Liu Feng doesn't mind shocking Madara Uchiha, lest this guy make a fool of himself.

  The imposing pressure of the Sixth Path level was released and pressed on Uchiha Madara's head.

  This power is not something that Uchiha Madara can rival, just feel the breath, Uchiha Madara knows.

  Then Uchiha Madara left, he was very uneasy, Uchiha Liufeng's strength exceeded his imagination.

  Although he tried to overestimate Uchiha Liufeng as much as possible from the beginning, in the end Uchiha Madara found that he still underestimated Uchiha Liufeng.

  "Mizukage-sama, is it really worth letting Nagato go like this?" Terumi Mei asked towards Liu Feng in a tender voice.

  "Can you talk to me well?"

  Liu Feng feels that since the last time, she has been seducing herself with a faint fascination, and she is not afraid of turning into a wolf and eating her clean.

  Terumi Mei rolled her eyes at Liu Feng, and then said, "I don't think it's worth letting go of a pair of Samsara eyes."

  "Don't think this reincarnation eye is a good thing. Only Uchiha Madara can exert the full power of these reincarnation eyes. If others want to use the reincarnation eye, they need to pay a great price."

  Part of the reason why Nagato is so scrawny, and Uchiha Itachi form a duo of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, comes from Samsara.

  The eye of reincarnation is powerful, but if Nagato's chakra is not enough, it needs to consume life force to use the eye of reincarnation.

  "That thing has no value to me, and it's not bad to exchange for the results of Uchiha Madara's research."

  Liu Feng took what he got from Uchiha Madara, which was Uchiha Madara's efforts for most of his life.

  "Is that person really Madara Uchiha?"

  Terumi meditated on the old man, and there was some doubt in her heart, she felt Madara Uchiha was too weak.

  "Yes, he is Madara Uchiha, don't look at him dying soon, but his strength can easily suppress you."

  Madara Uchiha, who is dying now, is also more powerful than Terumi Mei. If she bursts out with all her strength, it is estimated that she will be able to fight with the current Mikoto.

  "Nagato let go, what about the remaining Xiao Nan?" Terumi Mei asked Liu Feng.

  "Let's continue to detain him first, Madara Uchiha just gave Nagato the ransom, and there is no Xiaonan."

  Liu Feng wouldn't pack Xiao Nan and send it back. If he wants Xiao Nan to leave, let them take money to redeem it.

  "I don't know if I detained Xiao Nan here, will that guy Yahiko not die." Liu Feng suddenly thought of this question.

  Part of Yahiko's death was also related to Xiaonan being caught by Hanzo, otherwise Yahiko would not have died so easily.

  "No, that guy Yahiko is sure to die."

  Even if Hanzo doesn't do anything with Akatsuki, Madara Uchiha or Uchiha Obito that Madara Uchiha cultivated will try to kill Yahiko.

  The most important thing in Akatsuki's organization is Nagato, Yahiko has no value at all, and even Yahiko is a hindrance.

  In other words, the greatest value of Yahiko is to make Nagato black, and the dead Yahiko can exert his value.

  "Lord Shuiying, you won't have to slip away again."

  Terumi Mei saw Liu Feng walking out, and immediately asked Liu Feng.

  "Cough, I don't think there is anything major that needs me to deal with, so I will deal with my own affairs."

  Liu Feng immediately dodged and left, leaving Terumi Mei in Mizukage's office, oh no, and Liu Feng handed over to Terumi Mei's assistant Ye Cang.

  "As the head of a village, he is a little irresponsible." Ye Cang said involuntarily.

  Anyway, Liu Feng was the most bizarre thing she had ever seen. She handed over all the matters at hand to her subordinates, and she had nothing to do with herself.

  "Actually, Mizukage-sama is a qualified Mizukage." Terumi Mei said.

  Wu Nin Village is developing better and better now, which is proof that no matter what you do, as long as the village can develop better, it is a good water shadow.

  "You think he is a qualified water shadow because you like him."

  Ye Cang glanced at Terumi Mei and said lightly.

  "Heh, don't you like him? I've seen you peek at him several times." Terumi Mei couldn't help but fight back.

  Ye Cang's face turned red, and he hurriedly defended: "I'm not the same as you."

  Although it is true that Ye Cang peeked, it was definitely not because of liking, no, it should be said that it was not that kind of liking, it was simply attracted by the appearance.

  Both men and women can't help but appreciate things that are beautiful.

  "That's right, it's different, you're an LSP." Terumi Mei's words were not polite at all, anyway, Ye Cang couldn't tell her.

  The angry Ye Cang didn't look after Mei Mei, and took care of his own affairs.

  A few days later, in the water shadow office, Terumi Mei brought Xiao Nan to see Liu Feng.

  "I heard that you want to see me, what do you do when you see me?" Liu Feng asked Xiao Nan indifferently.

  "I want to work for you." Xiao Nan had a firm expression on his face.

  "What did you say? "

  Liu Feng was stunned by Xiao Nan's words and wanted to work for him. In an instant, Liu Feng also understood Xiao Nan's purpose.

  "Oh, you want to earn money by working part-time, and then redeem yourself."


