He is already old, and there is not even a pillar in Konoha Village, and he urgently needs to come back.

  After that, Jiraiya left the Hokage office and went to see Naruto according to the address that Sarutobi Hijian gave him.

  When he came to the place where Naruto lived, Jiraiya had a complicated expression and was also a little annoyed. He didn't expect his teacher to arrange Naruto in such a bad place.

  Very old house, no one else around, only Naruto lives in this place alone.

  Boom boom boom! ! !

  Jiraiya knocked on the door, and after a while, the door was opened, and Naruto raised his head and stared at Jiraiya with no emotion on his face.

  "You came to find me?"

  Looking at those eyes that made him feel a little cold, Zilai also opened his mouth, and then he didn't know what to say.

  Looking at the room, he could see that Naruto was not doing well right now from the tattered furniture and the shabby room.

  Jiraiya is a relatively optimistic person, but now he is really not optimistic. Naruto's situation seems to be more serious than he imagined.

  "Hahaha, your name is Naruto, right? How about letting me be your teacher during this time? I am the famous toad fairy."

  Bang~! ! !

  A string of crows flew over the head of Jiraiya who was posing, and was turned away. Naruto Uzumaki closed the door directly, probably treating him as a fool.

  Jirai also gave a wry smile. It seemed that he had to find a way to chat with Naruto. He could see that there was hatred in Naruto's eyes when facing anyone.

  "Master, is this how you take care of Naruto?"

  Jirai also felt very sad. Minato used his life to protect Konoha Village, but his children lived in the most dilapidated house.

  "Do you want to change Naruto? It's too late."

  Liu Feng's eyes were deep at this time, and Jirai also went to Naruto. He saw that the entire Konoha Village could not escape Liu Feng's observation. As long as Liu Feng thought about it, everyone in Konoha Village would know everything Liu Feng was doing. Clearly.

  Now Liu Feng is also very concerned about Naruto, mainly because he wants to know what Naruto does.

  After knowing his identity, he didn't go to Sarutobi Hizan to make a fuss, but it was more like a prelude to the storm.

  "What would happen if Naruto Uzumaki also became a traitor?"

  Liu Feng is looking forward to seeing it, and it is not impossible for Uzumaki Naruto to become a rebel, and it is even a certainty.

  Jiraiya does have his own charisma, but he can't change Naruto's hatred for Konoha Village now.

  The hatred that has accumulated for more than ten years is not so easy to resolve, especially when Liu Feng told Naruto Uzumaki about his life experience, which was the trigger to detonate him.

  "What are you calculating?"

  Kushina came to Liu Feng's side, and then leaned on Liu Feng's body and asked him.

  "I didn't calculate anything, what can I calculate." Liu Feng said with a chuckle.

  "Hmph, liar, I saw your eyes light up just now."

  Kushina snorted softly, and thumped Liu Feng with her small fist.

  "Are you going to kill me?" Liu Feng covered his heart, looking like he was seriously injured.

  "I don't know how to pretend, I didn't exert any strength at all." Jiuxinai rolled her eyes at Liu Feng, not to mention that she didn't exert any force, even if she exerted force, it would not hurt Liu Feng.

  "Tell me, what are you trying to calculate? Is it a plan to destroy Konoha Village?" Kushina got excited as she spoke.

  "You think too much, do I still need a plan to destroy Konoha Village?"

  If Liu Feng wanted to destroy Konoha Village, it would be fine to just push it down, and there was no need for any plan at all, so Kushina was thinking too much.

  "Forget it, don't ask."

  Kushina gave up directly.

  "It's a little bit different from you to give up so easily." Liu Feng said in surprise, looking at Kushina who gave up and didn't ask.

  "If I don't give up, can you tell me?" Jiuxinai rolled her eyes at Liu Feng, and then asked Liu Feng.

  Even if I continue to ask questions, you will definitely not tell me. If so, what else am I asking, it will be a waste of effort to continue to ask anyway.

  Boom boom boom!

  "Someone is knocking on the door, go and open it."

  Liu Feng said to Kushina.

  Kushina rolled her eyes at Liu Feng, then went to open the door. After opening the door, she saw a small, white-eyed loli standing outside the door.

  "Are you from the Hinata clan? What are you doing here?"

  Looking at those white eyes, Kushina knew that she was from the Hinata clan.

  "Her name is Hinata Hana, the second daughter of Hinata Hizu, Hinata's younger sister." Although Liu Feng didn't look back, she knew the identity of the other party.

  Hua Huo stared at Liu Feng with wide eyes, how did he know, did he investigate himself?

  Thinking of this, Hanahuo became vigilant to Liufeng, and at the same time looked at the room, as if he was looking for something.

  "You want to find your sister Hinata, right? She's not here now." Liu Feng turned around and said to Hana.

  The Hinata Hanakai came here, definitely looking for Hinata, but Hinata went out with Xiaonan and is not here now.

