mikoto might know the reason.

  "Maybe it's boring. She didn't tell me before. It should be a sudden decision."

  Mikoto couldn't figure out why Kushina had the idea of ​​doing business, but Mikoto was also not optimistic about Kushina.

  "I estimate that before Kushina's business starts, she will be defrauded of an asset."

  Thinking of when Tsunade followed Kushina out just now, Liu Feng felt that Tsunade should have cheated Kushina with money, but she just wondered if Kushina could be smarter.

  Anyway, if the money falls into Tsunade's hands, it will be a waste of money.

  Well, Liu Feng guessed right, Tsunade is indeed "borrowing" money from Kushina now.

  "Kushina, you lend me the money, and I'll pay you back [-] million tomorrow."

  "Hehe, do you think I'm stupid? I won't lend you the money even if I throw it away."

  Kushina looked at Tsunade defensively. She knew that if she lent money to Tsunade, she would most likely lose everything, and in the end there would be nothing left.

  Will Tsunade pay back the money she borrowed?Also, can she pay it back?

  This time, Kushina was smart enough to not let Tsunade borrow a penny, so she happily went to prepare her own business.

  Kushina felt that if he sold the special products of the Land of Water to other countries, he should be able to make money, and he could make a lot of money.

  In fact, Kushina's idea is good, but the time is not right, because of the influence of the Third Ninja World War, her business is destined to be difficult to do.


  "Mizukage-sama, I left Nagato and Xiaonan of Akatsuki's organization, and asked that Yahiko to raise 20 billion taels, and let him use 20 billion taels to redeem them."

  Terumi Mei and Liu Feng report on the handling of the three of Xiao's organization.

  "By the way, that Nagato may be a member of the Uzumaki family, and I found out that he has the legendary eye of reincarnation."

  This is the key to Terumi Mei's report. That Nagato actually has the Samsara Eye, which is the first of the three major pupil techniques.

  But Terumi Mei is very strange, isn't the reincarnation eye evolved from the writing round eye, that Nagato is obviously a person of the vortex family, why can he have the reincarnation eye.

  That's right, Terumi Mei also knew that the writing wheel eye can evolve into the Samsara eye. This is the news that Terumi Mei knew from Liu Feng, and she was shocked when she knew it.

  "I know this." Liu Feng laughed lightly while listening to Terumi Mei's report.

  "Lord Shuiying, do you know?"

  Terumi Mei was stunned for a moment, then nodded lightly, it was not surprising to know, after all, he had seen that Nagato, even if he deliberately hid it, he could not hide it from Liu Feng.

  "Those eyes are not his, but Uchiha Madara transplanted to him."

  Liu Feng felt that Terumi Mei did a good job in keeping Nagato, so Madara Uchiha would definitely come to him and ask him for Nagato.

  In that case, Liu Feng may be able to extort some things from Uchiha Madara's hands, such as the Six Paths Immortal Art mastered by Uchiha Madara.

  "Uchiha Madara?"

  Terumi Mei's mind was a bit dazed, her eyes were Madara Uchiha's, and Terumi Mei felt that this involved a big secret, but she didn't ask much.

  "Leave the two most valuable, not bad."

  Nagato and Konan are more valuable than Yahiko. To be honest, among the three of them, the weakest one is Yahiko as the leader.

  "Let's detain them first."

  Next, waiting for Madara Uchiha to come to the door, Liu Feng believes that he will find a way to take Nagato away.

  "By the way, did that Yahiko leave the country of water?"

  "Not yet, but I am planning to leave the country of water. I guess I have to find a way to raise money." Terumi Mei and Liu Feng said.

  In fact, Terumi Mei didn't think that Yahiko could get enough of this money. For a Da Ninja village, this money is worth the heartache, let alone an unknown organization, it's strange to be able to come up with this money.

  "Lord Shuiying, the value of Samsara Eye is no longer measured by money. That Xiao Nan is very beautiful and valuable. Should I arrange for her to serve you?"

  Terumi Mei blinked at Liu Feng.

  "No need, it's enough to have you, an unscrupulous little secretary, to serve you." Liu Feng squeezed Terumi Mei's pretty face and said...  

  "Oh, is Mizukage-sama planning to accept me?" Terumi Mei didn't blush and stared at Liu Feng with wide eyes.

  "Cough cough."

  Liu Feng coughed twice and winked at Terumi Mei. Terumi Mei immediately turned her head and saw Mikoto looking at her tenderly behind her.

  "Terumi Mei, I just have time these days, and I can give you some ninjutsu."

  At this time, Mikoto's voice was gentle, but it contained a chill that made Terumi Mei shudder.

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