Liu Feng used Huangquan Hirazaka to open the space channel and returned directly to the village of Kirin.

  "Yacang, next, you will gather some gentes who have not graduated long ago. We will also take the Chunin exam in Konoha Village this time."

  Wu Ninja Village has never participated in the Chunin exams held by other villages in the past, but this time I will definitely take it.

  "Okay, I'll go call it right away." Ye Cang knew that after he came back, he wouldn't be able to relax.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng returned home, looked at Hinata who was training in the yard, came over and asked Hinata to stop, and then touched Hinata's smooth hair.

  "Do you want to go to Konoha Village, Hinata?"

  Liu Feng asked Hinata.

  "Are you going to take Hinata to Konoha Village? Are you going to send Hinata back to the Hinata clan?" Kushina looked at Liu Feng with dissatisfaction.

  Hinata is also a little nervous, do you really want to send him back?If it was when he first came to Wunin Village, Hinata would of course want to go back, but now Hinata has become accustomed to staying in Wunin Village and has made it his home.

  "Brother Liu Feng is going to abandon me?" Hinata raised her head and looked at Liu Feng, tears welling in her eyes.

  "What are you thinking, Hinata, I don't mean to abandon you, I just want to ask you if you want to go to Konoha to see, if you don't want to go, forget it."

  Liu Feng smiled and pinched Hinata's little face. Even if Hinata wanted to go back, Liu Feng was still reluctant.

  Raised Hinata like a daughter, how could he be willing to send it back to Hinata Hizu, not to mention the guy who had a bad attitude towards Hinata.

  "Then, then I'll go to Konoha Village to have a look."

  Hinata finally nodded.

  "Lord Liufeng, I'm going too, can you take me with you?"

  The red-haired woman with glasses jumped into Liu Feng's arms instantly, holding Liu Feng with a little light in her eyes.

  Uzumaki Xianglin, Kushina's disciple, if according to the trajectory in the original book, Uzumaki Xianglin must be the grass ninja village, but now the vortex Xianglin was born in the vortex family of the fog ninja village.

  Because of his good talent, he was brought by Kushina to teach him, but Kushina now regrets teaching Xianglin, because this is a nymphomaniac, and after seeing Liu Feng, he becomes a nympho.


  Kushina punched the top of Xianglin's head, and Xianglin instantly fainted.

  "Is it okay?" Liu Feng's mouth twitched, and then asked Kushina.

  "It's okay, I have already controlled the limit of this nympho, this kind of power will be fine." Kushina's business is very skilled, obviously this is not the first time.

  "Kushina, there won't be any problems with Xianglin's head if it goes on like this?" Mikoto couldn't help asking.

  "Probably not." Kushina scratched her head, she wasn't sure if there would be a problem.

  "Tsunade, hurry up and check it out."

  Although he was ruthless when he attacked, Jiu Xinnai still attached great importance to this disciple. The Maelstrom Clan finally found a talented seedling, so don't be fooled by yourself.

  "It's okay, it's just that I passed out, but Kushina, be careful when you use force in the future." Tsunade reminded Kushina after checking.

  "Liu Feng, you are going to Konoha Village with Hinata, what are you going to do?" Mikoto looked at Liu Feng in confusion.

  If nothing happened, Liu Feng probably wouldn't have the heart to go to Konoha Village.

  "Let's go to the show. A good show is about to be staged in Konoha Village. I want to see how far this show will evolve."

  This time it will definitely not be the same as in the original work. The character of Naruto Uzumaki, the protagonist, has undergone such a big change, which will definitely cause great changes in the plot.

  "I'll go with me too."

  Kushina grabbed Liu Feng's arm with an expression like you don't want to leave me.

  "I won't stop you if you want to go. As for holding on to me?"

  Liu Feng twitched his arm, and found that Kushina was holding it so tightly that he couldn't open it at all.

  "Are you interested in going to Konoha Village?"

  This time, Liu Feng's main focus was to look at Tsunade. I wonder if Tsunade is interested in stepping into Konoha Village again.

  "I remember that I was a rebel of Konoha Village. What are you going to do in Konoha Village now?" Tsunade pouted and said.

  For Tsunade, Konoha Village is a sad place, so Tsunade does not plan to go to Konoha Village, Mikoto chooses to stay with Tsunade, and if Terumi Mei, Liu Feng does not plan to take her.

  The matter of the Kirin Village still needs to be handled by Terumi Mei, and Ye Cang himself can't handle all the affairs of the Kirin Village, so Terumi Mei should stay.

  Xiaonan chose to follow Liu Feng to Muye Village, which surprised Liu Feng. Xiao Nan's character can be said to be a house girl, and basically she would not even step out of the Uchiha clan. Leaf Village.

  However, Xiao Nan wanted to go, and Liu Feng would not refuse. In the end, he took Kushina, Xiao Nan, and Hinata, and some newly graduated Mist Ninja Murakami to Konoha Village.

  As for the fact that Mist Ninja Village also participated in this Konoha Village Chunin Exam, the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi also knew about it. He always felt that Uchiha Liufeng had an impure purpose, and it was probably for Naruto Uzumaki. .


  PS: Ask for subscriptions, flowers, and evaluation tickets! .

Chapter 214

  Wu Ninja Village also came to take the Chunin exam, and Sarutobi Hizan wanted to refuse in his heart, but unfortunately he couldn't refuse. After discussing with the senior officials of Konoha, he decided to entertain Uchiha Liufeng.

  As for what purpose Uchiha Liufeng has, he can only use soldiers to block water and earth.

  The other Shinobi villagers have also arrived at Konoha Village. Sand Shinobi Village and those small Shinobi villages have all come to Konoha Village to take the Chunin exam.