  "It turns out to be Hinata's younger sister. Hyuga Hizu has a dead face all day long, but his daughter is quite good-looking. Do you want to follow her sister to Wunin Village?"

  Kushina squatted down and asked while pinching Hana's small face.

  Fireworks wanted to resist, but couldn't break free, Kushina didn't think, how could fireworks break free.

  "Don't be so repulsive to me, I don't have any ill will towards you." Kushina wiped the silky smooth hair of Hua Huo, and thought Hua Huo more and more cute.

  "Hurry up and let her go. When you don't see her looking at you, it seems like she's looking at the big bad wolf." Liu Feng said to Jiuxinai.

  "How is that possible, Hua Huo, you should like me very much, right?" Kushina turned around and glared at Liu Feng, then asked while touching Hua Huo's small head.

  "No, I hate you very much." Hua Huo said with disgust.

  Then he finally escaped from Kushina who was caught in the petrification, and then hid directly behind Liu Feng.

  I thought Liu Feng might be dangerous, but now it seems that this red-haired woman is dangerous.

  "You see it, Kushina." Liu Feng smiled happily, but the happier Liu Feng smiled, the angrier Kushina became.

  "Hmph, is this little devil at all really Hinata's sister? I'm a little suspicious now."

  Kushina snorted coldly, originally looking at Hinata Hana very cute, but now Kushina has changed, since she said she hated herself, in Kushina's heart, Hinata Hana is a hateful little devil.


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Chapter 217

  Looking at the angry Kushina, Liu Feng thought it was a little funny, Kushina really didn't grow up, so she was angry with a child.

  "Hyuga Hizu actually allowed you to come here?"

  Liu Feng looked down at Hinata Hana, that guy Hyuga Hizu should be very strict with his daughter, and it is absolutely impossible for his daughter to run around.

  Especially coming here, in Hyuga Hizu's heart, he should be a dangerous person.

  So Hinata Hana will appear here, she should have sneaked here.

  "Don't tell your father, I sneaked out, I want to see my sister."

  Hinata Hana quickly said to Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng's guess was correct, Hyuga Hana really sneaked out, and looking at her appearance, she was very afraid of Hyuga Hizu, it seemed that Hyuga Hizu was really strict with her.

  Kushina looked at Hanahan's scared expression, her eyes lit up slightly, and a wicked smile appeared on her face.

  "Hmph, I'll tell your father the news of you sneaking here right away. I don't know how Hyuga Hizu will punish you?" Kushina made a gesture and went out.

  However, Kushina's actions frightened Hana, and immediately ran over to stand in front of Kushina, looking at Kushina with tears in her eyes.

  "Do you think I'll be soft-hearted?" Kushina glanced at Hana and said disdainfully.

  Although he said so, but seeing Hana's tearful appearance, Kushina's heart really softened.

  "Don't tell my father if it's okay, he will punish me."

  Thinking of her father's punishment, Hua Huo wanted to cry. Since she was sensible, her father has been very strict with her, and he has never relaxed in terms of etiquette or cultivation.

  "Forget it, I'm joking with you, just let you go."

  Kushina looked at the fireworks whose tears were about to fall, and her heart softened.

  The main reason is that Hana is more cute and cute. If it is changed to someone who is not cute, Kushina will not even pay attention to it.

  "Your father probably already knows, little girl, wait until you go back and be taught a lesson."

  Liu Feng put his hand on the top of Hana's head and rubbed it. At this time, Hyuga Hizu must have known that Hana was sneaking away.

  Hua Huo shivered and felt very uneasy in her heart. She was really afraid of her father's reprimand.

  "Your sister is back..." Liu Feng looked outside.

  Xiaonan had already returned with Hinata, and Hinata was stunned when she saw the fireworks.

  "Sister." Hana didn't care whether this older sister was a stranger or not, and rushed towards Hinata.

  Hinata hasn't reacted yet. This is the first time Hinata has seen her sister Hana. When Yun Ren took it away, Hana was not born yet.

  When I went to the Hinata clan before, I didn't see the fireworks, so Hinata was a little unfamiliar.

  "Are you really my sister?" Hinata asked Hana with her head down after she regained her senses.

  "Of course, can this be fake? When I saw you, I knew you were definitely my sister." Hua Huo said to Hinata seriously.

  "Hehe, then you are really a god."

  Kushina crouched down and pinched Hana's small face.

  Once again, this hateful woman pinched her little face. This time, Hua Huo did not resist. In fact, Hua Huo also struggled, but she couldn't break free.

  Kushina felt a little addicted while pinching Hana's face, and asked Hana again, "Do you want to follow me to Kirin Village, and you can see your sister at any time."

  "Kushina, you don't really want to abduct this little girl to Wu Nin Village, so Hyuga Hizu will definitely fight with me."

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