Under the threat of Liu Feng, Obito, half white and half black, came out.

  "Lord Liu Feng, can you give Madam Ban a face and let us take Nagato back?" Bai Jue asked Liu Feng slightly in a pleasing manner.

  "Give face to Madara Uchiha? Okay, let Madara Uchiha come to see me first, and I'll discuss with him whether to give Madara Uchiha face."

  Liu Feng said calmly.

  Bai will never speak, Uchiha Madara is already dead, how can he come over.

  "Lord Liufeng, Madam Ban also left some behind, I hope we can each take a step back." Hei Jue said gloomily.

  Hearing Hei Jue's words, Liu Feng stared at He Jue. To be honest, Liu Feng was not interested in Bai, nor was he interested in Uchiha Obito, but Hei Jue was able to arouse some interest in Liu Feng.

  Kaguya Otsutsuki's third son, and finally gave up Madara Uchiha, who became Zhuri of the Ten Tailings, and still has two brushes.

  Hei Jue felt a very dangerous feeling when he noticed Liu Feng staring at him, as if Uchiha Liu Feng could pose a fatal threat to him.

  This was the first time Hei Jue saw Liu Feng, and the moment he saw Liu Feng, Hei Jue felt that the other party was extremely dangerous, especially the eyes of the other party, which were definitely above the eyes of Samsara.

  Uchiha Obito was in front of Liu Feng, and he couldn't even open the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

  "What conditions do I need to let Nagato go?" Obito asked.

  It is very simple for Liu Feng to kill Nagato now. Since he has not yet killed him, it means that there should be room for Nagato to be rescued.

  "In the future, if you know your organization, don't come to Wu Nin Village if you have nothing to do. Do you understand?"


  Bai Jue answered quickly, just as Liu Feng finished speaking, Bai Jue nodded immediately.

  "Also, if you want Nagato, you naturally have to pay a price. Do you have anything of value in your hands?"

  Although Liu Feng didn't want to kill Nagato, he also needed to get something. If Obito couldn't get anything out, he wouldn't let him let Nagato go.

  "This is everything that Madam Madara left behind, it should be enough to save him."

  Black never knew where to take out the seal scroll, which contained a large number of items.

  "This sword is good."

  Liu Feng took a sword from the items Heijue handed over to him, and looked at the blade that shone with cold light.

  "This is one of the Kusanagi swords." Hei Jue immediately told Liu Feng about the origin of this sword.

  There are more than one Kusanagi sword in the Naruto world. The spirit weapon Ten Fist Sword is also one of the Kusanagi swords. The Kusanagi sword in the hands of Orochimaru and the Kusanagi sword in Uchihasa's assistant are not the same.

  "It turned out to be the Kusanagi sword." Liu Feng was interested, the Kusanagi sword was indeed a weapon of magic.

  In addition, there are other things, all of which are secret techniques and precious items, many of which are not spread in the ninja world today.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Hei Jue has lived for more than a thousand years, and these things must have been collected by Hei Jue before.

  Now Hei Jue said that it was something left by Madara Uchiha, and Liu Feng did not dismantle Hei Jue.

  "This is the token of the patriarch of the Uchiha family. You should be very interested." Uchiha Obito took out the flame fan and handed it to Liu Feng, as well as the sickle left by Uchiha Madara.

  The flame fan, Liu Feng has already burst out, so he is not so interested, but since Uchiha Obito handed it over, Liu Feng will naturally accept it.

  "It's barely okay, Nagato, you take it back, don't let him come to Wu Nin Village in the future, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the price."

...... 0

  Liu Feng used Huangquan Hirazaka to leave, leaving behind Obito and Jue who was in a bad mood.

  If Obito knew that Nagato would be defeated so quickly, and if his body was found, he would definitely try his best to dissuade Nagato from coming.

  Although Nagato has been rescued now, he has paid a lot of things. If the flame fan can be used, Obito doesn't want to give it up.

  "Hei Jue, does Madam Madara have anything else left? Why don't I know." Bai Jue asked Hei Jue at this time.

  Bai Jue was a little confused about what Hei Jue took out.

  "Of course you don't know, Madam Ban didn't tell you." Hei Jue fooled Bai Jue directly.

  Obito glanced at Hei Jue, did not ask any further questions, and asked Bai Jue to take Nagato and Penn Liudao and leave quickly.

  Penn Liudao Liufeng also stayed. He wouldn't use it anyway. He played with Penn Liudao before, but it actually felt very ordinary.

  For example, the power of the eye of reincarnation cannot be fully exerted by relying on the Six Paths of Payne. This Six Paths of Payne is completely superfluous.

  Of course, this is for Liu Feng, and for Nagato, a disabled person with limited mobility, Penn's Six Paths are quite useful.

  After Liu Feng came back, Xiao Nan looked at Liu Feng very tangled. He opened his mouth and didn't know whether to speak or not, and he didn't know how to tell Liu Feng.

  When Liu Feng saw Xiao Nan's tangled appearance, he knew what Xiao Nan was thinking. He just wanted to know the situation of Nagato and whether Nagato was still alive.


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Chapter 191

  "Xiao Nan, I didn't kill Nagato, I let him go."