  Xiao Nan nodded, she didn't want to be detained any more, she couldn't bear being detained in a dark dungeon every day.

  Especially when she was the only one in the dungeon, the feeling of loneliness made her cry every night.

  "Can you earn 20 billion taels?" Liu Feng asked Xiao Nan amusingly.

  "Even if it takes a lifetime, I will earn it. I just hope you don't have trouble with Yahiko and Nagato in the future." Xiao Nan took a deep breath and said.

  She already knew that Nagato was also released, and now Xiao Nan is at ease, as long as her companions are all right, she will be fine even if she stays here forever.

  Of course, the premise is not to be imprisoned in a dark dungeon. If she is imprisoned in it all the time, she may not be able to resist suicide.

  In that kind of silence, where only she exists alone in the prison (Hao Nuo Zhao), it is better to live than to die happily.

  "I think you……"

  Just as Liu Feng was about to say that Xiao Nan would never earn less than 20 billion taels in his lifetime, he suddenly thought of something and his eyes began to shine.

  At this time, Liu Feng looked at Xiao Nan with hot eyes, and Xiao Nan couldn't stand it. The hot eyes made her lower her head.

  Don't get me wrong, although Xiao Nan looks very delicate and beautiful, Liu Feng has no idea, at least not now.

  But Liu Feng thought that Xiaonan was a cash cow.

  What is Xiaonan best known for?Six hundred billion detonating talismans, so many detonating talismans are definitely not something that can be obtained simply by purchasing. Now the price of a detonating talisman is [-] taels.

  Jiaodu has been working all his life, and even if he earns a lifetime of money, he can't afford [-] billion detonating charms. There is only one possibility. Xiaonan made it himself, at least most of it was made by Xiaonan himself, but she mastered the secret art of paper escape. .


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Chapter 164

  "You... what are you going to do? Although I want freedom, I won't betray myself."

  Xiao Nan looked at Liu Feng with very vigilant eyes, took a few steps back, and the expression on his face was a little nervous.

  "You think too much, even if you betray yourself now, I may not accept you." Liu Feng rolled his eyes.

  Xiao Nan looked at Liu Feng angrily, is he despising himself?

  It has to be said that women's brain circuits are indeed a bit strange.

  "Will you make a detonator?"

  Liu Feng asked Xiao Nan. At this time, Liu Feng felt that he was about to be promoted to the richest man in the ninja world. Liu Feng swore that he would let Xiao Nan work for him for a lifetime.

  This is a money printing machine, no, it is even more exaggerated than a money printing machine.

  "No." Xiao Nan shook his head.

  "It doesn't matter, it won't be possible to learn."

  Liu Feng doesn't mind either, because he doesn't know how to make a detonating talisman and can learn it. It is not particularly difficult to make a detonating talisman. Liu Feng has studied the making of the detonating talisman.

  "In the future, you will learn to make detonating charms with Mikoto. I can promise you not to trouble Yahiko and Nagato in the future, but you will be mine in the future, and you will work for me for the rest of your life."

  Xiao Nan's eyes widened. At this moment, the words "you will be mine from now on" kept echoing in her mind.

  Considering the safety of Yahiko and Nagato, Konan gritted her teeth, even if she made this deal, she nodded and agreed.

  In fact, Xiao Nan has misunderstood now, Liu Feng just asked Xiao Nan to help him work, but Xiao Nan thought of something else.

  Terumi Mei's expression was a little weird at this time, but she felt a little unhappy when she saw Xiao Nan, and she was more hostile to Xiao Nan.

  If she knew that this woman would be a potential rival in love, Terumi Mei felt that she should be executed.

  Next, Liu Feng brought Xiao Nan to the house, handed Xiao Nan to Mikoto, and asked Mikoto to teach Xiao Nan to make a detonating charm.

  Liu Feng can make detonating charms, and Mikoto can also make them. Liu Feng is too lazy to teach Xiao Nan, so he threw Xiao Nan to Mikoto.

  Maybe it's because of his high talent in this area, or because he knows the secret art of paper escape, Xiaonan learns to make detonating charms very quickly.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng found Kushina again.

  Isn't Kushina going to do business? In that case, let Kushina sell the detonating charm.

  After Xiao Nan learned how to make a detonating talisman, he used the paper escape technique to let Liu Feng see what real efficiency is.

  Taking advantage of the fact that the Third Ninja World War is not over yet, although it is already at the end, it will definitely be able to sell a batch.

  "Sell the Detonating Talisman to Konoha Village and Iwa Ninja Village?"

  Kushina looked at Liu Feng with a strange expression, and felt that Liu Feng was too bad. Did she think that the fight between Konoha Village and Iwa Ninja Village was not fierce enough.

  "Let's contact them next. In addition, it's not just Konoha Village and Yannin Village, we want to spread the detonating talisman business to the entire ninja world."

  Liu Feng needs to make a lot of money with the detonating charm business.

  "This will also threaten our Wunin Village." Mikoto reminded Liu Feng.

  What if others get the detonating charm and use it to deal with Mist Ninja Village?This still needs to be considered.

  "It's okay, I don't believe anyone dares to provoke Wu Nin Village."

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