  As for Rock Ninja Village and Yun Ninja Village, they will definitely not participate.

  "Hinata, do you want to go to the Hyuga clan?"

  After arriving at Konoha Village, Liu Feng asked Hinata.

  Hinata was a little hesitant to hear this, and went to the Hyuga clan. Does her father still know her?And at this time, Hinata felt a little uneasy.

  "If you are afraid, let Kushina go with you." Liu Feng probably saw Hinata's mood, so she said to Hinata.

  "Yes, I'll take you with me." Kushina nodded.

  "Alright then, thank you, Sister Kushina."

  Hinata agreed with some joy, and then Kushina took Hinata to the Hinata clan, and Liu Feng naturally brought these xiamen from Wujin Village into the place arranged by Konoha Village.

  "Xiao Nan, do you want to take a stroll in Muye Village?" Liu Feng asked Xiao Nan.

  "Forget it, I think Konoha Village is not as prosperous as Wu Ninja Village."

  Before, I always heard how good Konoha Village is, but when I came here, I realized that it is not as good as Mist Ninja Village.

  Liu Feng laughed when he heard the words. If it was in the original book, Wu Nin Village would definitely not be able to compare with Konoha Village, but now Wu Nin Village has experienced Liu Feng's development.

  With a huge amount of capital invested, Wu Nin Village is of course much stronger than Konoha Village.

  "Let's go, it's boring to stay here." Liu Feng pulled Xiao Nan directly. Xiao Nan, who was pulled up by Liu Feng, blushed slightly, but did not refuse.

  Liu Feng's activities in Konoha Village will naturally attract the attention of Hiruzen Sarutobi. Although Hiruzen Sarutobi does not dare to monitor aboveboard, he will also deliberately understand Liu Feng's information.

  "I didn't deliberately approach Naruto Uzumaki, it's okay."

  Knowing that Liu Feng did not go to contact Naruto Uzumaki on purpose, Hizan Sarutobi relaxed.

  What he was most worried about was the Nine-Tails Zhuli, and what he was most afraid of was that Liu Feng stared at the Nine-Tails Zhuli and snatched the Nine-Tails Zhuli from Konoha Village.

  Now that the Konoha Village is in decline, the Nine-tailed Man Zhuli is an indispensable weapon in the Konoha Village. If Uchiha Ryufeng covets the Nine-tailed Man Zhuli, Sarutobi Hiizan really doesn't know whether to turn against Uchiha Ryufeng.

  "Uzumaki Kushina took a little girl to the Hinata clan. The little girl is suspected of being Hinata Hinata who was taken away by Yun Ren many years ago."

  Sarutobi Hizan paid attention to another piece of information.

  At that time, Hinata Hinata was taken away by Yun Ren, although Yun Ren did not admit it at the time, but they did the thing. I didn't expect Hinata Hinata to follow Uchiha Liufeng now.

  Not knowing the internal situation, Hiruzen Sarutobi was not interested in paying more attention. What he is most concerned about now is Naruto Uzumaki.

  At this time, Naruto Uzumaki was practicing, practicing the technique of multiple shadow clones and spiral pills, and the strength of the nine-tailed man's pillar force had begun to become stronger, and Sarutobi Hizen didn't know how to treat Naruto Uzumaki.

  It is said that getting stronger is a good thing, but considering the instability of Naruto Uzumaki, it may not be a good thing for him to become stronger.

  The more Sarutobi Hizan thought about it, the more headaches he had.

  The main one is Uchiha Liufeng. If there is no Uchiha Liufeng blending, if he doesn't contact Uzumaki Naruto, this nine-tailed person's pillar power is still very good.

  Even if Naruto Uzumaki has grievances against Konoha Village, at the critical moment Sarutobi Hiizan is sure to eliminate his grievances.

  But that was before, not necessarily now.

  Sarutobi Hizan's sadness Liufeng didn't know, at this time Liufeng took Xiaonan around Konoha Village and returned to the resting place that Konoha Village had prepared for them.

  And Kushina also came back with Hinata, and Hyuga Hizu also came here.

  After seeing Liu Feng, Hyuga Hizu behaved very badly, and couldn't help but snorted after seeing Liu Feng.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, I need you to give me an explanation." Hyuga Hizu came to ask Liufeng Xingshi to ask the guilt.

  "You should go to Yun Ren instead of me, or do you think I am easier to bully than Yun Ren?"

  Liu Feng said flatly in the face of the menacing Hyuga Hizu.

  explain to you?It would be nice if I could give you face. You still want to ask me for an explanation. What explanation do you want?

  Liu Feng's words made Hyuga's face flush with anger, but he was helpless in the face of Liu Feng. What could he do? Could he have a fight with Uchiha Liu Feng?

  In fact, Hyuga Hizu wanted to do this, but the point was that he couldn't beat Uchiha Liufeng at all.

  If you really want to fight with Uchiha Liufeng, that would be self-inflicted humiliation. Thinking of this, Hyuga Hizu held back.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "Okay, I don't have to trouble you about this, but Hinata must return to the Hyuga clan."

  After holding back the anger in his heart, Hinata made a condition.

  "You're dreaming, believe it or not, I'll blow your dog's head with one punch." Kushina said while clenching her fists, the vague threat made Hyuga's face turn ashen.

  Looking at Hyuga Hizu's face that was white and then blue for a while, Liu Feng suddenly laughed. It's not easy for a stern face to have so many changes in expression.

  "Kushina, you also heard what you said, but I am not unreasonable. If Hinata is willing to stay in the Hinata family, I will also let Hinata return to the Hinata family."

  Liu Feng said flatly to Hyuga Hizu.

  Hinata was a little frustrated. If Hinata was willing to return to the Hinata clan, he would not come here to find Liu Feng. The key is that Hinata refused.

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