  Liu Feng said to Xiao Nan, who was entangled in how to ask questions.

  After knowing that Liu Feng didn't kill Nagato, Xiao Nan relaxed slightly, and she didn't want her best friend to have an accident.

  "Thank you Liu Feng."

  Xiaonan thanked Liu Feng.

  This time Nagato went to Wunin Village to ask for trouble. Liu Feng was able to let Nagato go. It was indeed a kindness to Nagato. Xiao Nan was very grateful to Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng chuckled lightly. In fact, letting Nagato go this time was really in Xiaonan's face. Otherwise, even if Heijue and Obito brought out enough things, Liu Feng would definitely let Nagato go back without a shortage. order something.

  On the other hand, Obito and the others took Nagato back and after treating Nagato's injuries, Nagato did not say anything about going to Kirin Village to deal with Uchiha Ryufeng.

  Going to Mist Ninja Village now would be beyond his own power, and Nagato is not a fool, of course he would not do such a thing beyond his own power.

  Nagato didn't say anything about dealing with Uchiha Liufeng, but he let Obito relax a lot. You must know that Obito is most worried that Nagato still wants to deal with Uchiha Liufeng.

  Uchiha Liufeng is a great threat, but his current strength cannot deal with it at all. Hei Jue told Obito that Uchiha Liufeng has more powerful eyes than Samsara eyes.

  With those eyes alone, Obito didn't dare to deal with Liu Feng, and even Hei Jue didn't dare to think.

  Hei Jue guessed that Uchiha Liufeng is likely to reach the sixth-level level, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for him to feel danger.

  "Xiao Organization needs to continue to expand, what candidates do you have?"

  After Nagato recovered, he asked the masked man.

  Obito pondered for a while, and asked Bai Jue to collect information, but couldn't find a suitable candidate.

  There are actually a lot of powerful ninjas in the ninja world, but most of these people are from the five major ninja villages, and it is not easy to start.

  For example, the dried persimmon ghost shark who was persuaded by Obito himself in the original book is absolutely impossible to join the Akatsuki organization now.

  In the original book, Loquat Tozo also joined the Akatsuki organization, or partnered with Uchiha Itachi, but he died before the plot started, and it is impossible to join the Akatsuki organization now.

  Now the people who joined Xiao's organization are Orochimaru, Jiaodu, and Chisha Zhiscorpion, and there is no one other than them.

  "I'll look for people."

  Obito left a message to Nagato. In fact, finding someone to join the Akatsuki organization was a headache for Obito, and it was difficult to find a suitable candidate.

  Weak people, Obito basically do not consider, the purpose of Xiao organization is to capture tailed beasts, those weak people have no help in catching tailed beasts, and even their existence will expose Xiao organization.

  After Obito left, Nagato fell into deep thought.

  "Is he really Madara Uchiha?"

  Because the masked man told him that he personally rescued him from Uchiha Liufeng's hands.

  With such strength, it is very likely that it is really Uchiha Madara.

  This time, it made Nagato somewhat believe in the identity of 'Uchiha Madara'.

  If Nagato knew that Obito said that he rescued him from Liu Feng's hands, he was exchanged for something, I don't know how he would feel.


  in the system space.

  "Good luck this time."

  Liu Feng looked at the character projection that was drawn. This time, luck was indeed very good, because the character projection of the Six Path Immortal Otsutsuki Yuyi was drawn.

  "Do you want to challenge?" Xiaomeng asked Liu Feng.

  "Of course I have to challenge. If I don't challenge, what can I do with the projection of Otsutsuki Yui." Of course Liu Feng chose to challenge.

  Enter the trial space directly, and the bored Xiaomeng also enters the trial space to watch the battle.

  Liu Feng looked at the old figure in the space, holding a six-path immortal tin staff, and possessed a terrifying chakra in his body.

  It wasn't that Kaguya Otsutsuki was just sealed, but Yui Otsutsuki in his youth should be Yui Otsutsuki at his peak.

  As an ordinary ninja, the older you are, the worse your combat effectiveness will be. As your body ages, your combat effectiveness will inevitably weaken.

  But with the existence of the Sixth Path level, you can't just look at the appearance, Liu Feng can feel the terrifying vitality contained in the opponent's body.

  The immortal tin stick formed by Qiu Daoyu smashed towards Liu Feng's head.

  "The old man is really ruthless."

  A knife appeared in Liu Feng's hand, blocking the attack of the tin stick of the immortal Otsutsuki Yuyi. The tin stick of the immortal was transformed as a jade of seeking the Tao, and naturally it had all the properties of the jade of seeking the Tao.

  If it is an ordinary weapon, of course it can't stop it, so the knife in Liu Feng's hand is also formed by Qiu Daoyu.

  Concentrating all his strength on his right hand, he directly knocked Otsutsuki Yui out.

  "Eighty Gods Air Strike."

  Countless fists smashed towards Otsutsuki Yui, and the complete body Susanoo that Otsutsuki Yui had just used was smashed by Liu Feng's fist.

  Otsutsuki Yui will also be Susanoo, and his Susanoo is very large, comparable to ten tails......


  Liu Feng looked at the place of attack, and the figure of Otsutsuki Yui had completely disappeared.

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